
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chapter 6

Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.

K: Keep an eye out on both the Alsper blog and here; we’ll be posting a time line that will be filled in so y’all aren’t too confused!

Robs: so here it is another Alice chapter, I hope it gives you some insight on her ;) and well you get to see the other girls too. Thank you to all our readers y'all really inspire us!



“Hey Char?” Charlotte’s big brown eyes looked up at me from where she was pinning the calf length hem of my Maid of Honor dress.

“Yeah Ali?” She was the only one of Jasper’s friends that truly became mine after he left. She was awesome and probably one of my biggest supporters.

“Do you think…” I paused for a second as she continued fixing the hem. We were cutting it close and I knew it, thank God for Charlotte, “marrying Garrett is the right thing?”

“Does he make you happy?” she asked from somewhere behind me.

“Yeah,” I responded rather lamely.

“Then I say, do what makes you happy.” She smiled up at me as she made her way back around me. I love how quick this lady does things. I was going to add something, but Rosalie interrupted us.

“Hey Ali do you think Bella would be pissed if I rolled down the aisle?” She wrinkled her nose at her reflection and the simple dress that had yet to be hemmed.

I rolled my eyes at her in the mirror, “Shut up… you are a beautiful, glowing pregnant woman.”

“And only you get to tell me that,” she informed me, smiling.

I grinned like a fool back, “Yeah.”

“So... You really think my brother looks like a hippie?” She asked me, turning this way and that looking at herself in the mirror.

“Your brother?” Charlotte asked, clearly shocked.

I shifted uncomfortably in my spot, “Yeah, Jasper's back Char.” Rose made some comment under her breath about him coming back for Ed, but not her, his own family.

“Holy fuck... call Peter and tell him to make sure Porky hasn't suddenly sprouted wings?” Porky was their pet Pot Belly Pig. I couldn’t help but laugh at the comment; she was just as shocked by Jasper’s arrival as we all were.

Rosalie joined in on our laughter, “Or call Satan to make sure Hell hasn't frozen over.” That made me laugh even harder, trying desperately not to poke myself with one of the hundreds of pins that Charlotte placed to hold the hem the right way.

After we all calmed down Charlotte finally asked, “Are you okay with the fact he's back?”

“Why shouldn't I be?” I shrugged as Rosalie moved to sit in a chair.

“Gee I don't know... he has a way of making you get so wrapped up in him that it crushes your heart when he freaks out?” She gave me a rather pointed look making me look down at my feet. She had a point there.

“Is that why you're questioning Garrett, Ali?” Charlotte asked, knowing my past with Jasper, and the way I dealt with things whenever a Jasper related kink got thrown into the mix.

“What about Garrett?” Bella asked, poking her head out of the dressing room door and looking at us. “By the way Alice, you were right; this dress makes the girls look bigger.”

“I'm always right,” I told her, grinning.

“Ali wants to know if marrying Garrett is the right thing.” Charlotte answered for me.

“Traitor,” I scowled at her.

“Wait, what? When did this happen?” Rosalie asked, obviously confused about me and Garrett getting married.

Bella came out of the dressing room in her beautiful gown. Oh my Lord, Charlotte really can work wonders, I thought as I looked at it. “She can't wait forever you know?” Bella shrugged at her sister-in-law.

“Garrett asked me two night ago Rosie, don't tell the guys though... don't want it getting back to everyone till we announce it,” I explained to Rosalie.

“The night Jazz got to town, Garrett suddenly wants more of a commitment?” Rose asked, and Bella shot her a warning look. What the fuck is that about?

I shrugged, “Yeah.”

“Oh don't give me that look Bella, ya'll are thinkin' it too.” Rosalie chastised Bella and Bella smacked her lightly on the arm.

“I, for one, am happy for Alice. Garrett love her and she loves him.” She smiled warmly at me, I smiled back.

“Rosie?” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

“If you want to clean up after a man for the rest of your natural life, go for it,” she smiled knowingly. I knew she still held some kind of hope in her heart that Jasper and I would end up together, so tossing things like that at me was only a reflex response. “You know I want you happy Alice.”

“Well maybe Alice will get lucky and Garrett will be anal about cleanliness...” Bella laughed, trying to be Miss Optimism.

“Nope, that's only Edward dear. He's the only anal man,” Rose snickered as Bella blushed. What the hell was she talking about? Edward could barely figure out how to open the dishwasher back in the day, when had he turned into a neat freak?

“What are you two hookers not tellin’ me?” I asked, but Charlotte interrupted me by having me take off the dress and asking Rose to come up on the podium next as she laid the dress carefully next to one of her many sewing machines.

Rosalie laughed at my question as she pushed herself out of the chair and climbed up on to the podium. “Well it seems that the fair Swan is no longer a virgin in any form,” she smirked at her sister-in-law, making Bella turn even redder. Wait, Bella hadn’t been a virgin for awhile…

After pulling my sweats on I gave her an eyebrow, “Bella?” she chewed her lip and shrugged in response. Oh my God they hadn’t! “That is rather disturbing…” I informed her as I sat down in the chair Rosalie had recently vacated.

Bella laughed, “That's why I didn't tell you... ‘cause, I mean it is Edward and all. Fucking hell Hale you have a big mouth.”

Rosalie smirked, “It's Hale-Swan get it right sis.” She stuck her tongue out at Bella playfully.

I laughed at them, “Aw, I wish we could all be related too!”

My comment seemed to bother Bella and Rosalie a little bit and they exchanged a look. Bella hugged me around the shoulders. “We are silly ‘cause I'm going to be your sister, which makes Em your brother, so you get Rose by default.” She grinned at me.

“Screw you cow. If anything, she's getting Emmett by default.” Rosalie responded making me laugh once again.

“Can I just ask something Rosie?”

“Of course Ali”

“When did Jasper become such a man-whore?” I asked her timidly, it was something I had been wondering for awhile now.

She began fidgeting with her wedding band which she had hanging from a chain around her neck, “Um, I don't know that he is Ali. I think he's just trying to find himself?”

I raised a speculative eyebrow at that, “Between some chicks thighs?” I asked sardonically.

“Did you expect him to >not be with someone?” She asked me, raising her own well groomed eyebrow.

I sighed as I pulled my feet up in front of me on the chair, “I don't even know what I did wrong…”

“Who said you did something wrong? We all know Jazz was a little off.” Bella shrugged.

“I'm sure it wasn't you Alice. Just trust me ‘kay?” Rosalie tried to reassure me.

I sighed again, laying my cheek on my knees, “I mean, he seemed so happy at prom…”

*~*~*~*April 22nd 2005*~*~*~*

I sized myself up in the mirrors on my closet door. I have to say, I look pretty damn good.

Prom dress that shows off my legs, shoulders and cleavage I know Jasper loves so much, two hundred fifty nine dollars. Six inch platform heels to make me tall enough to dance with my beloved properly, one hundred twenty five dollars. Hotel room at the plush hotel where prom is being held, four hundred seventy five dollars. The look on Jasper’s face when he sees me in nothing but the new lace panties I bought, priceless.

I heard a knock and looked up to see Edward standing there, looking all spiffy in his suit. I smiled at him. “You look nice.”

“You look beautiful,” he kissed the top of my head as I smiled back at him in the mirror. “So, how long are you and Jazz gonna pretend that you aren’t together around me?”

I gaped at him, “Um… I dunno, please don’t kick Jasper’s ass...” I pleaded with my big brother who laughed at me.

“Don’t worry, I see how happy you both are together, and who am I to get in the way of that?” He smirked at me in the mirror, Bella had definitely softened him. I turned to hug him.

“Thanks Ed.”

“No problem,” he said, patting my back. “Anyway, he’s downstairs waiting for you.” I squeaked a little in spite of myself and ran down the stairs, noticing him leaning against the banister.

I slowed, trying to play it cool as I walked down the rest of the stairs, he looked up at me and smiled. “Wow... you look beautiful Ali Cat.”

I felt the heat rise to my face, “Really?”

“Of course, I'm honored to be your date.” He took my hand and kissed the back of it. I smiled stupidly and sighed, staring at him like a love-sick puppy.

“I wanna take a few pictures… is that okay with you Jazz honey?” Mom asked from beside us.

“Yes ma'am. Oh wait, I got you a corsage,” he leaned down, picking up the plastic box holding the small flower. “Rose told me blue and this was the best I could do,” he explained giving me a shy smile.

“It's beautiful NB.” I held out my wrist and he slid it on, my mother snapped pictures as he did.

“I still say you're prettier,” he told me, kissing my cheek.

My mom beamed at us, “Okay, just a few of you together and then a few of Alice alone alright?” she asked, we nodded and she began telling us where and how to stand. “Alright, thanks kids... have fun.” I waved back and led Jasper out the door.

“Night Mrs. Cullen,” Jasper waved as I pulled him out the door.

Once outside I pulled a condom and a handkerchief out of my purse and watched as a smirk crossed his face. “Much cooler than a boutonnière don't yah think?”

“Or do you just want to make the other guys jealous ‘cause you're mine,” he wrapped his arms around me loosely as I tucked the handkerchief on top of the condom in the breast pocket of his suit.

“I got us a room.”

“Good girl... I lied by the way... you're fucking hot in that dress.” He grinned down at me, biting his lip.

“If you think that's hot, you should see my panties,” I said with a wink.

“Can I have a sneak peek in the limo?” He waggled eyebrows as he walked me towards the waiting limo.

“I dunno…” I giggled, “shouldn't we wait a bit?”

He groaned, pulled me up at his side. “You're killing me Ali Cat... killing me,” he kissed me firmly.

“Fine just a few peeks... keep your hands to yourself though,” I smirked, knowing there was no way in hell he would keep his hands to himself.

“I make no promises,” he winked again.

“You are so bad…” I giggled, kissing him again.

“You like it,” he teased as he held the door open for me. I bit my lip and climbed in, being none too lady like while I made sure he could get his first sneak peek under my skirt. He gave me a rather lusty look as he followed me in.

I sat across from Jasper and watched as he closed the door. “Where to first?”

He raised an eyebrow at me, “I believe we're supposed to get Ed and Bella,” he shrugged. “I honestly don't remember ‘cause now I can't get someone's panties out of my mind,” he smirked.

“Well, considering Ed hasn’t even left the house yet… we might be waiting a while at Chief Swans…” I spread my legs a little, knowing he was looking down there.

He gave me a seductive smile, “Get over here.” I grinned and moved to sit next to him, “That's better.”

He cupped my face and kissed me gently at first, then roughly, pushing me firmly against the leather of the seat as his tongue probed my mouth. He pulled me down, laying us on the seat as we continued to kiss, one arm wrapped around me and his other hand exploring my body greedily. It slipped down the top of my strapless gown, groping me and pinching my nipple between his forefinger and thumb.

I gasped as he continued playing with my nipple and moving his mouth along my neck, his warm wet breath making my insides quiver in delight. I felt the limo begin moving making his body shift and letting his engorged member rub up against my upper thigh as he continued teasing my boob.

He moved his hand out of the top of my dress and moved down my body. “Are you excited Ali Cat?” I moaned lightly as his fingertips brushed up my thigh and nodded when I realized what he was about to do. He plunged a finger inside of me and I gripped his arm tightly, moaning as my hips bucked into his hand. I heard him mumble something into my neck, but I was too far gone to care what he said.

My mind went blissfully blank as my orgasm swept through my body and I relaxed onto the seat, removing myself from his arm so he could wipe his hand off on the handkerchief I gave him.

I knew it would come in handy.

After we picked up Edward and Bella, we were on our way to the diner to have dinner. Jasper graciously paid for my meal and then we went to the dance.

Once at the dance, we went and had the professional portraits done before making our way to the dance floor, dancing to slow songs whenever they came on and hanging out and talk to my friends. For some odd reason it seemed as if Jasper was getting sadder as the night carried on, and it concerned me. During our next slow dance I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him. “Nerdy boy…?”

“Hmm?” He looked down into my eyes.

“Are you having fun?”

He loosened his tie a little with one hand and nodded, “Are you?”

“Only because you're here, thank you for giving me my fairytale Jasper…”

He smiled affectionately. “Of course Alice,” he said before leaning down and kissing my lips softly.

“You look so hot tonight,” I complimented him, making him smirk.

“That's just cause I have the hottest chick at Forks High in my arms,” he pulled me a little closer.

“I love you NB.” I told him, but he, in response kissed my temple. What the fuck? I looked into his eyes, to see that his feelings for me hadn't changed, so I decided to try a different tactic to cheer him up. I stood up on my toes, leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “Make love to me tonight?”

When I looked back at him, he was chewing his lip and nodding, but not making eye contact. Seriously, what the fuck? I forced Jasper’s head to look in my direction, the sadness he usually kept locked up was so close to the surface. “What's wrong Jasper?”

He smiled at me, putting his mask on again. “Nothing… just thinking.”

“About what?” I pressed.

“Nothing.” He shook his head before looking over my shoulder. “Hey why don't you go dance with Angela. She looks lonely.” He nodded his head slightly in Angela‘s direction.

“You don't want to dance with me NB?” I asked, using the full power of the pout on him.

He pulled me closer still, so that our legs were intertwined as we moved in a slow and graceful circle. “I do Ali Cat.”

“You've been pulling away from me tonight.” I told him, expressing my concern.

His beautiful eyes met mine again, “I'm sorry... I didn't know I was.” I moved my hands from his hair to run my fingertips along his cheeks, making him smile at me.

“You make me happy NB.”

“Good, I'm glad I'm doing something right.” I didn’t really understand what he meant by that comment, all I knew was for the first time in six months he hadn’t done two things in a row. He hadn’t told me I love you back and he also hadn’t expressed his happiness with me either. I looked at the ground, trying to will the tears back.

“Hey,” I felt his finger lifting my chin. “You should hold you head up high you know why?”


“Because you're beautiful, in love and loved in return.” He gave me a shy little smile and I breathed a small sigh of relief, he does love me.

“Yeah, but shush... you don't want my boyfriend to find out,” I teased, winking at him.

He laughed, “I'll break his nose if he gets in the way,” he informed me, kissing me passionately.

If I had known that was going to be our last kiss, I would’ve kissing him a little longer.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chapter 5

Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.

K: Thank you for the congrats regarding my class. Glad to know y’all are cheering for me lol. Not much to say, so I hope you like Jasper’s Chapter!

Robs: Well, y'all were certainly surprised and upset that Alice said yes, but don't worry all things get explained in due time and I would just like to point out that public proposals kinds back you into a corner... of course you're gonna say yes! LOL. Thanks to the usual suspects of readers, reviewers and rav girls!

Happy Birthday Bev! You can thank her for getting this chapter early. ;)

Special thanks to Amber for betaing and loving this mess. ;)


Edward dropped me off at the familiar beige, two story house in Forks. He offered to help with my things, but I just waved him off, telling him to give Bella and his folks my love. Which left me standing here, staring at the house.

Truth be told, it wasn’t the house that made me leave, hell it wasn’t even Alice or the town and it definitely wasn’t my friends fault either. It was the lies, secrets and deception that lurked within the walls of the dwelling in front of me now.

Taking a deep breath, I started making my way to the porch. It was time to face my past, whether I was ready to or not. The department shrink said it would be good for me, but to not expect immediate results.

But isn’t it human nature to expect instant gratification? After all, the human race tends to act quite selfishly. We choose to surround ourselves with people who makes us happy; while we ridicule other’s to make ourselves feel better, yet we don't see the wrong in doing so.

I shook my head at my thoughts, sometimes I surprise myself with the way my mind wanders.

“Well it’s about time Jasper Alexander made his way back home.” I heard a female voice say tartly from ahead of me. I looked up to see my very pregnant sister smiling at me.

“You cut your hair!” I laughed, ignoring her statement. She ran her hand through her shoulder length hair.

“Yeah I did," she said with a grimace. "Do me a favor, would you? If you ever get married, don’t let your pregnant wife cut her hair. No matter how much she threatens to castrate you.” I laughed as she waddled, yes waddled, closer to me. I set my bags down and carefully put the Tuxes over the banister.

“Now give your fat sister a hug!” Rose cried, flinging herself at me. I laughed and hugged her back.

“Seriously Rose, it’s not like I haven’t seen you in five years. And by the looks of things, since I last saw you, all the work you've been doing in the past two years has at least been productive.” I teased. She just rolled her eyes and picked up the Tuxes.

“How’d it go?” She asked as she looked me over. “Jesus, did you have to look like a starving artist to see your true love for the first time in five years?”

It was my turn to roll my eyes as I picked up my bags. “Where are Greg and Brianna?” I asked as we stepped inside.

“Dad’s at work and Mom said she forgot something at the store but she should be back shortly. And Em called, said he was coming straight from his shift.” She explained as we headed up the stairs to my old room.

“Is he planning on intimidating me with his uniform?” I joked, tossing my bags on the bed. I looked around the room, it didn’t seem like it had changed much.

“Probably not Jasper, he’s just excited that you’re here.” She said as she laid the Tuxes flat on the bed. “We all missed you, you know.” She gave me a sad smile.

“And you all moved on,” I gave her a pointed look.

“Don’t fault her for that. You had Kayla, Conty and Ms. Trailer Trash to keep you company at night. At least she’s happy. Leave it at that.”

I snorted, “Yeah happy with Gene.”

“Garrett,” Rose corrected.

“Can’t I just call him Fuck Head?” I teased as I hung the Tuxes in the closet, not wanting to risk the wrath of Alice.

“No. As long as you’re still with your skank, I don’t want you making any moves on my girl. You got me?”

“I’m only here a week. I’m sure by the time I leave; I’ll once again be a fading memory to Alice.” Rose just shook her head and headed for the door.

“Keep telling yourself that Jazz. Maybe someday you’ll believe it.”

After a much needed shower and shave, I collapsed onto my old bed intending to take a nap. I knew my efforts would be futile seeing as I didn’t take my Trazodone beforehand. I just laid there listening to the voices downstairs. They all sounded happy and seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. At least until Brianna asked if I had made it back yet.

Deciding now would be a great time to make my appearance; I grabbed my glasses off the nightstand and headed towards the rest of the family.

I’m not sure what kind of reception I was expecting, but what I got was a bit unsettling. Greg was calling me ‘son’ and being joyful; while Brianna was… cordial, polite at least.

While I wasn’t surprised to see Brianna with her best friend, a glass of Southern Comfort in her hand, I was surprised that she seemed interested in the life I had created for myself in Tennessee. It may be a little odd, but for the first time I can remember, I didn’t feel like I was a burden in her eyes. Then again, it could just be my second beer making me feel like that.

Rose’s random giggles at her phone was distracting and Emmett’s side comments to her piqued my interest.

“What’s got you giggling Rose?” I asked.

“Oh apparently there’s a new hippie in town.” She said with a smirk and a mischievous glimmer in her blue eyes.

“I thought I was supposed to be taking care of getting the Riff-Raff off the streets, how do I not know him?” Emmett interjected.

Rose snorted in laughter just as Brianna left to get dessert. “Oh but Honey, you know him well. I would say he's like a brother to you.” She teased. Emmett just looked at her puzzled waiting for an explanation. I was right there with him.

She turned her attention to me. “So tell me Jazz, you still smoking the skunk weed?” She asked sweetly, causing me to choke on my beer. Greg laughed, claiming he knew I had some rebellion left in me.

Emmett, on the other hand, didn’t look amused. He raised an eyebrow at his wife. “He's the hippie?” he asked. Rose smirked as she handed her phone over to him. I watched as he looked from her to the phone, then proceeded to laugh. Not just a giggle or a chuckle, but a snort followed by his booming laughter.

“Fuck you guys,” I muttered as I finished off my drink. The one and only time I get stoned with that Jackass and it still haunts me to this day.

~*~*~*~December 29th 2001~*~*~*~

“Alright, this moping over my sister shit has got to stop.” Edward said, throwing the controller to his new Play Station 2 down. Emmett groaned as he turned off the game.

“Well, unless you have some magic potion I can use to stop being upset then you’ll just have to deal with it.” I rolled my eyes at him as I looked up at the ceiling.

“I don’t have a potion, but I do have smoke,” Emmett informed us. He and Ed were up and out the back door before I had a chance to say anything. I followed them and watched as Emmett sparked it up. He took two hits before passing it to Ed.

“So,” Emmett stated as he held the smoke in his lungs. “You gonna try my magic bro?” He asked as he exhaled.

I normally didn’t indulge in this type of activity like my two best friends seemed to enjoy. My type of drug was the kind you can buy out of the vending machines at school. Caffeine, simply the best there was, and legal at that.

“You don’t have to worry about Mom and Dad. They’re at a party, we’ll be fine.” Edward said, handing me the joint.

My eyes danced between Ed’s face and his hand. I don’t do this, this is kind of thing isn’t the smartest choice available. Sure I was upset that Alice was still doing everything in her power to not talk to me, but did I really want to get stoned? Emmett smiled widely at me as my hand reached out for the joint. What’s the worst that will happen?

Alice will be pissed! I heard my subconscious yell at me. Well if it makes her talk to me, even if it’s to call me an idiot, it’s worth it.

Two hours and two joints later, it was safe to say I was completely stoned. The three of us managed to finish off a container of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream in less than ten minutes and spent thirty minutes after the fact, laughing at Emmett as he rolled in the snow complaining of brain freeze.

“That would imply that you have one Em,” Ed managed to say through his laughter. This of course set off another round of giggles.

“Wait! Dudes! I smell a dare!” Emmett shouted suddenly, as he sprang to his feet.

“Yes!” Edward cheered.

I sat on the edge of the trampoline and watched as Emmett’s hazel eyes danced with excitement.

“Ed, we need three vases,” he gave Edward a slap on the back and Ed nodded and hurried inside. “But not Esme’s good shit because she’ll kill Jazz if he breaks them!” He called after him.

“Wait, what?” I took my glasses off to clean them on my shirt.

“I’ll explain when Eddie-boy returns.”

“Why would Esme kill me?” I asked, trying to get more information out of him. He sighed dramatically.

“Fine, Pussy.” I rolled my eyes at him, placing my glasses back on. “The dare, which you’re gonna take, is for you to juggle three vases while using the trampoline.”

“You do realize that I know how to juggle right?” I gave him a skeptical look.

“Duhhhh,” he drawled out, “The challenge is whether or not you can do it on the trampoline.”

“Alice, just go in and play with your dolls or something.” Edward said as he was coming out with three vases. My head snapped in his direction, waiting eagerly to catch a glimpse of Alice.

Quickly Emmett filled Edward in on the objective. And, just like me, Edward questioned the odds since I was a juggler. I smirked at Emmett as he rolled his eyes. And to think they gave me crap for being the court jester at the Renaissance Fairs.

I saw Alice give me a look I wasn’t familiar with from where she was standing by the sliding glass door. I smiled and looked back at the trampoline, from this angle I could see the spots that where iced over and figured it was best to stay in the middle where there was less chance of losing my footing.

“I’ll do it.” I told them as I rolled myself to the middle of the trampoline. Emmett clapped happily.

“This is gonna be sweet! Okay five dollars each for every minute you can do it – from the minute you get all three vases flying though.” Emmett clarified as I started to get momentum in my jumps.

“Wanna toss them to me Ali Cat?” I asked Alice. Her eyes snapped to mine and I could see she wanted to say something but she merely rolled her eyes.

“No, Alice is going back inside.” Edward said in his best protective voice.

She rolled her eyes again and sat on the patio chair. “I am staying Edward. It's best to have someone responsible to supervise.”

Emmett snorted a laugh, “You got told off by a Freshman.” He teased, earning Ed’s true feeling about him with the flick of his finger.

“Fine, but you don't say shit to mom.” Ed pointed at Alice to emphasize his point.

Again this was greeted by the roll of Alice’s eyes. “As if,” she said in a bored tone.

“Emmett, let’s go!” I called out to get the attention off Alice.

Slowly Emmett started tossing the vases one by one. As soon as I got in a good enough rhythm with the two, the final one was tossed and flawlessly added to my show. I heard Emmett call out to Ed to keep track of the time as I tried to focus on what I was doing. Alice stood up, stretching her arms over her and I got a look at her shirt.

Written in bright yellow letters were the words ‘I like to flash people’ against her purple shirt. I started to laugh at the implications of her shirt and in turn, lost my focus.

I heard Alice scream and Emmett cuss before I realized what had happened. I looked down at my hands laughing. Somehow two of the vases had broken against each other and sliced the hell out of my hand.

“Dude, are you okay?” Edward asked as he and Emmett came closer to the trampoline. I kicked my legs out from under me to land on my ass. Luckily all the bouncing I was doing kicked off the extra broken glass that wasn’t in my right hand.

“Yeah, it’s only a flesh wound,” I grinned at them.

“Fucker slices his hand and he quotes Monty Python,” Emmett grumbled. I felt the trampoline shift on the left side. I looked to see Alice walking her way to me.

“Ali Cat don’t… I don’t want you to get cut.” She reached across me and wrapped my hand in the bottom of her shirt. “Ali blood stains,” I whined at her.

She looked at me but glanced away quickly. “Em, get me a towel,” She called over her shoulder. I watched as he ran over to the storage cabinet where the Cullen’s kept the towels for the hot tub.

“It's my shirt... why do you care?” Alice asked me softly. Like she had room to talk, she was the one that said she didn’t want to be friends.

“Because, I know how you like your clothes,” I said lamely. Her and Rose where the same when it came to fashion. They lived and breathed it, and honestly I didn’t want her to blame me for ruining something else in her life.

Alice shrugged, “Whatever.” I was going to say something to her but Emmett was taking her attention from me.

“Here Ali,” Emmett said while handing her the towel. It was obvious that his high was gone as well.

“Thanks Em,” she said while taking the towel from him. I watched her remove my hand from her shirt and wrap it in the towel, applying pressure to the gash. I bit my lip and hoped that no one heard the pathetic whimper I made.

“Shit! Edward we gotta call Dad.” Alice called out to her brother.

“Is it that bad? I mean can't we just take him into the ER and not get Dad?” That my friends, is my normally cool and collected best friend in a panic over his dad finding out that we were smoking pot.

Alice rolled her eyes, “I guess we could. He's bleeding really badly. You guys are total idiots you know that?” Emmett shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down while Ed rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.

I laughed, yes I laughed. After all, I wasn’t big on doing the irresponsible thing and I did it, and now not only was Alice talking to me but she was caring about me too.

“Yes, but I'm forty dollars richer,” I admitted, smirking at my friends who groaned.

Alice turned her attention to glare at me. “You are so stupid. Why the fuck – you know what, never mind.”

I raised an eyebrow at her, “What Ali? Say it”

“Why did you do this? You are smart enough to know how stupid this is. Why?”

Well let’s see, there’s the fact that it got you to talk to me. Uh, yeah, and I have enough money now to get you the tickets you wanted for your birthday. Oh and I’m fucked in the head because even though I see you as a friend, I really want to kiss you again like before.

Wait where the hell did that come from?

“Even smart people take risks Alice, it's quite enjoyable. You should try it you know.”

She snarled at me some. “I took a risk. It got me nowhere.”

“Well take another risk and talk to me, and not because you feel obligated too.” I challenged while giving her a pointed look.

“It's pointless,” she said while wrapping the towel around my hand tighter.

“Ow Damnit! Why is it pointless? I don't see why we can't be friends. It's not like I'm seeing anyone anyhow, I think you're just afraid to be seen hanging out with the psychotic nerd of Forks High, so you decide to use the ‘I'm in love with you’ card to scare me off.” The moment the words came out of my mouth, I wanted to slap myself.

Her eyes began to fill with tears as she said in a deathly whisper, “Jasper Alexander Whitlock. I hate you”. She dropped my hand and pulled herself off the trampoline. “Emmett he's yours, I need to get away from all the idiots before my IQ drops.” She spat out as she headed back into the house.

“Just wait Ali Cat, one day we'll look back at this and laugh,” I called out to her.

She stopped to turn back and look at me, “You keep thinking that.” She spun around and headed back into the house.

I will.

“Wait, you dared him and he did it?” Rose asked incredulously. I blinked back into the present. I looked up from the scar on my right hand to see Rose staring at me in shock. Emmett nodded in response to her question. “Why would you do that Jazz? You were the one that always gave us lectures on the dangers of drugs, unprotected sex, and hell, even kissing!”

“You do desperate things when the one you love isn’t speaking to you.” I stated. Even if I was too scared to admit it then, I was in love with Alice.

Emmett snickered and jabbed his thumb at me. “He gave you a talk about the dangers of unprotected sex?”

“Yes!” Rose laughed then looked at him. “Why?”

Yeah, why was that so funny?

He took a drink of his tea. “I just find that fairly ironic,” he said, shrugging. I watched as he and Rose had a silent conversation with each other before her face showed recognition.

“Oh yeah…” she said softly then looked at me. “You're a walking contradiction you know that?”

I rolled my eyes. “Give it a rest Rosalie. I was a kid living on statistics at the time okay?”

“Says the boy who didn't put the love glove on,” Emmett said into his drink. I just looked at him unsure of why he would say that to me.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.

Special thanks to AmberStar63, who is awesome, for betaing this for us!


I pretended to work, opening a word document and typing needless words and mumbo jumbo into it until they left. Pretending not to notice when Jasper looked back at me over his shoulder before leaving. Then I let it out, I laid my head on the desk and let the tears flow.

Fuck. Me. Hard.

I thought I could handle this, I thought that if I was formal with him then I could just get through this week and we could move on in our separate lives.

I was wrong, he broke me down quickly, making me laugh with an inside joke and his smile. That smile I always thought was only for me. Damn him. Combined with the fact I sensed his presence before I saw him, I knew it was going to be how it used to be.

Except this time I had Garrett. I loved Garrett, I think I might even be in love with him. He’s sweet, charming, had good fashion sense and looked hot all the time. And I’m sure once we get to that point, the sex will be great too.

Yeah I know what you’re all thinking, they haven’t had sex? Well, guess what? Sometimes a relationship isn’t all about the sex. Sex isn’t everything… besides, we do other things, and Rhett is really good with his tongue.

So why am I thinking about him and his tongue and the way sex felt with him and how good he smelled? I hit my forehead against the desk again. Jasper cracked my carefully pieced together exterior, leaving me feeling like vulnerable, young and stupid Alice again. And damnit, I am not that little girl anymore.

*~*~* October 12th 2001*~*~*

I was excited, today was my very first homecoming parade, and it was topped off with a bonfire at the beach. Today had been perfect. I had spent most of the day with Jasper – and my brother and Emmett too – but Jasper was there, and since that fateful day last year it was almost like we were bonded or something. I could tell he wanted me around a lot.

I told my friend Kim about us and at first she didn’t believe me; after all what would a senior want with a lowly freshman? But now she’s convinced too. You really can’t deny the spark that is there between Jasper and I, I mean, we sleep together almost every night.

Not in the sexual way, but in the ‘hey I need to sleep because I have terrible nightmares and you keep them away’ sort of way.

And now I was going to the bonfire with him – and Edward and Emmett and Rosalie – but I mean, Emmett and Rosie will probably be making out and Edward will probably be trying to hook up with Tanya Flemming, so it will be pretty much just me and Jasper. I smiled at the thought as I pulled on my shorts and tank top. It had been unseasonably warm and while I was sure it was going to be cooler later tonight, it would just give me a legit reason to cuddle with Jasper.

What? Nerdy boy is soft, but hard all at the same time… And he smells really, really good.

I pulled on knee high socks and put on my pumas before checking myself out in the mirror. I think I looked pretty good, years of ballet had sculpted my body into a rather defined, muscular yet lean machine. I think Jasper likes legs though, he’s always looking at them, I looked down at mine; they were rather chicken leg-ish and I had knobby knees. I frowned slightly at myself.

Note to self: Work on getting sexier legs.

The rumble of Jasper’s motorcycle interrupted my self-criticism. I pushed my student ID and some cash into my pocket before running out my bedroom door and taking the stairs two at a time. Mom was at the bottom of the stairs, shaking her head, laughing quietly at my excitement. “Bye mom, see yah later.” I told her, kissing her cheek before running out the door and greeting Jasper just as he was climbing off the bike, running his long fingers through his wavy hair.

I would love for his fingers to –

“Hey Jazz!” Edward called from behind me, pushing me out of the way and disturbing my little fantasy as he ran to greet his friend.

“Hey Ed,” he hollered back, brushing non-existent dirt off the front of his khakis, making me look at the bulge the girls and I were constantly giggling about in class when we talked about boys. He looked back up at me and smiled warmly, making the butterflies flutter in my stomach. “Hi Ali Cat.”

I waved stupidly, “Hey N.B.”

“So you’re gonna drive your bike to First Beach?” Ed wrinkled his nose, no doubt worried about sand getting in the gears and such. The good thing about Ed is; he’s a total car and bike buff. He and Rosalie really know their shit when it comes to all that.

Jasper nodded. “Dude, there's a parking lot you know,” he shook his head while he laughed.

“Yeah I know... So how are we working this?” He pointed behind him, “Em and Rose are already busy in the back seat.” I looked over and indeed, they were mauling each other. It’s a wonder they could breathe like that.

I looked back to see Jasper shrug, leaning against his bike a little, “I got a helmet for Ali... So she'll be safe with me if you want to go surprise Tanya,” he waggled his eyebrows knowingly at my brother, who chucked and nodded.

“What do you say Ali... you wanna ride with Jasper?” I nodded quickly. Yes, I want to ride with Jasper, now go the fuck away Edward.

Jasper smiled and held out a very cool looking black and pink helmet. He got a girlie helmet for me, meaning he wanted me to ride with him more… Oh-my-fucking-god, I am squealing so hard inside right now, you have no idea. I did my best to contain my excitement as I rushed to Jasper’s side.

“You got chick's helmet,” Ed stated, raising his eyebrow at the two of us.

“It's for Ali. Your mom would kill me if I didn't have to proper safety gear for her,” he responded, smirking.

Edward simply chuckled and shook his head at us, “’Kay dude, meet us there?”

Jasper nodded, “Yep, we'll see yah there.” He waved, then looked over at me, “Come here, let’s get this thing on you.” I walked closer, my eyes locked on his.

Gently he leaned down and captured my lips with his, thrusting his tongue into my mouth as his arms pulled me closer, his hands groping my ass hard as he continued to assault my mouth with kisses.

“Aren't you gonna get cold Ali Cat?” Jasper asked, breaking me out of my fantasy.

“Um… What?”

He laughed, “Your outfit... aren't you gonna get cold?”

I shrugged, “That's what the knee highs are for…”

Jasper shook his head a little as he pushed the helmet onto my head and strapped it up. “Too tight?” I shook my head no and he nodded in kind, “Alright, so once I'm on, you get on and hold on, okay?”

“You’re not gonna help me get on this beast?” I asked, incredulously.

He laughed at me. “Yes, Ali Cat.” He got on and then held his hand out for me, “It's not that big of a bike you know,” he raised an eyebrow at me as I climbed on behind him.

“Um... should I?” I wrapped my arms loosely around his waist, sighing happily as my hands splayed across his sides.

“Yep, but I want you to hold on tighter... Precious cargo and all,” he gave me a rather seductive look as he glanced over his shoulder. Oh dear God, is he flirting with me? I did as he said and held on tighter, pressing my cheek against his back after I left a secret soft kiss.

“Okay... like this?”

He nodded, “Yep. Follow my lead into the turns okay?”

It was my turn to nod, “Okay.”

I watched as he began putting his own helmet on and then paused, “Oh and if I'm going too fast, just squeeze tighter.”

“Okay…” Did he do that often? I was suddenly nervous. But after he put his helmet on I felt his broad hand touch both of mine.

“I won't let anything happen to you Ali Cat.” He assured me.

I leaned my head against his back, “I trust you.” Then he started the bike and took off, it was actually pretty fun, we were laughing. Feeling the wind whipping against me made me realize that the outfit I was wearing was probably a stupid idea, especially when he picked up speed. I hugged him tightly for warmth. I was actually having fun with him like this, it was surprisingly peaceful.

That was until he decided to show me a trick and popped a wheelie just as we got to the parking lot; honestly, it scared the shit out of me. I screamed loud enough I’m sure everyone in America heard it. I'm fairly sure I panicked Jasper because he parked quickly and jumped off the bike, pulling his helmet off in a hurry.

“Stay there, I'll help you down.” He told me, I had no intention of moving, I was scared stiff. “Hey... Ali look at me.” I turned my head to look at him, he seemed very worried. He slowly took my helmet off and resting it next to his on the bike before cupping my cheeks and rubbing wetness off of them. Had I been scared enough to cry? “You're okay Ali... I promise I won't hurt you,” he whispered.

“Don't... ever... do... that... again. Please.” I stuttered out.

He grabbed my hands, wrapping them around his neck and then wrapped his arms around my waist. “I promise, never again,” he whispered as he pulled me off the bike, letting me slide down his body. I looked up into his eyes and I could almost swear they reflected the desire that I had for him. “Now come on. We've got a bonfire to attend,” he smiled and I grinned like an idiot right back.

“You're okay right? You're not cold or anything?” he asked me quickly, looking down at my shirt and blushing a little, my eyes followed suit and then I abruptly covered my chest with my free hand. Apparently adrenaline was still pumping through my body because I was unaware of how the chilly air was affecting my body.

“A little cold yeah…” I gave him a half smile.

“Here,” he told me as he unzipped and took off his Beatles hoodie, handing it to me. “It's already warm for yah,” he smirked as I bit back a grin that would probably break my face.

“Thanks,” I put it on and pulled my hair out of it before zipping it up, taking a moment to enjoy the smell of Jasper that enveloped me. “Aren't you gonna get cold now?” I asked, looking up at him as he watched me.

“Nah,” he pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around me in front of him as we walked. “That's what I got you for.” We walked slowly, taking in the various students, half of which already looked drunk. He continued to walk me on the outskirts of the party. Maybe he was considering taking me somewhere and making himself a man, as Edward and Emmett put it. I practically sighed as I thought about it, some of the girls talked about how bad it hurt the first time, but I bet my Nerdy Boy would be gentle with me. Oh please let Jasper take me somewhere.

He nudged me slightly, “You excited?”

Fuck did he just read my mind? Did I moan out loud… or worse? I looked up at him as he raised an eyebrow at me. “Uh… Oh! The bonfire. Yeah,” I grinned at him. “Really excited.” I said as I wrapped both of my arms around one of his, making him smile back at me. “What happens at these things?”

“Not a whole heck of a lot. The cheerleaders get you all pumped for the big game. There's a fire to burn our rival's mascot and the pep band plays fight songs.” He shrugged, “We usually kick back by the fire and enjoy the night.”

I laughed a little half heartedly, “Meaning you guys just go to watch the cheerleaders bounce around, huh?” I turned my head to see my brother talking to Tanya, one of those cheerleaders who were so perfect it literally made you gag a little. He laughed at my comment.

“Actually…” He shook his head a little, “No... No I usually watch the fire and try to guess who falls into it this year.”

That was interesting. “You don't like the cheerleaders Nerdy Boy?” He shook his head, “Why not?” I asked, looking over at the group. “They’re really pretty and... they have boobs and stuff.” I loosened my grip on him, realizing I could never compete with someone like that if they figured out what I already knew about Jasper.

He shrugged, “Not my type.”

I tilted my head to look at him, “What's your type?”

He beamed down at me. “Not them…” he laughed, I joined in.

“Me either…” I felt dumb the instant I said it.

“Well I'm sure Ed will be relieved that his baby sister isn't checking out the cheerleaders.”

“You guys didn't really think I was a lesbian, did you?” I asked, concerned.

He shook his head, “No, but I think Ed is kind of hoping you are so he doesn't have to worry about kicking a friends ass.” He informed me, looking ahead suddenly. I heard a beat and realized the school band was playing a Green Day song, making me squeal and clap my hands.

“They are playing cool music N.B!” I exclaimed, breaking away to dance in front of him, shaking my ass a little more than necessary and making him laugh.

After a few minutes Jasper grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine. “Come on the dunes are the best place to watch this…” He told me before leading me up the sand covered hill, stopping once we got to a relatively deserted section. I looked down to see the coach addressing the crowd, but could barely hear what he was saying. Jasper sat and then pulled me back so I was nestled between his legs with his arms wrapped around my waist.

“See this is where the coach gets everyone pumped for the game. It's kinda corny and somewhat like that scene in Grease…” he whispered in my ear, I nodded to let him know I understood and relaxed into his embrace as he pointed at the group of cheerleaders. “They'll go next. You'll know when they're done ‘cause they’ll start the ‘We Got Spirit’ cheer. You know the one where we're supposed to out spirit them?”

The ‘out spiriting’ thing was definitely corny as hell, I turned slightly to look up at him, “Are we gonna out spirit them NB?”

He grinned at me, “Might as well, this is an important year for us isn't it?”

“It is?”

He nodded. “Yes ma'am. You're no longer a little girl but a young woman entering High School.” He reached out and tucked my hair behind my ears. He didn’t think I was a little girl in the closet on my birthday. I thought, quirking an eyebrow up at him. “And Soon I'll be a man, out to face the real world,” he shook his head, “or so they say.”

“Only according to Ed and Em not a,” I used finger quotes, “real man…”

He raised an eyebrow at me, looking rather insulted. “Are you gonna make me tickle you?” I shook my head, but continued to stare at his face as he turned to look back at the coach. “Anyway... Once the cheerleaders are done, the band will play a stereotypical song, which is epic in its own right given it's context while they light the bonfire.”

“And then... like people make out and stuff?”

He laughed at that, “Yeah, or drink and chase each other around.” He shrugged. “Depends on what you want to do I guess.”

I smirked, “which one are we gonna do?” I asked as I laced my fingers with his and pulled his hands into the sleeves of his hoodie to warm up his cold hands.

He rested his head on my shoulder. “I don't know Ali Cat.”

“We could make out... I mean… it's no big deal right? It's not like we haven't done it before.” I reasoned.


“And I know you like it when we do…”

“So do you,” he defended.

“Never said I didn't,” I said as I snuggled closer to him.

He gave me a rather wet kiss on my cheek, “I know.”

“Unless you don't want to be seen making out with me…” I brought my knees up.

“What's that supposed to mean Alice?”

I shrugged, “I'm a Freshman...and you're cooler than me.” He laughed at that, before I looked towards the ocean. “And I'm not all that pretty,” I finished in a whisper.

He hugged me tighter. “You're very beautiful Alice,” he told me, making me blush and smile, because him saying that to me meant so much. “And you being a Freshman has nothing to do with anything. I'm not cooler either.”

“Then what is it?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

I shrugged, “Why don't you want to?”

Quickly, he pulled his hand out of my sleeve and turned my face to his, kissing me passionately, thrusting his tongue into my slightly open mouth and massaging my tongue with his. I moaned slightly at the kiss, he tasted like Jasper and peppermint and I couldn’t get enough. We broke away and looked at each other for a minute as I moved into a better position. Then he grabbed my face and kissed me hard again, it was exhilarating because he seemed to not care who saw. I was kissing Jasper, who’s a Senior and beautiful and a lot of girls wanted him, and he was here kissing me.

I tentatively put one hand on his shoulder and then the other loosely around his neck. He kissed me even harder, moving one of his hands down my back as the other wove itself in my hair. We stayed like that for a bit, occasionally mixing in a few smatterings of peck kisses in with all the frenching we were doing. A cool shiver went through me as his cold hands slid under the waistband of my shorts, then panties and he squeezed my bare butt cheeks rather forcefully.

He used his hands to pull me even closer to him and rubbed my crotch against his bulge making us both gasp a little at the friction. I could hear the roar of the crowd around us, but could care less; it was me, Jasper, our lips and his hands on my ass.

Then he moved his lips from mine, placing soft kisses on my cheek down to my neck, sucking and leaving wet kisses as he moved along my neck. I began moaning, rolling my hips against his. He moved his knees up behind me to support my back as his hands moved around to my front, making hasty work with the zipper of the hoodie before sliding his hands up under my shirt and bra, fondling me. I moaned louder under his touch, his greedy fingers tantalizing my nipples as he sucked and kissed along my jaw.

“Jasper,” I finally managed to groan out, making him look up at me through hooded eyes for a minute before trapping my lips with his again. One of his eager hands moved out of my shirt to fist my hair, pushing me even closer to him as his other hand continued to knead and pinch the breast it held. Our hips continued their movement, dry humping in front of everyone and not caring. He moved his mouth from mine again to attack my ear and the territories that surrounded it, making me gasp and wrap my arms around him.

“Fuck, I love you so much N.B.,” I purred huskily in his ear.

He pulled back, “Wait? What?”

I panted for a minute, trying to collect my thoughts, “Um... I love you?” He shook his head at me, which made me raise an eyebrow at him. “Why are you shaking your head at me?”

“Ali... you can't love me.” Oh my God, he did not just say that and pinch my nipple at the same time. I scowled at him and pushed his hand roughly out of my shirt.

“Why can't I?”

“Alice, come on... we're just kids!” He tossed his hands in the air in frustration.

“What is that supposed to mean, Jasper?” I asked, my mouth hanging open slightly in shock.

“What? You know what I mean Alice. You have your whole life ahead of you and I'm leaving…” He shook his head stubbornly, putting his hands on my sides, “It's impossible.”

I damned the fact that my tear ducts seemed so ready all the time, feeling the tears forming already. “Jasper... Why can't you just stay here with me? Please?”

“Alice…” He reached up, cupped my cheek in one of his hands and despite myself I gave in to the comfort a little, looking into his eyes, the sadness that was ever present beneath the veil now bubbling up to the surface. “I don't want to hurt you... I have to go to college Ali. I worked too hard to give it up.”

“So... what? This is all I'm ever gonna be to you? The chick you sleep with in a non-sexual way every night and make out with when she pesters you enough about it?”

“No. Alice, I really do care about you,” he rested his hand on my chest right above where my breaking heart lay.

“Then why can't you love me back?” I asked, my voice sounding tortured even to my own ears.

“Please don't do this Ali Cat,” he whispered.

“Do what, Jasper Alexander?” I demanded, crossing my arms to gave him the hint the was not welcome to touch me.

“Trust me, it's safer for you not to love me. Now drop it.” He said in a firm tone.

“Now drop it and let you feel me up some more?” I asked bitterly.

“NO!” He shouted, “Jesus, Alice, that's not what I mean!”

“Then fucking tell me what you mean!” I yelled back.

He groaned and fell back into the sand, “I can't love you Alice, I just can't,” he said to the sky.

I glared at him for being such a coward that he couldn‘t even look at me when he said it, tears stinging my eyes. “Fine then.” I stood up and moved to his side, where he raised himself up on his elbows. “Stay away from me, don't come in my window again, don't call me, don't email me, just…” I took a deep steadying breath, “forget I ever existed.”

“Alice,” he reached out for me, trying to get up as his eyes pleaded with me. “Please don't do this.”

“I can't be friends with you like this, I'm in love with you Jasper... and I can't wait forever... Maybe…” I shook my head, “No. Just stay away Jasper.” I turned away, determined to at least make it out of the parking lot before I broke down crying. It didn’t work, I began running as fast as I could home, tears running down my cheeks.


I shook my head to rid myself of the memory before I looked at the clock. Shit! I need to go to dinner with Garrett!


I ran into the restaurant twenty minutes later, briefly pecking Garrett on the lips before sitting in my seat across from him. He chuckled lightly at me.

“All this wedding planning is getting you in a tizzy, eh?” He asked, smiling at me as the waiter brought me out a glass of water and a glass of Chardonnay.

“Oh,” I breathed, smiling at my boyfriend of two years’ beaming face. “Yeah, well, the best man flew in today, so that should make things a bit easier.” I explained before taking a sip of water.

“I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of ordering for you.”

I smiled a little, was I really that late? “It’s fine,” I assured him. We continued the polite conversation, with me hoping that he couldn’t tell I was very distracted, barely touching the salmon and steamed vegetables he ordered me.

When dinner was over he ordered Blanc de Noir and then dropped to his knee at my side out of nowhere. “Alice?” I looked at him and made sure to swallow the last gulp of champagne as he pulled a silver box out from his pock and popped it open. I gasped when I saw what was inside. Holy – “Will you marry me?” He finished.

I gaped at him for a minute, then realizing everyone was staring at us I quickly said yes and jumped into his arms. The entire restaurant seemed to burst into applause and congratulations for us. So why is it that even in this moment I couldn’t stop thinking about Jasper?

We left the restaurant shortly after that, him explaining that he needed to get some work done so I couldn’t really go to his place to celebrate, but I would be damned if I couldn’t go out and celebrate my happiness, so I did the next best thing.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled quickly to my best friends name and listened to her pick up on the other end, “Bella?”

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.

K: Here’s chapter 3. So apparently Jasper had a redeeming quality to y’all. Interesting. Also, a lot of y’all asked about their ages. Jasper is 25, while Alice is 23, also this takes place in present time -2010- (that should help with the flash backs)

Robs: Lookie here another Jasper chapter... AND the moment y'all have been waiting for is here. There are gonna see each other again for the first time in five years :::gasp:::

Thanks to all the readers and reviewers of this story! WE LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH!!
And Special thanks to Amberstar63 our very awesome beta who we love dearly.


I grinned when the reddish hair of one Edward Cullen came into view as I walked to baggage claim. We did the manly one arm hug and laughed about each other’s looks; his hair was longer then I remembered and apparently I wasn’t dressed to impress.

“Fuck off dude, I had to work twenty-four hours, then fly ten hours to get my happy ass here for you.” I teased, punching him in the arm. “I’m tired, need coffee, but I’m glad to be back.” Not to mention, glad to be away from Kelly.

Edward grinned as he closed the trunk of his car once my bags where inside. “Well, we have to get the tuxes, but I’ll get you some coffee beforehand.”

“Marry me,” I teased before getting in the seat. He just shook his head, laughing as he proclaimed his undying love for Bella. I gave him my best smile as I watched the city zoom past us, wishing that someday I might have what he has, but with Alice… again.

The ride towards our destination was a pleasant one. Edward was telling me how insane Bella was being with wedding planning, especially when it came to the catering. That made sense to me since Bella had her own catering company. But I noticed the conversation always jumped over the topic of Alice and it made me wonder if this was what the week was going to be like, avoiding it like the plague only to have to face it head on when we were forced to.

We arrived at a four story building. Its brick and mortar walls giving it an historical look to it, ‘Meyer Fashion Consulting, LLC.’ was scrawled out in a mirrored finish.

“What, you couldn’t just order yours online?” I teased as we got out of the car. Edward just flipped me off, before holding the door open.

I followed him through the lobby, wondering what we were doing here. Once inside the elevator I finally asked.

“Alright, I thought we were getting the tuxes?”

He started to rub the back of his neck as he gave me a stupid grin. “Picking up the tuxes?”

I raised my eyebrow skeptically at him. “At Meyer Fashion... what-the-fuck-ever? I thought you were ordering them and having them shipped to you?”

“Uh... no... Um, Ali picked them up.” He hesitated slightly, “She's Bella's second in command and the only reason the wedding is coming together on time.”

“Ali?” I asked feeling as though the wind had been knocked out of me. I wasn’t expecting to see her, not this soon anyway. “Fuck... Jesus couldn't you have warned me! I could have at least shaved!” At least my cap was hiding my over grown hair, I thought as I scrubbed my face roughly with my hands.

I could see Edward studying me. “She has a thing for scruffy guys... not that you'd care about that right?” He shot an eyebrow up, challenging me.

“Right, ‘cause I've got Kelly and she's got Gerald.”

Edward snickered as the doors opened up on the third floor. “Garrett,” he corrected.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever,” I huffed, sounding like a spoiled child.

Edward turned his head slightly to smirk at me. “You seem jealous bro.”

You think? I thought as I glared at him slightly. “As long as she's happy what does it matter right?”

“Yeah,” Edward agreed, but I could tell he saw right through my bullshit.

The closer we got to where her office was, the more I felt like I was going to be sick. I hadn’t been this nervous since our first kiss.

~*~*~*~*~ February 19th 2000~*~*~*~*~

“What the hell is he doing?” I asked Emmett, looking over to see him chewing on the inside of his cheek.

“I think Rosie just challenged him,” he offered.

I scratched my head trying to figure out how we got from Alice’s thirteenth birthday party to this. “I don't get it.”

“Okay pick your places people!” My trouble-making sister called out to everyone. Sometimes I wish she didn’t know shit about me and Alice. Granted there’s nothing going on with us, I mean sure I thought about it but I’m like one of her brothers’, so that would make it wrong? Right?

“She said that he would traumatize someone by kissing them,” Emmett whispered before sitting down. Edward put his drink on the table and smirked at us, shoving me between him and Emmett.

I looked between my two best friends, trying to catch up with the change of events. “But I thought she meant like if Alice kissed her brother it would be traumatizing?”

“Are you boys done gossiping like the bunch of girls you are?” Rose asked impatiently.

I looked at Edward trying to get him to stop this, this wasn’t fair to Alice. Instead he gave me a look that clearly told me to shut-the-fuck-up.

“Yes ma'am.” I heard Emmett respond to Rose. I shook my head slightly, he is seriously whipped.

So are you and you’re not even getting laid. A voice said in my head

I felt the guys grab my arms, pulling me down roughly. I made a strange ‘oof’ sound as my butt collided with the hard wood floor. “Dicks.”

“Yes we have them,” Edward said humorlessly. “You're supposed to sit.”

“That's not what I…” I shook my head at him. I was calling him a dick, not what he thought. And maybe I didn’t want to sit or and play, and I didn’t think I could take watching Alice kiss someone else.

God you’re pathetic.

I looked up to see Alice watching me as she waited for the game to start. I gave her a half smile that went bigger when she ducked her head and started blushing. Rose had told me that Alice had a crush on me but I don’t see how, I was just the smart kid that hung out with her brother.

I heard Rose prattle on about the rules of the game and how she would go first as an example. As much as I loved her, she was so freaking vain sometimes it wasn’t funny. I couldn’t help but smirk as Edward jumped up, ready to take his opportunity to prove something to Rose.

I watched as Rose tried her best to look uncomfortable. Poor Emmett shifted next to me, averting his eyes. This is exactly why I didn’t want to play this stupid game.

When Edward and Rose broke their kiss, you could tell Edward was definitely pleased with what he done. Rose on the other hand was trying to hide the fact that she liked the kiss, but I don’t think she was doing a good job of it. For starters, she went to her spot way too fast and wouldn’t keep eye contact with anyone. Once she was settled enough she finally spit out a comment about thinking of Emmett the whole time, which seemed to appease him. But I could see in her eyes that she really liked it.

The game continued. Awkwardly, Angela and Ben kissed next. If they weren’t so uncomfortable with each other, I would have thought it was cute to see them. I knew Ben had a thing for Angie, and from what I heard Alice say; the feeling was mutual.

“Okay Alice, your turn...” Rose said. Oh great now she acts like she’s concerned. I mean come on! Does she really think Alice is going to want to chance her first kiss on the possibility she might have to kiss her brother?!

I lifted my knees to my chest and held on to my legs, preparing to hide if she had to kiss Edward or worse, Eric Yorkie. I saw Edward raise an eyebrow at me and I just shook my head at him. There was no way in hell I was going to tell him that I was debating on whether to jump in front of whoever the bottle lands on so she has to kiss me, or vomit at the thought of someone else’s tongue in her mouth.

Either declaration would surely get my ass handed to me.

I watched as Alice’s dainty hand spun the glass bottle with a simple flick of her wrist. The damned glass bottle taunting me, knowing that it could make or break my sanity as it spun around in two… three… five… six circles.

How pathetic was I? Letting the centrifugal force of the bottle decide my fate.

“Jasper, stop being a goon and give the girl a birthday kiss!” I heard Rose snap at me, bringing me from my mental ass kicking.

I pulled myself up to my feet and met Alice in the middle. Well this is interesting, I thought as I looked down at her.

She looked up at me, slightly chewing on her lip. “Um... height difference?” she pointed out.

Fuck being six feet tall.

“I uh, could pick you up?” I suggested, feeling the heat rise to my face as I processed the implications of that. Of course having her in my arms and her legs wrapped around my waist…

The sound of someone clearing their throat brought me out of my mini fantasy. “Or you could use a bar stool?” Edward suggested curtly.

“Uh, yeah…” Jesus Jazz, why couldn’t you think of that? I scolded myself as I went to get a barstool. Probably because I was enjoying my little day dream of pining Alice between me and the wall as I kissed her and ran my hands – Whoa… what the fuck?

Oh Jesus, please tell me my breath is okay, I thought as I did a quick check.

When I came back into the living room, Alice was staring down at her shoes while everyone else whispered and chattered. I placed the stool beside her and the room got quiet. And not needle dropping quiet either. No, we’re talking quiet enough to hear planes taking off from the airport in Seattle, quiet. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating, but there is no way in hell everyone cannot hear my heart racing right now.

Alice climbed up on to the stool and sat on her knees. She placed her hands on my shoulders, as my hand instinctively went to her hips. I made sure to keep a foot between us because I’d be embarrassed if she knew I was being a typical hormonal teenager right now.

She took a deep breath and looked at me. She was shaking slightly and I didn’t know if it was fear, excitement, or just ‘cause there were eleven people staring at us, waiting with baited breath.

I gave her a small smile. “You trust me?”

She nodded, “Of course.”

“Then close your eyes and follow my lead okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered as she closed her eyes. I gently cupped her cheek in my hand and smiled as she relaxed into my touch. I slowly brought my lips to hers before closing my own eyes. Her lips were so soft against mine that I wasn’t sure I was actually touching them.
I stepped closer applying a little more pressure, feeling her hands on my neck.

I touched my tongue to her bottom lip and she opened her mouth slightly. When my tongue made contact with hers I was gone. All I could think about was getting closer to her as my hand slid to her lower back and pulled her in closer to me. I wanted to taste more of her, she was sweet like cherries and for once everything made sense to me.

I vaguely heard the rest of the gang cheering and whistling at us, but all there was for me was her. Alice tilted her head, deepening the kiss as she started to play with the hair at the base of my neck. I felt my body shudder and I knew she had an idea of what that did to me but it didn’t stop her. If anything it egged her on. I pushed closer, moving the hand that was gripping the fabric at the side of her dress for dear life, and sliding it up into her hair. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders.

I don’t know what came over me but just as I slid my tongue in farther, I fisted my hand in her hair and tugged on it slightly. Much to my surprise she moaned into mouth.

Sweet Jesus, I wanted to hear that again.

Emmett’s shout of approval broke through the lustful fog rapidly taking over my body, causing me to end the kiss. I put my forehead to hers, panting slightly.

“Happy Birthday Ali Cat,” I whispered, opening my eyes to see a happy smile on her lips.

“Thanks,” she said breathlessly.

God... I want to kiss her again.

“Maybe next year we should play Seven Minutes in Heaven,” Rose teased.

I went to roll my eyes and realized my glasses were slightly fogged. I chuckled slightly as I pulled back to take them off. I saw Alice give me a confused look. “My glasses are fogged,” I explained as I wiped them off with my shirt.

“Sorry for fogging up your glasses,” Alice apologized, quickly getting off the stool.

“I uh... sorry,” I studdered out confused. I wasn’t upset about it, I just thought it was funny that we fogged them up. I picked the stool up and saw Alice back in her spot hugging her knees. I shook my head and took the stool away.

When I came back, I sat down with my legs crossed and looked at my lap. Why was Alice acting like she didn’t like it? Did I do something wrong?

I felt Emmett nudge me, “How was your first kiss playboy?”

I bit back a smile as my face heated up. Emmett knew me well enough to know that was a confirmation that I liked it.

“Come on that looked hot from where I was sitting.” Emmett said nudging me again.

I nodded my head in Edward’s direction, silently telling Emmett to shut it.

“Hey man I kissed your sister, so you're allowed one.” Edward said before chewing his lip.

Okay so he caught that…

“Yeah, but it's different,” I said softly as I looked over at Alice. She had her cheek on her knee looking at Rose who was going on about something or other.

“How so?” Emmett asked as Edward quirked an eyebrow at me.

“Uh... well Rose is older? And uh... not blood relation?” I stammered out.

Edward shrugged, “Like I said, just this once... ‘cause that... the tongue and stuff was my fault.” He lamented. I just chewed on my cheek and nodded. That was Edward’s way of telling me Alice was off limits. “So you can talk to Em and I'll go sit by Ben over there.” He pointed over to where Ben was sitting next to Angie before getting up and joining them.

Emmett nudged me again. Seriously, what the fuck?


“How was it?”

I nodded my head. Great, fantastic, better than I thought possible. “Hot,” I said chucking slightly. Yes, definitely hot.

Emmett grinned as if he knew some big ass secret. “So you gonna do anything about that?” he asked waggling his eyebrows at me.

“About what?” I asked dumbly.

“The obvious mad chemistry between you and little Ali?”

I shook my head, “Ed would kill me.”

Emmett shrugged. “I wouldn't let him kill you. Wouldn't a beating be worth it though?”

Sure easy for him to say, he’s twice my size. And sure, Edward’s a tad shorter than me, but he makes up for it in speed.

I glanced over at Alice who was smiling about something now. “Yeah, but I can't man, she just turned thirteen.” And I’m going to be sixteen, I added in thought. Besides, I don’t want to cause more rumors. It’s bad enough the shit they say about me and my parents. What would they say about Alice and me dating?

Emmett shrugged again. “Yeah well… not trying to piss you off or anything... but she's starting to get pretty hot, and you know... other guys are gonna notice.”

I nodded in response. I knew that. I’ve known that for a while. Eric had expressed his fondness for Alice’s new curves on more than one occasion.

Wait, what the hell did Emmett just say?

I punched Emmett in the arm. “You have Rosie man.”

“Dude I do, and I am one lucky motherfucker... but I ain't blind.” He laughed. I hated when he laughed after I hit him.

“Neither am I man,” I confessed. “I know Alice is growing up. I just can’t yet...”

Emmett nodded and I felt oddly relieved that he understood what I meant. “Hey don't let this go anywhere but between us, ‘cause Rosie scares the shit out of me,” Emmett said leaning closer and lowering his voice, “but I hear Ali is saving herself for you.” He informed me as he raised an eyebrow, giving me a pointed look. “If you follow what I am saying.” I nodded, I knew what he was talking about, I just didn’t understand why me. “And I wanted to say treat her with respect or I'll kill you myself.”

I nodded. “Trust me, if I ever do anything to hurt her you and Ed both have my permission to kick the crap out of me.”

“We'd do it without your permission,” his tone was deadly serious.

I looked him dead in the eye so he could see how serious I was being. “Okay then, I give you permission to kill me.”

He nodded. “Thank you,” he said grinning before glancing at Alice. “Be gentle too...” He trailed of suggestively.

I groaned and put my head in my hands. “Jesus Em, does everything go back to sex with you?”

“Just saying...you know height difference...” he chuckled slightly as I looked over at him. “Don't break her... I am sure there's a breaking point even when a girl has that much flexibility.”

Oh Jesus, he did not bring up the fact that she can stand on her toes and bring her leg up over her head.

I blushed as images of her doing various stretches for her ballet classes flashed through my head. “Emmett, okay, I get your point. If it ever comes to that, I’ll be careful with her.”

He nodded and grinned, “Good.”

My memory faded back into my head as the sound of a sultry musical voice hit my ears. I bit my lip as my eyes focused on Alice’s backside. She had the phone resting between her ear and shoulder as she talked to someone on the phone.

I stood back as Edward walked further into the office. I took my time, just wanting to look at her longer. She had definitely grown up in the last five years. Her hair was shorter than I remembered it and it now hung in loose curls to her shoulders. Her legs still looked fucking amazing.

Damn this is going to be a hard week.

“Hey Ali!” Edward’s cheerful greeting reminded me that I wasn’t alone.

Alice waved at him and held up a finger. “I swear to Christ, Jonathan, I will tell Mike the truth about the Crate and Barrel knock off bed if you don’t –” she paused, listening as the person on the line spoke. “That's what I thought.” She said victoriously. “Now, you're gonna be at the chapel to do our hair at what time? Ten A.M.? Yes... that is what we agreed on. Thank you Jon, give a kiss to Mike for me.” Jesus, she was no longer walked on, that’s for sure.

I shoved my hands into my pant pockets as I watched her hang up and make her way to Edward, where she hugged him tightly, grinning widely.

Edward turned them so that she was now facing me. “Look at who I brought with me.” He said as he smirked. Alice’s smile dropped as her eyes got wide.

I felt the left corner of my lips turn up as I tried to smile at her. “Hi Ali Cat...”

She bounced from foot to foot, her hands locked together and hanging in front of her as she turned to look at her brother. “Um... what's he doing here?” She asked.

Oh good, so this is a shock for her too, I thought as I looked at Edward with my own eyebrow raised at him.

“Well, I haven't seen him for about five years... I thought I'd hang with him a bit,” he said giving Alice a pointed look. “Since he is still my best friend.”

She huffed at him before turning her attention back to me. “Hello Jasper, how are you?” She asked formally.

I straightened my shoulders, bringing myself to my full height. A natural reaction when one is treating me with formalities in their voice. “Good, thank you Alice, how about yourself?”

“Fantastic. Now that you're here, can I expect that I’ll no longer have to run errands for my big brother?” she asked giving me a polite smile.

“Sorry to have inconvenienced you ma'am.” I responded, silently cursing the fact that my accent came out thicker than I wanted. I looked over at Edward quickly. He was watching us with confusion written all over his face.

“I wasn't inconvenienced,” Alice said. I looked to see her looking down as her cheeks turned slightly pink, making me curious what was she embarrassed about?

I looked back at Edward. “Tuxes?”

“Yeah, did you want to try yours on real fast to make sure it fits? ‘Cause, Ali here,” he said as he nudged Alice earning a smile from her, “has a way with these dealers to get shit done quickly if it doesn't fit.”

I chewed on my lip and nodded. It made sense seeing as I was the only one who hadn’t been fitted properly. “Uh yeah.”

Alice walked over to a bar that was hanging off the side off her desk. My eyes stopped where an origami swan sat on top of a stack of papers. I smiled slightly at it and wondered if she still liked them or if it was just a coincidence. “This one is yours,” Alice said breaking me out of my musings as she handed me a Tux. “Bathroom is right there,” she said pointing to a door across the room.

“Thanks,” I said turning to where she indicated. As I walked by Edward, I took my hat off and flung it at him hard. He chuckled slightly so I knew he was aware that I was calling him a dick for this situation.

Once inside her private bathroom, I took one look at myself and groaned. My hair was almost completely past my ears, I was growing a two day beard, and my white button down was wrinkled all to hell.

Now I knew why that jackass told me to dress to impress. He had this planned! Fucker! I thought as I stripped out of my clothes and put the Tux on. Everything seemed okay. I mean the pants were good, the shirt wasn’t too tight and the sleeves were the right length.

“Uh, it looks okay to me.” I said loud enough for them to hear.

“Come outside,” I heard Alice instruct. I rolled my eyes cursing to myself as I quickly tucked the shirt into my pants before opening the door.

Alice looked me over, nodding before clearing her throat. “Spin slowly please?”

Probably the most inopportune time to be thinking about this, but the way she worded her demand in the form of a question reminded me of the one time she tried to dominate me in bed, causing me to smirk at her. “Want my arms up too?” I asked, wondering if she’d get the reference.

She smirked back, and the sparkle in her eyes told me she remembered. “Yes please.”

I just laughed slightly shaking my head as Edward snickered. He had no clue what his little sister and I used to do behind closed doors. I slowly spun for Alice so she could inspect the fitting.

When I completed my revolution, I was now facing Alice who was biting her lip and nodding at me. “Looks good,” she said.

I nodded and looked down at the hem on the pant legs. “The pants will be okay once I have the shoes on I'm sure.” I rocked back on my heels to wiggle my sock covered toes at her. “I didn't think you'd appreciate a test run with the chucks.” I teased.

“Yeah...” She said crossing her arms and biting on her thumb nail. “Um... go ahead and take that off... glad that at least one thing is good to go for this wedding.” She mumbled, smiling slightly.

I nodded and went back to the bathroom, quickly changing before coming back out. Alice was leaning against her desk as she and Ed spoke in low tones. I took my hat back from him tucking it into my back pocket. When they were done with their conversation I felt I needed to thank her again.

“Thanks for helping out. Like I said, sorry if it's been a problem for you Ali.” I said giving her a sad smile.

“I've dealt with worse on my own,” she explained giving me a sad smile in return. I noticed Edward scowling at Alice and figured it had to do with prom.

Alice walked over to the bar that was holding the remaining Tuxes and grabbed them. “Make sure you guys don't get them dirty, especially you Ed. Yours is white and I will die if I have to find a dry cleaner to take shit out a suit jacket in under twenty-four hours.”

I laughed a little at her instructions. “I guess it's a good thing Em's not in charge of these.” I teased.

“No,” she said arching her eyebrow in amusement, “you are as a matter of fact.” She said as she handed them over. Her hand brushed against mine and that same current that once flowed between us, sparked back again. I bit my lip, watching her to see if she felt it too. I hadn’t felt that in so long I wasn’t sure if I wasn’t imagining it. But I knew she felt it, the way her mouth formed a slight ‘O’ shape in surprise and her eyes locked onto mine. Do you feel that with him? I asked her silently.

I gave her a small smile. “I'll make sure they're safe and ready for the big show.” I broke eye contact with her to look at Edward who was smiling like he knew the answers to some important question. “You ready?”

“Yep,” he responded, grinning as he pulled Alice into a hug. “You coming to dinner tonight?”

She pulled away, and her eyes darted from Edward to me and back. “Uh no, date with Rhett remember?”

I saw Edward’s smile fall a little at the mention of the Armani prick. “Oh so then, I'll see yah tomorrow?”

She nodded in response before looking at me. “See yah later... Nnn-Jasper,” she stuttered.

I nodded in response, “Take care Alice.” I turned to head towards the door but was thwarted by Edward’s next question.

“What? Y'all aren't gonna hug?”

I closed my eyes, trying to steel my nerves. “Don't want to wrinkle the Tuxes?” I offered as an excuse, wanting to kick my own ass for sounding seventeen again.

Edward came over, grabbing the Tuxes from me. “Asshole,” I muttered to him under my breath. I turned to see Alice looking rather unsure herself. I gave her a quick smile as she held her arms out for me. I laughed slightly as I closed the distance between us, pulling her close to me. “It's just a hug amongst old friends, right?”

“Right,” she said, hugging me back. I held on tighter, fighting against every impulse I had screaming at me to kiss her and tell her how much I missed her and still, to this day, loved her. But I never did. Instead I let her go. She pulled away, quietly moving to sit behind her desk where she began working again.

“Come on...” I heard Edward whisper. “Still want coffee?”

I looked over at Alice one last time while nodding in response to Edward.

This is definitely going to be a hard week.


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