
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chapter 27


Most of my things were taking residency in Emmett and Rosie's garage while my clothes stayed at Bella's apartment. Between work and spending time with Alice, I forgot about looking into either extending the current lease on the apartment or finding a new one. In fact, that was the farthest thing from my mind.

While things seemed to be going well between Alice and me, I could still see the hesitation and worry in her eyes. I knew she had every right to worry when I would leave again, but this time was different. I wasn't going to leave her.

"Did you ever think of maybe starting things over with her?"

I looked up from the paper to see my sister standing there with her eyebrow raised. "How do you mean?" I asked.

She sighed and shook her head. "You're just diving into this with Alice, Jazz. She's been through a lot because of you. You need to pace it."

I put my pen down and leaned back against the chair. "You mean take it slower?"

She nodded then shook her head again. "Yes and no, I mean," She sighed again and sat at the table. "Don't be like you were before. You kept secrets from everyone. You were like this creepy stalker guy with her and when you two did have a relationship it was all about the sex."

"It was not."

"Name one time you two hung out and didn't fuck in some way," she challenged.

"Emmett's eighteenth," I smirked. "We didn't do anything that night."

She rolled her eyes. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah. I hear ya. Honestly, Rose, I was thinking of starting over with her."

"You mean no more random fucks against a wall?" Rose laughed as she headed back into the kitchen. I knew telling Emmett about that was a bad idea.

"Exactly. I'm gonna do what I should have done all those years ago. Actually be in a relationship with her."

"You weren't before?" Rose asked, the confusion clear in her voice.

"No, I mean we were... in the sense that she was the only one I was sleeping with. But I mean, I'm not gonna hide it this time. If Edward wants to break my nose over it, so be it," I shrugged.

"Oh come on Jasper! Do you really think he would have turned to violence all those years ago if you just told him how you felt about Alice?"

Yes. "I don't know," I lied.

"Seriously.” I could imagine her rolling her eyes. “It was obvious that you two were together. Even when you tried like hell to pretend that nothing was going on, we all saw it. Edward actually saw it first, but gave you the benefit of the doubt." She came back to the table and placed the plates down. "You hurt more than Alice by being stupid, you know."

"I know."

"No, I don't think you do Jasper," Rose said shaking her head as she set the table. "Alice was a wreck. It was like you took the best parts of her and left us nothing. Bella was confused about why you didn't trust us enough to tell us what was wrong. Emmett..." she sighed. "He was a different person Jazz... it was almost like with him, you took away his sense of humor." She looked up, her blue eyes locked with mine and they looked so heartbroken to have to hash this out again. "But Edward..." She shook her head. "I'm genuinely surprised that he had you come out here," she said honestly.

"You forgot one person," I pointed out.

She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. "Well, I kind of understood why you left. I would have to, given the situation."

"Don't hold back Rosalie."

"Alright, I thought you were a selfish, self-centered prick. How could you say you loved us then just leave without a good-bye? You didn't even tell us where you were going, didn't bother to tell us how to find you. You know you weren't the only one whose life was turned upside down. What Greg did... that affected me too, you know."

"I'm sorry Rose..."

She just shook her head and went back to the kitchen. I heard Emmett's motorcycle pull up and chuckled at the nineteen-fifties vibe these two had with their domestic life.

"You know," Rose called out just as Emmett stepped through the garage door. "Edward was on to your little game back when you two went to the concert."

"What? How?"

"Oh come on. Linkin Park tickets... in California. Yeah, that wasn't obvious at all."

~*~*~February 22nd, 2002~*~*~

Alice hadn’t stopped bouncing since the moment we left home to come here. I knew she'd love the concert tickets and truth be told, I was just glad to get her something that we could both enjoy together.

Rose and Emmett gave me shit for the last week, saying that this qualified as a date, since I was taking her out of state, overnight. While I would have loved to agree with them, I tried my best to maintain a friendly distance.

The opening bands, were loud and obnoxious, but did their job. They had the crowd hyped and ready for the main show. The minute the boys from Linkin Park crossed the stage, the intensity in the air changed.

Half way through their set, Alice removed her hoodie and tied it around her waist, as she bounced around and sang along. The minute I saw the little white top she was wearing, I knew I was in trouble. If I noticed her, I was fairly sure the other boys around us did as well.

Sure enough a few minutes later, some kid tried pulled her over and with the intention to dance against her. I quickly wrapped my arms around her, placing my hands firmly against the skin of her stomach and pulled her closer. The kid gave me a quizzical look, to which I answered by kissing the crook of her neck.

She pushed herself closer to me and seemed to like the attention I was giving her, letting out a small approving sound. I kissed her once more, content on just holding her for the rest of the concert.

When it was over, we went to a nearby motel. I felt bad that I couldn't get something nicer, but I knew Alice wouldn't care. She stayed in the car while I checked in. Once I was done, I went back to the car, tossed the key over to Alice and grabbed our bags and her pillow.

She took the pillow from me, tucking it under her arm before taking my free hand in hers. Silently we walked up the back staircase to our room. I started chewing on my lip nervous about what she’d think when she saw only one bed in the room. It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before... just not without the risk of someone barging in on us.

She sat on the bed, bouncing slightly as I placed her bag near her. "It's springy," she said smiling.

"I bet... so um check out is at noon and seeing how it's almost midnight, we should probably get to bed soon so we don't miss it."

She pulled her hoodie off, tossing it towards the chairs by the window. "This is part of my birthday gift, right?" She asked. I nodded in response. "Well then, don't you think there's a tradition we need to uphold?" She asked biting her lip while adverting her gaze.

I moved to sit next to her. "I don't know what you mean," I teased, slowly kicking my shoes off. I felt the bed shift and looked up as she moved to straddle my lap.

"I think you do, Nerdy Boy," she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hmm... traditions huh? Well, I already said happy birthday..." I wrapped my arms around her, moving one of my hands along the exposed skin of her lower back. "And there was the customary party..."

She twisted her fingers in my hair at the base of my skull and pouted a little at me, "One more tradition, that's just ours?"

"Just ours?" I teased, knowing exactly what she meant. She nodded and bit her full bottom lip. I smiled as I placed my hand on her cheek and gently removed her lip with my thumb. "I can't kiss it if you're biting it," I joked.

Her breathing hitched as her eyes locked with mine, "Please?" she whispered. I obliged, moving my hand to cup the back of her neck as I softly kissed her.

The kiss started off gentle and slow, but quickly turned passionate and deep. The more our tongues and lips moved to together the more of her I wanted.

My hands slid up along her sides and under her top, my fingertips brushing against the side of her breasts, making her gasp. I took the opportunity to move my lips to her throat as my hand cupped her soft breast. She gasped again and wiggled a little, making me pull away just in time for her to pull the short white top over her head.

I watched the movement of her chest as her breathing picked up, before rubbing my thumb over one of her hardened nipples. "Oh God, Jasper..." she breathed, her hands making their way under my shirt, running along the taunt muscles above my jeans.

"Hold on," I said softly, kissing her once before yanking my shirt up over my head and tossing it to the side. I wrapped my arms around her again, holding her to me as I moved us so she was under me on the bed. "Better?" I asked.

"Yes," she was breathing hard. "Nerdy Boy... Are we?"

I shook my head. "Not yet," I said softly against the skin of her collarbones. She wiggled again and moved her hand lower, dipping her fingers into the side of my jeans.

"We're all alone," she whispered in a somewhat naughty voice.

I looked up at her as I kissed lower. "Uh huh..." I agreed.

"We can do stuff... If you want," she looked at me imploringly.

I smirked at her before moving to kiss her sternum and stomach. "Do you want to?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said so quietly I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear it. "I want you..."

I moved back up, kissing her passionately again. I wanted her too. I was just an idiot and didn't think this was going to happen. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pressed herself harder against my chest, smashing her soft breasts against me.

My hands traveled to the waist of her jeans and I moved slightly to pop the button, pulling away to smirk down at her as I pulled the jeans down. Christ on a crutch, she's wearing a thong.

She sat up, her hands going for my belt and shakily began removing it. I cupped her face in my hands. “Relax Ali Cat,” I said softly before sucking her bottom lip into my mouth. I slowly took the lead in the kiss, using my own lips to part her mouth before touching my tongue with hers.

It was what she needed to calm down. The nervous trembling of her hands subsided, as a new found confidence took over and she managed to undo the belt and the fly of my jeans.

I laid her back onto the bed, never once breaking the kiss as she used her feet to push my jeans down. I kissed my way down her jaw and neck, nipping and sucking on her sweet, soft skin, making my way to her breasts as I kicked my jeans the rest of the way off.

I slowly ran my tongue around her nipple, watching her reaction, before sucking it into my mouth. She mewled as one hand fondled her other breast and my free hand made its way down the flat of her stomach.

Just as my finger tips made it under the waistband of her panties, she tugged my hair, making me move back up where she hungrily took my lips with hers.

It was my turn to moan as I touched her slick folds, teasing her as I ran the tip of my middle finger up slowly between them.

“God baby… you’re so wet,” I breathed as I kissed the skin beneath her ear, desperately trying to control the urge to just take her.

"You make me that way," she purred, her hand tracing my muscles lightly before dipping into my boxers.

I bit my lip as I felt her fingers brush against my cock. I slowly pumped my finger in and out of her as my thumb drew lazy circles against her clit.

“Oh God,” she gasped, her hips bucking into my hand as she closed her eyes, her mouth forming a small ‘o’ shape.

I pumped a little faster, stopping at one point when I felt her hand wrap around me and pump in rhythm to my movements.

“Tighter baby,” I practically begged, whimpering when her hand tightened around me.

Our hands pumped faster as each one of us made the other moan and pant harder. I wasn’t sure about her, but having her stroke me like she this, was making it easier for me to imagine what it would be like to move inside her.

Just the thought alone made me lose it as I felt my hips jerk into her hand my balls tighten as I came onto her hand.

I slowed the movement of my hand, watching her as she removed hers from my boxers to lick the cum of it.

Holy fuck, that’s hot!

"Not as bad as I expected," she said with a blush.

“You’re so fucking hot,” I told her, kissing her hard as I pumped my finger into her faster. She gasped into the kiss but quickly returned it. Her hips began rocking into my hand, causing more friction on her clit as we moved faster.

She moved her head to the side as she started to pant my name, my lips running along her neck, feeling her heart race through her vein. The one hand she had on my shoulder, dug its nails into me and I knew she was on the edge.

I stopped playing with her clit, using my just my finger to please her, waiting for the right moment.

“Jasper… please…” she moaned arching her back, pushing herself against me. With a quick roll of her clit between my thumb and forefinger, I felt her cum around me.

“I want to taste you so bad,” I admitted, licking the bit of sweat from her chest that had formed, as I slowly pumped inside of her, letting her ride out her orgasm. “Feel you cum and shudder around my tongue…”

She moaned louder at that, followed by quick, shallow pants. When I knew her climax was over, I removed my hand and brought it to my mouth where promptly sucked on my finger, moaning at the taste of her.

She stared wide eyed at me. "Did you like that?" she asked in a breath.

I nodded. "Oh yeah," I said moving to grab the blanket and pulling it over us. "Was that what you had in mind?" I asked her.

She smiled a little, her cheeks flushing as she looked at me. "Yeah, it was nice."

I chuckled wrapping my arms around her. "Just nice huh?" I teased.

She smiled a little bigger, "No it was more than nice... this was the most amazing day of my life... Thank you N.B."

"You're very welcome Ali Cat. Thank you for letting me spend it with you," I smiled before kissing the tip of her nose.

"There's no one who I would want to spend it more."

"Not even you're be-eff-eff, Rosie?" I teased.

She shook her head with a grin.

"Well good. She probably would have bitched the whole time anyway," I laughed. "We should get some sleep. Long day on the road tomorrow." Back to reality, I added silently.

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