
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chapter 6

Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.

K: Keep an eye out on both the Alsper blog and here; we’ll be posting a time line that will be filled in so y’all aren’t too confused!

Robs: so here it is another Alice chapter, I hope it gives you some insight on her ;) and well you get to see the other girls too. Thank you to all our readers y'all really inspire us!



“Hey Char?” Charlotte’s big brown eyes looked up at me from where she was pinning the calf length hem of my Maid of Honor dress.

“Yeah Ali?” She was the only one of Jasper’s friends that truly became mine after he left. She was awesome and probably one of my biggest supporters.

“Do you think…” I paused for a second as she continued fixing the hem. We were cutting it close and I knew it, thank God for Charlotte, “marrying Garrett is the right thing?”

“Does he make you happy?” she asked from somewhere behind me.

“Yeah,” I responded rather lamely.

“Then I say, do what makes you happy.” She smiled up at me as she made her way back around me. I love how quick this lady does things. I was going to add something, but Rosalie interrupted us.

“Hey Ali do you think Bella would be pissed if I rolled down the aisle?” She wrinkled her nose at her reflection and the simple dress that had yet to be hemmed.

I rolled my eyes at her in the mirror, “Shut up… you are a beautiful, glowing pregnant woman.”

“And only you get to tell me that,” she informed me, smiling.

I grinned like a fool back, “Yeah.”

“So... You really think my brother looks like a hippie?” She asked me, turning this way and that looking at herself in the mirror.

“Your brother?” Charlotte asked, clearly shocked.

I shifted uncomfortably in my spot, “Yeah, Jasper's back Char.” Rose made some comment under her breath about him coming back for Ed, but not her, his own family.

“Holy fuck... call Peter and tell him to make sure Porky hasn't suddenly sprouted wings?” Porky was their pet Pot Belly Pig. I couldn’t help but laugh at the comment; she was just as shocked by Jasper’s arrival as we all were.

Rosalie joined in on our laughter, “Or call Satan to make sure Hell hasn't frozen over.” That made me laugh even harder, trying desperately not to poke myself with one of the hundreds of pins that Charlotte placed to hold the hem the right way.

After we all calmed down Charlotte finally asked, “Are you okay with the fact he's back?”

“Why shouldn't I be?” I shrugged as Rosalie moved to sit in a chair.

“Gee I don't know... he has a way of making you get so wrapped up in him that it crushes your heart when he freaks out?” She gave me a rather pointed look making me look down at my feet. She had a point there.

“Is that why you're questioning Garrett, Ali?” Charlotte asked, knowing my past with Jasper, and the way I dealt with things whenever a Jasper related kink got thrown into the mix.

“What about Garrett?” Bella asked, poking her head out of the dressing room door and looking at us. “By the way Alice, you were right; this dress makes the girls look bigger.”

“I'm always right,” I told her, grinning.

“Ali wants to know if marrying Garrett is the right thing.” Charlotte answered for me.

“Traitor,” I scowled at her.

“Wait, what? When did this happen?” Rosalie asked, obviously confused about me and Garrett getting married.

Bella came out of the dressing room in her beautiful gown. Oh my Lord, Charlotte really can work wonders, I thought as I looked at it. “She can't wait forever you know?” Bella shrugged at her sister-in-law.

“Garrett asked me two night ago Rosie, don't tell the guys though... don't want it getting back to everyone till we announce it,” I explained to Rosalie.

“The night Jazz got to town, Garrett suddenly wants more of a commitment?” Rose asked, and Bella shot her a warning look. What the fuck is that about?

I shrugged, “Yeah.”

“Oh don't give me that look Bella, ya'll are thinkin' it too.” Rosalie chastised Bella and Bella smacked her lightly on the arm.

“I, for one, am happy for Alice. Garrett love her and she loves him.” She smiled warmly at me, I smiled back.

“Rosie?” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

“If you want to clean up after a man for the rest of your natural life, go for it,” she smiled knowingly. I knew she still held some kind of hope in her heart that Jasper and I would end up together, so tossing things like that at me was only a reflex response. “You know I want you happy Alice.”

“Well maybe Alice will get lucky and Garrett will be anal about cleanliness...” Bella laughed, trying to be Miss Optimism.

“Nope, that's only Edward dear. He's the only anal man,” Rose snickered as Bella blushed. What the hell was she talking about? Edward could barely figure out how to open the dishwasher back in the day, when had he turned into a neat freak?

“What are you two hookers not tellin’ me?” I asked, but Charlotte interrupted me by having me take off the dress and asking Rose to come up on the podium next as she laid the dress carefully next to one of her many sewing machines.

Rosalie laughed at my question as she pushed herself out of the chair and climbed up on to the podium. “Well it seems that the fair Swan is no longer a virgin in any form,” she smirked at her sister-in-law, making Bella turn even redder. Wait, Bella hadn’t been a virgin for awhile…

After pulling my sweats on I gave her an eyebrow, “Bella?” she chewed her lip and shrugged in response. Oh my God they hadn’t! “That is rather disturbing…” I informed her as I sat down in the chair Rosalie had recently vacated.

Bella laughed, “That's why I didn't tell you... ‘cause, I mean it is Edward and all. Fucking hell Hale you have a big mouth.”

Rosalie smirked, “It's Hale-Swan get it right sis.” She stuck her tongue out at Bella playfully.

I laughed at them, “Aw, I wish we could all be related too!”

My comment seemed to bother Bella and Rosalie a little bit and they exchanged a look. Bella hugged me around the shoulders. “We are silly ‘cause I'm going to be your sister, which makes Em your brother, so you get Rose by default.” She grinned at me.

“Screw you cow. If anything, she's getting Emmett by default.” Rosalie responded making me laugh once again.

“Can I just ask something Rosie?”

“Of course Ali”

“When did Jasper become such a man-whore?” I asked her timidly, it was something I had been wondering for awhile now.

She began fidgeting with her wedding band which she had hanging from a chain around her neck, “Um, I don't know that he is Ali. I think he's just trying to find himself?”

I raised a speculative eyebrow at that, “Between some chicks thighs?” I asked sardonically.

“Did you expect him to >not be with someone?” She asked me, raising her own well groomed eyebrow.

I sighed as I pulled my feet up in front of me on the chair, “I don't even know what I did wrong…”

“Who said you did something wrong? We all know Jazz was a little off.” Bella shrugged.

“I'm sure it wasn't you Alice. Just trust me ‘kay?” Rosalie tried to reassure me.

I sighed again, laying my cheek on my knees, “I mean, he seemed so happy at prom…”

*~*~*~*April 22nd 2005*~*~*~*

I sized myself up in the mirrors on my closet door. I have to say, I look pretty damn good.

Prom dress that shows off my legs, shoulders and cleavage I know Jasper loves so much, two hundred fifty nine dollars. Six inch platform heels to make me tall enough to dance with my beloved properly, one hundred twenty five dollars. Hotel room at the plush hotel where prom is being held, four hundred seventy five dollars. The look on Jasper’s face when he sees me in nothing but the new lace panties I bought, priceless.

I heard a knock and looked up to see Edward standing there, looking all spiffy in his suit. I smiled at him. “You look nice.”

“You look beautiful,” he kissed the top of my head as I smiled back at him in the mirror. “So, how long are you and Jazz gonna pretend that you aren’t together around me?”

I gaped at him, “Um… I dunno, please don’t kick Jasper’s ass...” I pleaded with my big brother who laughed at me.

“Don’t worry, I see how happy you both are together, and who am I to get in the way of that?” He smirked at me in the mirror, Bella had definitely softened him. I turned to hug him.

“Thanks Ed.”

“No problem,” he said, patting my back. “Anyway, he’s downstairs waiting for you.” I squeaked a little in spite of myself and ran down the stairs, noticing him leaning against the banister.

I slowed, trying to play it cool as I walked down the rest of the stairs, he looked up at me and smiled. “Wow... you look beautiful Ali Cat.”

I felt the heat rise to my face, “Really?”

“Of course, I'm honored to be your date.” He took my hand and kissed the back of it. I smiled stupidly and sighed, staring at him like a love-sick puppy.

“I wanna take a few pictures… is that okay with you Jazz honey?” Mom asked from beside us.

“Yes ma'am. Oh wait, I got you a corsage,” he leaned down, picking up the plastic box holding the small flower. “Rose told me blue and this was the best I could do,” he explained giving me a shy smile.

“It's beautiful NB.” I held out my wrist and he slid it on, my mother snapped pictures as he did.

“I still say you're prettier,” he told me, kissing my cheek.

My mom beamed at us, “Okay, just a few of you together and then a few of Alice alone alright?” she asked, we nodded and she began telling us where and how to stand. “Alright, thanks kids... have fun.” I waved back and led Jasper out the door.

“Night Mrs. Cullen,” Jasper waved as I pulled him out the door.

Once outside I pulled a condom and a handkerchief out of my purse and watched as a smirk crossed his face. “Much cooler than a boutonnière don't yah think?”

“Or do you just want to make the other guys jealous ‘cause you're mine,” he wrapped his arms around me loosely as I tucked the handkerchief on top of the condom in the breast pocket of his suit.

“I got us a room.”

“Good girl... I lied by the way... you're fucking hot in that dress.” He grinned down at me, biting his lip.

“If you think that's hot, you should see my panties,” I said with a wink.

“Can I have a sneak peek in the limo?” He waggled eyebrows as he walked me towards the waiting limo.

“I dunno…” I giggled, “shouldn't we wait a bit?”

He groaned, pulled me up at his side. “You're killing me Ali Cat... killing me,” he kissed me firmly.

“Fine just a few peeks... keep your hands to yourself though,” I smirked, knowing there was no way in hell he would keep his hands to himself.

“I make no promises,” he winked again.

“You are so bad…” I giggled, kissing him again.

“You like it,” he teased as he held the door open for me. I bit my lip and climbed in, being none too lady like while I made sure he could get his first sneak peek under my skirt. He gave me a rather lusty look as he followed me in.

I sat across from Jasper and watched as he closed the door. “Where to first?”

He raised an eyebrow at me, “I believe we're supposed to get Ed and Bella,” he shrugged. “I honestly don't remember ‘cause now I can't get someone's panties out of my mind,” he smirked.

“Well, considering Ed hasn’t even left the house yet… we might be waiting a while at Chief Swans…” I spread my legs a little, knowing he was looking down there.

He gave me a seductive smile, “Get over here.” I grinned and moved to sit next to him, “That's better.”

He cupped my face and kissed me gently at first, then roughly, pushing me firmly against the leather of the seat as his tongue probed my mouth. He pulled me down, laying us on the seat as we continued to kiss, one arm wrapped around me and his other hand exploring my body greedily. It slipped down the top of my strapless gown, groping me and pinching my nipple between his forefinger and thumb.

I gasped as he continued playing with my nipple and moving his mouth along my neck, his warm wet breath making my insides quiver in delight. I felt the limo begin moving making his body shift and letting his engorged member rub up against my upper thigh as he continued teasing my boob.

He moved his hand out of the top of my dress and moved down my body. “Are you excited Ali Cat?” I moaned lightly as his fingertips brushed up my thigh and nodded when I realized what he was about to do. He plunged a finger inside of me and I gripped his arm tightly, moaning as my hips bucked into his hand. I heard him mumble something into my neck, but I was too far gone to care what he said.

My mind went blissfully blank as my orgasm swept through my body and I relaxed onto the seat, removing myself from his arm so he could wipe his hand off on the handkerchief I gave him.

I knew it would come in handy.

After we picked up Edward and Bella, we were on our way to the diner to have dinner. Jasper graciously paid for my meal and then we went to the dance.

Once at the dance, we went and had the professional portraits done before making our way to the dance floor, dancing to slow songs whenever they came on and hanging out and talk to my friends. For some odd reason it seemed as if Jasper was getting sadder as the night carried on, and it concerned me. During our next slow dance I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him. “Nerdy boy…?”

“Hmm?” He looked down into my eyes.

“Are you having fun?”

He loosened his tie a little with one hand and nodded, “Are you?”

“Only because you're here, thank you for giving me my fairytale Jasper…”

He smiled affectionately. “Of course Alice,” he said before leaning down and kissing my lips softly.

“You look so hot tonight,” I complimented him, making him smirk.

“That's just cause I have the hottest chick at Forks High in my arms,” he pulled me a little closer.

“I love you NB.” I told him, but he, in response kissed my temple. What the fuck? I looked into his eyes, to see that his feelings for me hadn't changed, so I decided to try a different tactic to cheer him up. I stood up on my toes, leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “Make love to me tonight?”

When I looked back at him, he was chewing his lip and nodding, but not making eye contact. Seriously, what the fuck? I forced Jasper’s head to look in my direction, the sadness he usually kept locked up was so close to the surface. “What's wrong Jasper?”

He smiled at me, putting his mask on again. “Nothing… just thinking.”

“About what?” I pressed.

“Nothing.” He shook his head before looking over my shoulder. “Hey why don't you go dance with Angela. She looks lonely.” He nodded his head slightly in Angela‘s direction.

“You don't want to dance with me NB?” I asked, using the full power of the pout on him.

He pulled me closer still, so that our legs were intertwined as we moved in a slow and graceful circle. “I do Ali Cat.”

“You've been pulling away from me tonight.” I told him, expressing my concern.

His beautiful eyes met mine again, “I'm sorry... I didn't know I was.” I moved my hands from his hair to run my fingertips along his cheeks, making him smile at me.

“You make me happy NB.”

“Good, I'm glad I'm doing something right.” I didn’t really understand what he meant by that comment, all I knew was for the first time in six months he hadn’t done two things in a row. He hadn’t told me I love you back and he also hadn’t expressed his happiness with me either. I looked at the ground, trying to will the tears back.

“Hey,” I felt his finger lifting my chin. “You should hold you head up high you know why?”


“Because you're beautiful, in love and loved in return.” He gave me a shy little smile and I breathed a small sigh of relief, he does love me.

“Yeah, but shush... you don't want my boyfriend to find out,” I teased, winking at him.

He laughed, “I'll break his nose if he gets in the way,” he informed me, kissing me passionately.

If I had known that was going to be our last kiss, I would’ve kissing him a little longer.

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