
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.

K: Well, y’all seemed to like the first chapter annnnnnnnd loved to hate on Jasper! (NGL, I loved that we got reviews saying he’s an asshole, cause well he was… js)

Robs: yay! It's Alice's turn, thank you so much for the great response to this story! Hope you like ;)
Special thanks to Amber for being awesome and betaing this for us.


“Mr. Jensen, I don’t care if the other customer was Marilyn Monroe back from the dead, I paid good money for the silk for those bridesmaid dresses and I will have it, or not only will I no longer support your company in my reviews, I will also contact the Better Business Bureau.” I paused letting him finally say something in response.

Britney Spears ordered the very same silk as I had and he wanted to either up the price on me or give it to her. I think not.

“Miss Cullen, no need to threaten such things,” he began.

“That wasn’t a threat. I fully intend on following through. The wedding the fabric is required for next week, you better be glad that the dress maker we have is devoted to this project and extremely quick, I have been waiting on this fabric for the last six months and I will be damned if I have to settle.” I told him in a stern voice, I was doing my best to remain calm, but in reality I wanted to lose my shit on him.

“Yes, Miss Cullen I understand, and it will be ready in an hour for pick up.” I smiled at his defeated tone.

“Thank you very much.” I chirped then promptly hung up on him, dropping my phone into my purse as I continued down the avenue, dancing a little to Green Day as it pumped through my car speakers.

My name is Alice Cullen, fashion consultant and critic by day, dancer by night and no, I do not mean the erotic kind, although I did take striptease classes at the local gym to get back in shape.

I pulled into the spot next to a meter and after putting a few quarters in, I ran into the tux shop to pick up my brother’s tuxes.

How am I the one doing these things and not the best man? Well, the best man is apparently flying in from out of town and won't be in for another couple of days. He paid for his tux, as had my brother and my best friend’s brother, online and I just happened to turn into the errand girl. Thankfully my boss was really lenient and I knew how to get my way with most of these dealers.

I walked into the store and breathed in deeply, I love the smell of new clothes and shoes, best smell in the world if you ask me. I didn’t even have to walk all the way to the counter, one of the gentlemen I had been working with met me part way, explaining that he already had everything ready and waiting for me. He handed me all three tuxes with the receipts. I thanked him and left the store, carefully piling the suits in my tiny back seat and then carrying the receipts with me to look them over before I left.

Emmett’s order looked pretty much perfect and so did Edward’s; they had thrown in a complimentary handkerchief for him because it was his big day, which I thought was a very nice touch. Then I looked at the last order and nearly dropped it when I saw the name.

Jasper Whitlock.

Oh-my-fucking-god. This has to be someone’s idea of a sick joke. I pulled my phone out of my purse and called my older brother.

“Yes Alice?” Came my brother’s voice from the speaker.

“Who’s your best man Edward?” I asked him quickly, noticing the panic in my voice.

“Come on Ali, I know you guys have history, but he’s been one of my best friends since I was nine… and I mean you two used to be pretty tight too… remember?”

“Yeah Ed, we were tight. Only because he wanted to pork me really bad after I got tits.”

“Wow, Ali, Jazz is not that much of a dick.” He defended his best friend as I sighed in defeat.

“Yeah,” I agreed half-heartedly. I couldn’t help being bitter about everything that happened, but I knew better than to argue with my brother. Those boys were close, almost like brothers, despite their penchant for boning each other’s sisters. They even unintenionally went into the same career field, my brother was a Special Investigator for the police department, Emmett was a motorcycle cop and Jasper became a Forensics Investigator.

They were so close, they even made their respective younger sisters close. Rose, Bella and I were now the best of friends, but I never would have even spoken to them if it hadn’t been for those three. Of course, I was the only one who ended up really hurt by everything, Rosalie ended up marrying Emmett, and as of next week Bella would be officially my sister-in-law.

“Listen Ali… I gotta go pick him up from the airport, then I’m taking him to the Hales. I’ll pick up the tuxes after that, okay? I know you have a date with Garrett tonight, so just relax and have fun. Jazz promises to be on his best behavior while he’s here, it’ll be like back in the day… okay? You two used to live around each other just fine without much interaction.” He reasoned.

I hung up with my brother and sat in my car, slumped forward with my forehead pressed against the steering wheel. I couldn’t believe we were in this predicament. I was deathly afraid of what he would think of me, of him finding everything out, basically of him in general.

According to Rose, he had found himself some little white trash whore to spend his lonely nights with. Of course he had. I remember the three of us, Bella included, making fun of Jasper’s choices in women after me and Rosalie says that he really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this last one. I tried very hard to be happy for him. Still trying. I swear, it’s just hard.

Maybe my brother was right; Jasper and I had spent a lot of time together before without much interaction. Little did he know, but from day one I was pretty much obsessed with Jasper. God I was such a fool.

*~*~*June 16th 1993*~*~*

Mommy told me to go play with Edward, Emmett and Rosalie, but it always seemed like Edward didn’t want me to play with them. It’s not my fault the only person close to my age was Emmett’s little sister and she had to move far away with her mommy last year. Or Seth, but his mommy got into a fight with mine and told us we couldn’t play together anymore.

The bigger kids rode their bikes away from me, and even though I tried to keep up and stuff, I still ended up falling down and hurting my knee.

That’s how I met Jasper, Rosalie’s new brother. He’s really pretty, like Rosalie, except for he’s not pretty ‘cause he’s a boy. So he’s handsome, but I don’t like that word. It’s a dumb word. He has the same hair as Rosalie, blond with curls. His eyes are lighter though, really, really light blue almost white. They are pretty; I couldn’t stop looking at them. I know it’s not polite to stare, at least mommy is always telling me so, but I couldn’t help it. I had never seen eyes like his before.

Then he sat me on the porch where Rosalie lived and took care of my knee while he talked to me. His voice sounded funny, no one else around here talked like him and I told him so. Then he told me that he talked fine and we all talked funny. And well, that made me think… How can we all be talking funny if we all sound the same?

He was really nice too, he didn’t complain about me falling like Edward did. I liked that about him, something inside me told me we were going to be friends.

“Yer cute,” I told him, suddenly feeling very shy.

“Thanks darlin', you’re pretty cute too.” He told me, giving me the most beautiful half smile I had ever seen. Everything in my tummy spun a zillion times and I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. So this is what they are always talking about. Love. I’m in love. I was gonna tell him and maybe even hold his hand, but then Rosalie and the boys came back.

I felt a little jealous when Jasper said he wanted to play baseball with my brother and Emmett. I wanted Jasper to stay and be my friend. I grabbed his hand and felt a tingling sensation, like my hand had fallen asleep only better and he turned to face me.

“Jazz-purr?” I whispered out and he crouched down so he was eye level with me.

“Yeah Ali Cat?”

“I'm gonna marry you someday.” I whispered to him honestly, hoping he’d decide to stay. He nodded, making my heart thud wildly when he smiled at me again.

“Sure.” He whispered back and kissed me on my cheek. He loves me too! I squealed in my head. “Let me know if that hurts later okay?” He pointed at my knee.

“Okay,” I whispered, not sure what else to say because he was gonna go play with the boys and that made me sad.

1 comment:

  1. shah... such a lovely memory after a painful fear for Alice to have to face... keep up the good work, pets...
