
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chapter 24


The day Jasper left I got up early to see him off, we'd had an interesting night, that was for sure. I’d always known that Kelly was trying to be a new version of me, but I never really understood why, and now that I knew, I kind of felt bad for her. I knew what it was like to be in love with someone who was unattainable like Jasper, 'cause I had been there before. But at the same time, at least I felt really desired, maybe loved even because Jasper had really tried to get over me. He moved away trying to get me out of his head, the same thing I was trying to do, and he was just as unsuccessful as I was.

Even though it was probably the wrong thing to do, because he hadn't broken up with Kelly and I was supposed to be getting over Garrett, we made love. It was tender and warm and caring and just so many other things, it was all too much for me to process just yet.

I knew Jasper wanted to work things out with me, he wanted to try again with me, he still loved me. Do I let Jasper Whitlock, breaker of hearts and minds back into my life in that way? I looked around my room, the rumpled sheets and the smell of sex unmistakable. I guess I already had, without really realizing or acknowledging it, but I was in control of this time. Wasn't I?

I mean, it's not my fault that I couldn't control how my body reacted to him, but I could control how much power he had over me, right? I sighed and took another drink from my coffee. I still loved Jasper very much, and not having him in my life would hurt, a lot. Honestly, if Kelly somehow managed to get him to stay I would end up so brokenhearted I didn't exactly know what I would do.

It had been a few hours since I dropped him off at the airport and already a feeling of sadness and loneliness was beginning to set in. I put my cup in the sink and began cleaning my coffee pot when I heard my phone beep to let me know I received a text message.

I picked it up off the charging station and looked at the screen. It was from Jasper, I pressed the button to read it. Can I just turn around and forget my stuff in TN?

I smiled and pressed reply.

You'd break Em's heart if you didn’t get all those comic books.

Right, Comics. We just landed by the way.

I chuckled; glad you got there ok, do you miss me?

Yes, the sooner I do this, the sooner I get back right?

That made my heart flutter. Yeah, definitely. I miss you... and can still smell you.

I miss you too and I hope I smell good! I have to get a cab. Call you later?

I kissed the screen on my phone then added; I sent you a kiss too.

I expect more when I get back! Love you Ali Cat.

Love you 2.
I smiled as I closed my phone. He didn't have to text, but he did. I chewed my lip as I considered what that could mean. Was he more serious this time? Would he freak out again if things got too serious?

I decided not to dwell on it too much and after calling Bella and Rosalie and telling them that we needed some girl time, I got ready for the day.

Mani’s-pedi’s and shopping, who could ask for more?


A few hours of walking around the Northgate Mall and we were beat. We found a nice little Greek food place to have lunch before our mani-pedis and everything was going well until Rosalie decided we should talk about more important things than Jimmy Choo and Dolche.

"Jazz gave you back the casserole dish, right?"

"Um..." had he? I thought about it for a moment. "Oh yeah, he did, I found it in the foyer after..." I stopped myself from saying anything else. I really didn't want to remember the shit Garrett said, or reveal how deep I was in with Jasper.

"After... what? You fucked him against another wall?" she joked.

I blanched, I hadn't told anyone about that, I glanced over at Bella who was reading the wine menu. "No, when Garrett and I broke up... and he told me he'd been doin' his assistant for three months because I was icy." I swallowed hard.

Bella gasped as Rose rolled her eyes. "No you're not. He was a sleaze ball anyway Ali... good riddance." Rose said with a shake of her head.

"Yeah..." I took a drink of my tea and studied Rosalie for a moment. "Who told you about the wall incident?" Incident, like it was a crime. Oh geez, Nerdy Boy rubbed off on me... in so many ways... God! Why am I such a perv?!

She laughed. "Who do you think?"

"Emmett? Of course, Nerdy Boy still tells him everything huh?" I sighed. "So what else did he tell Em?"

She shrugged. "You know the usual. He fucked up, doesn't know how to fix things. Still gets a hard on looking at your legs..."

Bella snorted at the last part. "So almost everything he tells Ed?" Rose nodded in response.

"Wait... what?" I asked, looking at Bella confused.

"I knew about him coming to Ed and asking what to do. Especially after your surprise engagement dinner. The legs thing," she shook her head and laughed, "he didn't tell Ed about that."

"Yeah, I would think not... Ed punched him once when were kids for looking at me in a bikini." I giggled a little, "So he really asked for their help to fix things?"

"Ed also tried to drown him," Rose added. "Yeah, he really did. Believe it or not Ali he still loves you."

"I know, he told me he still loves me..." I took a bite of my gyro. "But I mean who's to say that he won't do the same thing as before... when shit gets intense he bails. Or at least that’s the way it's always seemed to me."

Rose shrugged and picked at her salad.

"What if things are different now? Like, I remember he always seemed a little off. Emmett told me that Jasper was always afraid of the dark, afraid that it was because his parents loved him that they died..." Bella sighed. "What if he's finally realized there's nothing to be afraid of?"

I thought about it; he was a little unusual... but it didn’t matter, he had always been my Jasper, so I never put too much thought into it. "Maybe... I hope so," I sighed. "Does it sound stupid that I still want my fairytale happily ever after with him?"

"No," both Rose and Bella answered.

"If anyone deserves it I think you do," Rose said with a small smile.

"Thanks," I smiled back. "I keep thinkin' that maybe I should've stayed broken up with Garrett, you know?"

"Why's that?" Bella asked.

"Cause I wouldn't have had to go through all this, you know? I mean when Jasper sent me the letter..."

"I think this is just what you two needed. It gave my brother a good kick in the pants that's for sure."

"Wait, what letter?" Bella asked, ignoring Rose completely.

*~*~* February 14th 2008 *~*~*

It was my twenty-first birthday, and I was only kind of looking forward to going out that night. Bella, Ang, Rosie and the guys were determined to take me out and get me drunk for my birthday. I didn't really want to go either, not since Nerdy Boy left. I mean, he was the one who always seemed to make my birthdays special for me.

But I had a new boyfriend, Garrett, who was really sweet, and he was planning on going to this shin dig too so I figured why not? I had just moved into my gorgeous condo and was really proud of the fact I was buying something, and well, I guess I had lots to celebrate.

I went downstairs to check the mail, hoping for some birthday cards with cash. Childish yes, but it's still fun to get some spending money for simply being born. I turned the key and opened my mail cube to see a small package and a few cards waiting. I took them back upstairs before I looked to see who they were from.

Once I got upstairs I decided to open the package first. I picked it out of the pile and looked at the return address; who the fuck would send me something from Tennessee?

It couldn't be!
I ripped the small box open to find a Polaroid picture confirming my suspicions; it was a photo of me and Nerdy Boy, cuddling, and from the date on the picture it was from two-thousand-and-two. The watch he got me was very cool; Ed Hardy, huh... looks like Nerdy Boy finally picked up a little fashion sense. I smiled at the watch and put it to the side before I picked up the letter, I was nervous, I had no idea what he would say to me after all this time. I reread the note at least a dozen times, it made me hopeful, depressed, nostalgic and sad all at the same time.

Why had he written this? Why had he made it seem like I was the one who cut him out and not the other way around? Why didn't he mention anything about the baby picture of Ryan I’d sent him?

I had so many questions and no way to get any answers.

I called Rosalie, there was no way I was going out after this. It rang a few times and she answered sounding breathless. "Hey Rosie?"

"Hey Ali, what's up?" she asked cheerfully.

"Um... I can't go out tonight," my voice cracked.

"What? Why? What's wrong?" she asked, slightly panicked.

"I got a letter from Jasper..." My voice was barely a whisper at this point. I was so close to completely breaking down.

"Whoa," she breathed. "Do you need me to come over? 'Cause I will."

"Yeah... please? I don't wanna be alone right now..."

"I'll be right there. Wanna talk to Em until I get there?" She asked and I could hear the sound of her grabbing her keys.

"No... I need to call Rhett... see you soon..." I said before I began sobbing.

"Alright, I'm on my way babe." I hung up and managed to gather enough courage to break it off with Garrett via text message. It's cold to do it that way, and definitely the pussy way to do things, but I couldn't talk and he deserved someone better than me, someone who was over their ex.


After my day with Rosie and Bella I went home exhausted and thrilled all at the same time. It felt good to talk about what was going on with my girls and we had fun shopping, well I had more fun than anyone else, and getting my nails done always worked to cheer me up a bit.

I hung up my all new clothes before getting dinner started. Dinner for one, I sighed, well, maybe soon it could be dinner for two.

I heard my phone begin ringing 'Hanging by a Moment,' and rushed to grab my phone. "Hey N.B.!" I chirped.

"Hi Ali... sorry I got you on speaker right now, just until I get the damn porcelain cleaned up." He sighed.

"Why? What happened?" Jasper wasn't normally a clumsy person.

"Well, I'm single again... and Nana's teapot is destroyed... Seriously she had to go for that?! She couldn't go for the expensive computer... fucking bitch."

"I take it she didn't take it well?" I sighed a little at his discomfort, wishing I could be there to cheer him up.

He chuckled. "Nope... actually no, she was okay with it until she saw the boxes with Forks printed on the mailing label. Then all hell broke loose."

"Why?" I was confused.

"I told her I was transferred..." he stopped for a minute as he banged something in the background. "Then she saw the boxes with the comics and asked if I was doing this for you."


"I told her the truth. Yes and no. Yes, I'm going back because you're willing to give us another chance. And no, that wasn't the only reason. I told her that it made sense to be back in Washington. My family and friends are there. I have no one here," he chuckled darkly. "I'll give you two guess but you'll only need one to figure out how she took the last part."

"Really bad... So you told her? About us I mean."

"Yeah. I wasn't gonna lie to her Ali," he said softly with a sigh.

"What did she say?" I asked as I sat down.

"Does it matter?" he asked.

"You gonna start keepin’ things from me again?" I knew that was low, but I really wanted open, honest communication between us this time.

"No," his voice was closer now. "No. She was just saying shit that wasn't true. Said you were lying to me so you could get what you wanted. Stuff like that."

"Lying about what?" I asked with a laugh.

He sighed. "About how you felt."

"And what, in her opinion, is what I wanted?" I asked, arching my eyebrow. I seriously needed to get on a plane to cut a bitch.

He laughed. "Her unhappy, since you were jealous of what she had with me. I told her she was the one jealous of what you and I had but she told me I was blind to your ways."

I snorted, "Yeah, and that’s why I was out bleaching my hair and using spray on tan right?" I rolled my eyes. "Please tell me you told her to shove it up her ass and leave?"

He laughed. "She's gone, if that's what you wanted to know. I had to call a guy from work to come get her, but she's gone."

"Whoa, you had to call someone to force her to leave?" Girl really is a psycho!

"It's not as bad as it sounds Ali... It was more so I didn't hurt her. She was going for mom's things..."

"What gives her the right to do that to you?" I felt outraged.

"Because she couldn't touch our stuff, I left our box at Bella's," he sighed again. "I don't know. All I know is I'm getting the fuck out of here as soon as possible."

"I don't blame you... is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

He laughed a little. "Not unless you could just show up like now?"

"I wish... I miss you so much... and I am still walkin' funny," I said with a giggle.

"Damn girl... and to think I didn't even fuck you the way I used to," he teased. "I miss you too Ali."

"Oh God," I didn't mean to moan that. "The way you used to fuck me... I still touch myself when I think about it," I teased right back.

"You gonna show me that when I get back right?" His voice deepened when he asked that.

"If you want me to," I bit my lip to restrain the girly giggle.

"Fuck yes I want you to," he groaned. "Damn it Ali I have to pack not jerk off."

I let the giggle out, "Aww Nerdy Boy... I'm sorry. I'll stop, I can't wait 'til you come back and show that you really can make me walk funny."

He laughed. "Yes, I'll show you alright. Baby, I gotta go finish packing up," he said sadly.

"Call me when you take rest stops and stuff?" I asked hopeful.

"Of course. Get some sleep Ali Cat, one of us has to."

"I'll be thinkin' of you... Will you be okay?" I asked, worried about him not sleeping on his way home.

"Yeah, I'll be fine Ali. I'm gonna take my meds don't worry. I love you."

My heart skipped, I swear it did. "I love you... Be safe."

"Of course. Night Ali."

"Night," I said before closing my phone and hugging it to my chest. Maybe things really would change for the better this time.

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Chapter 23

Disclaimer: We do not own the twilight saga or any recognizable characters and such. Just this plot and variations of the canon characters.


I was grateful that my sister asked me to Ali's to return the damn casserole dish. When I told her I would do it later, she insisted that I had to do it immediately.

When I got to her condo, I could clearly hear her struggling with someone. Naturally my training kicked in when I noticed the door was left open. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved that it was only Garrett, but that seemed to make me even more pissed.

I wanted to deck him when he hurt Alice with his words, but I was stunned honestly. I've never liked the guy, but for him to throw out his infidelity and admit to using the wedding as a way to get her to warm up to him, that was low.
But I had no room to talk. Here I was hoping that their marriage wouldn't happen, after I left her when she needed me the most.

She loved him, I know she did. She even told me so, but to hear the pain as she cried, it tore at me from the inside out. I wanted to run after him and kick his ass, or call Edward and let him do it, and comfort her all at once.

I gave her the one thing I knew she needed the most; stayed to care for her.

I laid with her all night and held her as she cried. I tried making her laugh, succeeding several times, but the tears always won out.

In the morning she called into work, using the excuse that she needed some personal time. I didn't want to leave her, especially now, but I had to complete my work before leaving.

I had expected the day to go much slower than it did. But before I knew it four in the afternoon came and I was heading back to Ali Cat's condo.

I decided that tonight I was going to show her that I still loved her. Sure my timing was off, but I figured if she wanted to try to get things back to how they were when I got back, I should show her that I want it too.

I pulled my bike up in front of the sushi place in town that Bella and Rose claimed was Ali’s favorite, when I saw him. The Armani prick was already out, parading some blonde woman around. I was honestly shocked he had moved on so quickly with this chick I could only presumed was his assistant, Kate.

He looked over at me and I saw him tense up. Good, I thought as I got off the bike. "Garrett! Funny seeing you so soon, " I taunted.

He rolled his eyes at me, but didn't say anything. "Oh, I'm sorry did I interrupt something?" I asked, focusing my attention on his companion.

"No, we were just heading to the museum," She smiled at me.

"Where are my manners? I'm Jasper," I held my hand out to her.

"Kate," she responded, shaking my hand as Garrett glared.

"Pleasure meeting you." I glanced at Garrett before looking back at Kate. "Do you mind if I speak to Garrett real quick? I forgot to tell him something the last time we spoke and it's important."

She smiled and shook her head. "No, of course."

I walked to the side of the building where there was an alley and waited for Garrett to follow. "This better be good," he snarled.

"Oh it will be," I said before shoving him against the wall, holding him up with my forearm pressed against his neck. He tried to fight back and talk shit which only made me laugh. "Don't say a word prick, the more you do that, the more pressure my arm will place on your esophagus aiding in your asphyxiation, so if you have plans to continue fucking your secretary I suggest you stop and listen to me."

He stopped struggling and looked at me, his eyes showing signs of panic.

"Good, now listen carefully. You never deserved her. I may have hurt her and left her when she needed me, but I never made her self-conscious or joked to her brother about fucking someone else. You come anywhere near her again and I will release the hounds. Believe me… You don't ever want to cross Edward and Emmett when it comes to Ali Cat." He glared at me in response and I applied a little more pressure as I leaned in to whisper in his ear. "And as far as her being a fridged bitch... you couldn’t be more wrong," I pulled back to see the confused look on his face, making me smirk.

"I just have to say, nothing feels better than when she cums around my cock especially like she did a few weeks ago. I guess you just didn't know how to get her hot," I taunted, letting go of him.

He leaned against the wall gasping for air. "You fucking asshole," he rasped out.

I laughed. "I'm the asshole? Right." I rolled my eyes before pulling my fist back and hitting him square in the face which made a sickening crunching noise. "That's for hurting Alice in ways you'll never understand." I saw the blood on his face and smiled before leaving him in that alley.

"He'll be back in a few moments. So sorry to keep you," I said politely to Kate before bidding her farewell.


When I got to Ali Cat's condo, I entered the code to get into the building before making my way up to her place. I called her to let her know I was coming over with dinner so she said she would leave the door unlocked.

"Ali I'm here!" I called out as I closed and locked the door.

"Be right down!" she called back from her office in the loft. I made my way to the kitchen to unload the bags of sushi I picked up. "Oh my God, did you get me sushi?" A.C.'s happy voice drifted over to me.

"Oh my God, I did!" I mimicked her enthusiasm.

She scowled at me playfully. "I would've jumped on you and said thank you, but now you ruined that."

I snapped my fingers in disappointment, wincing slightly. "Damn that hurt..." I muttered. "Anyway, I figure sushi would be a good comfort food."

"Thank you," She smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're very welcome. Thank God for California rolls or I'd starve," I teased before popping one in my mouth. "Table or living room?" I asked, picking up a few of the plates.

"Doesn't matter, where are you most comfortable?"

"Uh huh, your dinner surprise, you pick. Otherwise we'll eat right here in the kitchen," I teased, knowing how much she hated that.

"Living room... We can watch movies," she suggested.

I nodded and started heading that way. "By the way, there's Sake in the bag."

"Tryin’ to get me drunk?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Of course not. I just thought wine with dinner... and since Sake is Japanese wine I figured it’d go well with sushi."

She laughed a little. "And getting me drunk so you could take advantage of me didn't cross your mind?" she asked with a small smile.

I smirked, "No, why would I do something like that? You know I like you sober."
"I like you when you're drunk," she winked.

I laughed, setting the plates down on the table. "Well... lucky for you, your computer is upstairs."

"Why, you planning on taking me over a desk again, Nerdy Boy?"

She keeps purring like that I just might, I thought. "Actually, not right now... we have to talk."

"Okay..." She looked a little nervous.

"It's not bad, I promise," I gave her a smile. "It's just I'm leaving for Tennessee tomorrow and I wanted you to know that I'm coming back... but... I just... I wanted to know your thoughts... about us..."

She finished chewing the piece of sushi she had in her mouth before answering, "I’m still in love with you."

I couldn't help the grin on my face. "I’m still in love with you too, Alice..."

"So... what do you wanna do about that?" she asked, chewing on her lip.

"Well... I want to try again. But do things differently though." I took her hand in mine. "If you want to, that is."

She smiled, "Yeah, I do. I mean, it might seem kinda soon, but... I want it if you do."

"We don't have to jump into it. I just want to be yours again, you know? I missed you."

"I want to be yours too, I feel like I never really left you, you know? Like when you left, you took a part of me."

I nodded. "I think I left a big part of myself here as well... and it took me coming back to realize it."

"Did you miss me while you were away?" she asked, lacing her fingers with mine.

"I did." I admitted. "I even tried to forget you... but I couldn't."

"What did you think about?"

"Everything... at times I would think I could hear you laughing when I did something stupid at work. I would remember the way you'd let me cry when I had those dreams about my parents. I would miss the way you'd kiss me when you thought I was going to say something embarrassing, or even just to shut me up when I rambled."

The corner of her mouth curled up into a smile. "I missed you so much too."

"I'm sorry I left Ali... I want to make it up to you."

"How do you plan on doin' that N.B.?"

"Honestly... I don't know." I looked down at our hands. How do you fix something like that?

"This was a good start," She smiled. "Are you sure when you go back Kelly isn't gonna figure out a way to keep you there?"

I nodded and leaned my head against the couch. "Yeah I'm sure. That's why I'm leaving so early tomorrow, I want to have time to pack up all my stuff before she gets home from work."

"When are you coming back..."

I rubbed my face with my free hand and sighed. "Uh, I’m hoping three days tops. I'm driving back though so could be longer could be less, depending on the weather and roads."

"I'll miss you," She blushed. "That's kinda dumb huh?"

I shook my head. "No, not dumb. I was toying with the idea of taking you with me, but I didn't want you to be exposed to the crazy ex."

"Soon to be ex," she corrected. "I could handle her."

I laughed. "I'm sure you could Ali Cat."


"But nothing. I just think it's easier for me to go out there, do what I got to do and come back," I shrugged.

"Okay... If you really don't want me to protect you from the she-devil..." she teased.

"Oh, you think you can protect me?" I looked at her amused.

She sat a little straighter. "I may be little, but I'm fiesty."

I laughed and smiled at her. "You're beautiful you know that?"

"You really think so?"

"I do. Even when you're in PJs you’re beautiful." I tugged on the leg of her flannel pants.

She blushed and smiled before looking at our joined hands. "Did you want to stay tonight?"

"I'd like that."

She smiled and took another bite of sushi. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"How did you go from dating someone like Kayla to dating the crazy trashy version of me?"

I spit my sake out in surprise. "Kayla?" How the hell did she know about Kayla?

"Um when I went to Tennessee... I met her," She chewed her lip.

"What? When? Why? How come no one told me?" So many questions ran through my mind.

"About two years ago..." She chewed her lip nervously. "I wanted to ask you why you left, I wanted to confront you... but compared to her I looked frumpy and fat and gross... she was really nice to me though."

“Yeah, she's a sweetheart. Too good for me. Wait, you met her?" I was seriously confused.

"Yeah, at Applebees...she saw me sittin’ by myself so she came over to talk to me..."

I shook my head, what was it with the women leaving me out of things? "Wow," was all I could say.

"Answer my question," she said impatiently.

"Alright, Alright... relax..."

~*~*~April 16th, 2008~*~*~

"Jasper! You're still here?" A female voice asked from behind me. I spun in my chair to see Detective Morgan leaning against the door frame.

She was attractive, but not my type. Not like my type had been working for me lately. I knew she had a thing for me, hell, the whole department seemed to know this. I kept passing on her obvious attempts to get me alone. Why? She was a tall, leggy, blonde... the pantsuits she wore made one think that she could quite possibly be Hugh Heffner's next girlfriend if he saw her. She was also quiet, and a people pleaser.

Everything Alice isn't. A voice said in my head. Jesus, almost three years and I still can't get her out of my mind.


"Oh sorry. Yeah still here," I gave her a tight smile.

She looked at her watch and smiled. "I know Amber doesn't want to pay overtime so you, my friend, need to hang the coat up."

"I'm just finishing up in here. You know, procedure."

She nodded. "You're a good guy, Jasper." No I'm not, I thought as she turned to leave. "Oh, we're all going to O'Mally's for a celebratory drink. You should stop by, since the case would still be open if you hadn’t found the paper trail..."

I shook my head. "Just my job and thanks... I'll think about it."


I don't know what made me go to the pub, but I did. Drink after drink, I found myself relaxing and talking to Detective Morgan - Kelly - more and more. Innocent flirting turned into more and before I knew it she was in my bed.

When she asked me out to dinner the next night, I told her I wanted to keep things casual, see how things go.

That was my first mistake.

I used work as an excuse for why we couldn't be serious, much like using Edward as the excuse with Ali-Cat. As time progressed I found myself comparing Kelly to Alice. Kelly swore, drank and smoked. Alice only swore with reason, didn't drink as much or smoke. She got me to talk about my past, wanted more information about my friends and family, but every time Alice came up in a story, she'd roll her eyes or groan. Even Kayla tried to warn me. She said the attraction wasn't normal. I just laughed it off and told her it was fine.

I tried my hardest to not think about Ali while I was with Kelly. After all, she moved on and according to Rose she was happy with her newest beau. I deserved the same right?

A month later, Kelly had managed to move into my apartment. It bothered me because this was my space, it held my secrets, but I suppose it made sense, she spent more time here than she did at her own place.

“You know, I think we should have sushi tonight," Kelly suggested as she sat on the couch.

"No," I stated plainly.

"Why not? It's delicious."

"It's raw fish, fish that live in bacteria filled waters. It’s disgusting."

"Awww... but Jasper, I want sushi," She pouted.

"Then go eat it, just do not bring into my house." I rubbed my hands over my face pushing my glasses up.

She laughed. "God, you're a dick. If you don't like raw fish then get California Rolls, those are cooked."

Yeah, I know because that's all I‘d eat when Alice wanted sushi. I snapped back in my head. "No, I don't want that shit in my apartment!"

"Our, Jasper… Our apartment," she tried to correct.

"Until your name is on the lease, it's my apartment. If you don't like it, there's the door," I pointed at the front door and immediately felt bad when I saw the hurt flash across her face.

She got up and made her way to me, straddling my lap. "Is my poor lab tech stressed out?"

"I don't want to do this right now Kel," I pushed her off my lap.

She stood up in a huff. "If I was fucking Alice you'd be all over me!" she shouted storming towards the bedroom. "Face it Jasper, you weren't good enough for her!"

She was right.


I opened the door to the apartment and was grateful that I was alone. I knew hell was gonna be paid when Kelly got here and honestly, I just wanted to get the bulk of my things packed before she got home.

I carried the boxes into the office and carefully started to pack up my comic books. It may seem silly that a grown man would be as protective as I was over these, but I had a lot of Stan Lee's first edition books. I'll be damned if they got ruined.

My mind was racing with things I had to do before Kelly got back. I had to separate my stuff into three categories; going with me, ship to Emmett, and sell. I knew the majority of my furniture would be sold. I couldn’t very well fit a desk from Ikea in the trunk space of the Prius.

Things like my comic books and collectibles were getting shipped to Emmett and Rose. They said that they would take care of them until I found my own place. Then my clothes, movies, Mom and Dad's possessions, and work stuff was going with me in the car.

Just as I was labeling the last of five comic book boxes, I heard the unmistakable sound of Kelly's shoes on the hardwood floor.

"Jasper?" she called out.

"Office Kel," I answered, almost wishing I hadn’t. I could hear her footsteps pick up as she hurried towards the office. She tackled me on the floor, kissing me everywhere she could.

"I'm so glad you're home, I missed you so much!"

I pushed her away. "Kel, we gotta talk."

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Chapter 22


A few days after Jasper announced that he was moving back to town – a fact which he told me before anyone else… which, frankly, came as a shock to me – Garrett came home.

I was definitely planning going to break off the engagement, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to break up with him totally or not, because I mean, how would it look? My Ex comes back to town and suddenly I dump my boyfriend?

I asked Garrett to come over to my place and I think we might've gotten our signals mixed up because the second he arrived he was all over me, kissing and touching me with meaning. I pulled away, trying to hint to him that we seriously needed to talk. He wasn't listening, instead he kept on kissing and nibbling on my neck while groping me. We'd been in this situation before, sometimes he just gets really horny being away from me and wants me so much that he can't help himself. But I was starting to get worried, I had definitely told him to stop, that I wanted to talk and even pushed against him a few times.

What the hell?

Before I could freak out too much, Garrett finally moved away from me. I felt relieved until I realized that he didn't willingly move of his own accord.

"Let the lady talk," Nerdy Boy said while shoving Garrett slightly. I gaped at him, then at the open door, had Garrett left that open?

"Why the fuck are you here?" He glared at Jasper.

"My sister asked me to drop something off for her. Someone left the door open and I heard Ali telling someone to stop. Would you want an attacker hurtin' her?" Jasper challenged.

Garrett just glared, "Um..." I cleared my throat, getting their attention. "Rhett, I don't think we should get married right now..."

Garrett gaped at me, "What? Why baby? Are you having second thoughts, everyone has those, it'll go away," he said, edging closer to me.

"No," I shook my head. Garrett stared, then narrowed his eyes before looking between me and Jasper.

"This is cause of him isn’t it? You're doin this because the asshole who left you while you were fucking pregnant came back?" I shook my head in protest, but he wasn’t listening. "Fuck you! Just so you know, I've been fucking Katie, my assistant for the past three months. I was hoping marriage would thaw that icy exterior of yours, but I guess not. Have a nice life." He spat, turning and walking out the front door while I tried to catch my breath.

He'd been cheating on me? For three months? Three whole months?!

OhmyGod, I was just trying to put off the engagement till I figured things out. Did he just break up with me?
My knees buckled and I suddenly felt the wood of my floor under them just as the hot tears rushed down my cheeks. "How could he?!" I wailed. I felt Jasper's presence as he wrapped me in his arms, pulling me to him as I cried.

I clung as he cradled me in his arms and carried me into my room and laid me on the bed before he rushed out of the room, but before I could wonder where he was going I heard the front door shut and lock. When he returned he laid down next to me and pulled me close.

"I'm sorry Ali Cat," he whispered into my hair as he gently rubbed my back.

"Three months?" I sounded as miserable as I felt.

"Want me to kick his ass?" he offered.

"Yes," I sobbed, "Actually no, but it felt good to say yes."

He chuckled softly. "Can I kick his ass and call it a science experiment?"

I couldn't help but laugh at that, N.B. and his science experiments.

*~*~* November 11th 2003 *~*~*

We laid on our sides on his standard issue, extra long twin bed. I was glad that Edward was off someplace with Bella and not here at the college, because I knew that if he were anywhere near campus Jasper would not be touching me the way he was. His palm rubbing circles into my stomach as his fingers ghosted along the waistband of the WU sweats I was wearing, completely distracting me from watching the hotness that was Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett on the TV screen.

It had been a while since I’d been anywhere near to being this close to him, but right now, I could feel the bulge in his jeans perfectly up against the crack my ass, which in and of itself was completely distracting.

With every stroke of his hand I felt myself getting incredibly turned on, especially when I noticed it getting lower and lower with each circle he made. I bit my lip hard to keep from moaning out when the tips of his fingers finally made their way inside the sweats, I felt my nipples stiffen completely of their own accord. I pushed back into him, rubbing my ass against his rigid dick. His hand stopped moving and he pressed his palm flat, his fingertips barely an inch from the top of my thong panties.

My eyes flickered back to the screen just as the infamous sex in the parachutes scene was happening. I realized I was still rubbing my ass against him when I heard him groan and felt him pressing into me with a roll of his hips. I almost smiled from how smug and sexy I suddenly felt.

“You like this scene I take it?” I said a little breathlessly, “I didn’t think it was that hot.”

“And why not?” he asked, sounding insulted.

“Cause, like, they aren't doing very much.”

“And you base this opinion on?” he asked, leaning over my shoulder a little.

“I guess it's like romantic…” I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about his hand down my pants. “But I've kissed hotter than that.”

“Have you now?” Was it just me or did he sound smug as he said that?

“I have.” I rubbed my ass against him again, just to let him know I did indeed mean with him.

“Perhaps for scientific purposes we need to have an um…” He cleared his throat. “Experiment. I mean it could be that maybe that Josh kid aint your type.” He gently ran his fingers across my lower abdominals. Josh Hartnett is everyone's type, but crap, with him touching me like this. Josh who?

“A scientific experiment huh? And who would you say is my type then?” I asked playfully as I leaned back into him.

I felt him shrug, “I don't know Ali.”

Seriously, he doesn't know? I rubbed my ass harder against him, “You don't know?”

“I uh... I don't know your type?” he sounded distracted.

“Well what's your type?”

“What does that have to do with the experiment? That’s an outside variable that has no relevance to your hypothesis.”

I sighed, “Okay so what did you want to prove with your scientific experiment?”

“Technically it's yours. But you're saying that because they aren't doing much in that scene that it's not hot. Romantic yes, hot no. Correct?” I nodded in response. “Well based on that hypothesis, if you will, you should experiment.” I turned my head to see him blushing slightly. “Maybe trying to just have one simple act with maybe me, only cause we're here now of course, and see if your hypothesis is correct.”

I rolled onto my back, “Wanna dumb that down for me Doogie?”

He shook his head and smiled at me, “You're not dumb Alice. I was just trying to say that maybe we could test your theory…” He bit his lip, he looked really cute when he did that.

“With you?” I asked with a small squeak and a blush.

“Well I mean, sure if you want. I just figured, you know since we're here you could use me if you want.” He gave me a rather sexy half smile.

“Okay,” I agreed a little breathless. Crap, I didn't mean to sound like that. “Um... we should like listen to music or something right?”

“Yes! Of course! Shit, I mean yeah, hold on.” He got up to get the stereo remote. “Uh, anything in particular?” he asked rubbing the back of his neck.

I chewed my lip as I considered it, he had much better musical taste than me. “Lifehouse is supposed to be all romantic sex music right?”

“Sex?” His voice broke and squeaked.

I sat up on my elbows, “You…” Are you a virgin? Wait, that's none of my business. I cleared my throat. “I mean um... like I'm a virgin of course, but like... I dunno…”

“I, uh, wouldn't know.” He shook his head and put the disk in. “No, Lifehouse is good.” He said with a nod and I flopped back onto the bed. My Nerdy Boy was still a virgin? This place was crawling with slutty girls and somehow he'd managed to bypass them all? I heard the soft melody float out from the speakers just before I felt the bed next to me shift and he laid down next to me. I turned to look at him and he looked into my eyes and brushed my hair behind her ears. “You sure about this?”

I chewed my lip out of nervousness. “If you want to, I mean it is my experiment after all.”

“Right.” He said with a smile, after he took his glasses off, he cupped my cheek and brushed his thumb across my lips. His eyes darted up from my lips after a minute and he stared intensely into my eyes. It was all too much, he leaned in then whispered, “Breathe Ali,” I didn't even know I had been holding my breath. He pressed his lips against mine and everything but him and his lips fell away.

The sensation was mind numbing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and laced my fingers through his hair as he deepened the kiss, his tongue massaging mine gently. Without removing his lips, he moved himself so that he was between my thighs, leaning his weight on his forearms. Our kiss went from sweet to frenzied very quickly, I arched my back so I could press myself against him, earning a groan and a grind of his hips into mine.

I felt him shift to lean his weight on one arm as his hand slid up the front of my tank and groped me through my bra. I moaned into his mouth. With that he rolled us so I was on top of him and took advantage of this to wiggle my hips into his very obvious erection while kissing him, both of us moaning into the other’s mouth at the feeling. He moved his hands behind my back and struggled a little with the clasp on my bra before getting it undone, I broke our kiss to pull the bra off and out from under my tank.

My eyes met his half-lidded grayish-blue ones. His breathing was labored, as I felt my chest heaving, I leaned back down to recapture his lips. The minute he palmed the flesh of my breasts in his hands and squeezed them gently I sat back up arching my back and grinding my now soaked center into his arousal. He took advantage of this opportunity to roll us again so I was on my back and my stomach was bared, locking eyes with me he lowered his head and left wet, open mouthed kisses on my skin as he continued to knead my left breast with his left hand, his right hand pushing my shirt higher as he kissed his way higher.

“Jasper!” I moaned out as he took one of my hardened nipples into his mouth and gently sucked. “Ohmygawdd.” I whined, fisting his hair in my fingers as he gently ran his teeth against it. He moved a little so that his erection was now against my hip and the thumb of his left hand was rubbing against my bottom lip as his mouth teased my left nipple distracting me from his right hand that was journeying south.

My head fell back and I moaned, my mind going blank as one of his long fingers slid in between my wet folds and he softly rubbed my clit, making my stomach knot. Shit, it feels so good to have him touch me. I fisted his flannel sheets as I tried desperately to regain conscious thought. He continued his soft grazing with his finger as I moved my hand so I could touch the lean muscles of his side under his shirt.

“Jasper, take off your clothes, please?” I begged, my voice barely above a whisper. He stopped what he was doing to sit on knees next to me and pulled off his shirt, his muscles rippling as he did so. Jasper might be a geek, but he is one sexy as fuck geek.

He looked at me, his eyes smoldering as I too pulled my shirt off. “Better?” he asked.

I pouted a little at him and hooked my fingers into the waist band of his jeans and tugged lightly. “I wanna touch you too.” I told him, pleading with my eyes. I wanted him to think of me as more than just Edward’s kid sister and his best chick friend. I wanted him to desire me, the way I desired him, to love me the way I loved him.

He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed as he chewed his lip. Well fuck, he isn’t saying no, he just looked unsure. I sat up on my knees and locked eyes with him while I popped the button and unzipped his jeans, pushing them down to his knees. I broke eye contact and watched him as he moved to pull the jeans off and toss them on the floor, noticing the head of his penis straining against the waistband of his boxers. I swallowed hard and met his eyes again as I slid his boxers down, his cock springing free and lightly smacking against my chest because of how close I was.

I heard his breathing hitch as I wrapped my hand around as much of him as I could and started to stroke his velvety soft skin. Not breaking eye contact I lowered my mouth and licked the underside of his dick, leaving a wet kiss on the plump head. His eyes grew wide and his breathing became shaky as I opened my mouth as wide as I could and wrapped my lips around the head, my hand still pumping him. I didn’t know shit about giving head, other than your supposed to suck, so suck I did.

“Oh fuck,” He groaned, his hips thrusting forward a little. His reaction was getting me even more worked up, I wanted him to keep on touching me, but I knew his sweatpants I was currently wearing were getting in the way. I stopped what I was doing, stripped them and my panties off, flinging then into the pile with his jeans.

I looked back up just as he cupped my face and kissed me gently, pushing me so my back was against the sheets again. My heart started to hammer in my chest as I realized we were both naked, together, and kissing, and if he tried to pop my cherry I wasn’t going to stop him. He broke the kiss and began kissing and licking his way down my neck while his hands ghosted my sides and grabbed my hips rather roughly when his lips met my navel, his tongue lightly flicking out and made me moan when I realized what he was planning on doing.

He spread my thighs and situated himself between my legs, looking up at me as he lowered his face and licked me gently, almost teasingly. I fisted the sheet and fell back onto the bed as I felt that knot in my stomach tighten up again. His tongue found my clit as he slid one of his long fingers into me, a slight stab of pain running through me as he pumped and sucked on my clit. I moaned from the pain and pleasure, and from how good he was with his mouth. I held on to the sheets hard to keep from pressing his face further into my crotch as he slid a second finger into me and picked up tempo, licking and sucking my nub like a pro.

My legs were shaking as I got closer, the pressure in my belly intense, but there seemed to be no relief in sight. “Jas-purr,” I panted, “Please, fuck me. Please.” I begged, knowing that from everything I heard, it would feel really, really good right about now.

He lifted his head and looked at me. “Okay... wait, shit... your brother… Ali, he'll kill me.”

“You planning on telling him? Cause I sure as fuck ain't.”

“Well no, I just mean,” He nodded his head in the direction of a jar of condoms on the desk. “He counts those before he leaves and when he returns.” Well shit, fucking Edward and his random OCD ways. I almost laid back and told him to do it without one, I was on the pill for my skin anyway, but then I remembered. Chewing my lip while looking at him I reached over the side of the bed and pulled out the condom they gave me at school yesterday during the safe sex assembly.

“They gave these out at school yesterday.” I told him quietly, holding up the yellow plastic wrapped condom. He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.

“And you thought you'd need it.” Shit, now he knows I was hoping, praying really, for something to happen.

“I didn't wanna leave it in my room at home.” I looked down because I couldn’t lie looking into his eyes like that.

“Hey,” I felt his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. He smiled at me gently, looking so damn cute, I almost forgot we were both naked. “Do you really want this? I mean this is a big step.”

“Were you not just fingering me like two minutes ago? Can you not tell how much I want it?” I asked him, giving him an eyebrow, he smiled at me.

“I'm just checking jeez.” He looked away and chewed on his lip. Wait what if he didn’t want me?

“You don't have to if you don't want me.” I told him softly, hoping I could hold back the tears if he did reject me. His eyes shot back over to me as he gave me an eyebrow.

“I want you, Alice.” That’s new. I thought, but decided to not over think and just go with it. I licked my lips and tried my best to give him an alluring look.

“Then take me Jazz.” I said in a husky voice. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine, taking the condom from my hand. He broke our kiss to unroll the condom over his member and position himself at my entrance, I could feel myself tense up a little in anticipation. He must have sensed it too because he leaned down and kissed me passionately, making me relax as he thrust himself into me, causing both of us moan in unison.

It was definitely a different experience, having him stretching me out. It didn’t hurt that badly though, I mean it was a little uncomfortable at first, but as he started to thrust in and out, and I moved my hips to meet his, that coil in my stomach wound tighter and tighter.

He rolled us so that we were both sitting, and I was in his lap with him still sheathed inside of me. I reached over his shoulders and grabbed the top of the headboard as his hands found purchase on my hips and helped me move on him, drawing me closer to the edge and I wanted it so badly. I bucked harder as his lips kissed and nipped anywhere he could reach.

“God Jazz… so good…” I managed to pant out, bucking even harder as his hips thrust up to meet mine, his mouth finding the soft spot behind my ear and sucked lightly on it, sending me crashing over the edge. I moaned his name in a voice I had never heard before and heard him groan my name against my chest as he came a few seconds after me, pulling my body close as he trembled from the power of his own orgasm.

When we came down, he pulled out and trashed the condom, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. I rested my chin on his chest and stared at the perfection that was his face, he looked back at me and gave me a little half smile before kissing me gently. “You’re beautiful you know that?”

He was so sweet, I had to fight the urge to blurt out that I was in love with him and doodled Mrs. Jasper Whitlock on most of my notebooks. “Not compared to you.” I told him, being as honest as I could.

He smiled, “Nah, I pale in comparison,” he said and bit his lip.

I rolled my eyes, but before I could argue I yawned. “Whatever.” I finally said.

He wrinkled his nose, “I ruined it huh?”

“Nah.” I hugged him. “That was…”

He kissed my shoulder. “Amazing?” he offered.

“Yeah." I sounded breathless again. "It wasn't what I expected.”

He nodded, “Yeah…”

“Are.. I mean, were you a virgin?” He didn't answer, he just blushed. “Jazz?” He diverted his eyes and nodded. “I'm sorry I didn't know, you…” Crap. I felt my face get hot and I couldn't look at him anymore. So I looked down at the sheet. “You were probably saving yourself huh? And then... I…” seduced you. Holy... am I that girl? I buried my face into his side. “Oh gawd.”

He laughed at that. “No, Alice it's okay.”

Is it really? Is he just saying that? Did he really like it? What does this make us now? Does he expect it again... “God I am just thinking about way too much right now, I need to, like, shut my head up.” He kissed me, softly but filled with passion, it definitely shut my head up. “So did you, uh, wanna do it again? Like sometime?” I asked, feeling stupid.

“How about this, we let things go naturally, like, no pressure?” He blushed before adding, “I mean if you want to do it again I'm not gonna complain.”

I kissed him again, another slow passionate kiss. “I could go again, right now.” He looked at me like I was crazy. Okay or not. “Just kidding.” I lied.

“We will again,” another kiss, “I promise.”

“Sooo um… you want me to buy the condoms and I'll hide them in my bag and bring them with me when I come up here?”

He blushed again. “Nah, I'll get them.” He looked down and smiled shyly, “You just make sure your here for me to use them, ‘kay?”

I nodded, trying my best not to explode with happiness. “How are you gonna hide them from E?”

“He stays out of my bio stuff.” He waggled his eyebrows like Emmett did when he was getting into trouble.

“I love the way your mind works!” I squealed and kissed him hard on the mouth.

“That's why it’s good to keep a nerd nearby,” he said with a smirk.

“You’re my sexy as fuck nerd.”

He kissed my forehead, “I think you need to sleep silly Ali.”

“You don't want me to get dressed first?”

“Shit, good point... Here,” he reached for his shirt that was crumpled up on the floor. Inside I was squealing with delight.

“And hand me just the sweatpants too... if Em randomly shows up again... Yeah.”

“Good point again.” He smiled and handed me the sweatpants I had been wearing earlier.

Well that takes care of me... “Um as much as I love your naked body, shouldn't you put something on too?”

He blushed, “I was going to.” He sounded defensive, I just smiled at him as he pulled a clean pair of sweatpants on. “Better?”

I looked down and could see the outline of his cock. I wiggled to ease the want a little and giggled. “You’re naked under the sweatpants.” Oh God now I sound like a kid.

He crawled next to me on the bed and smirked. “So are you Ali,” he said before tickling my sides softly. I giggled a little more before pushing his hands up to my breasts.

“Yep totally commando…” I winked at him. “In case you feel the urge to molest me during the night.”

His face went scarlet. “I'll keep that in mind.”

“Wanna join me in the shower tomorrow?” Since I already made myself sound like a wanton whore for him already.

“Well it is a co-ed shower.” He agreed, sounding a little confused.

Oh crap, he so didn't understand what I meant, my face got hot again as I said, “Like, be in me?”

“I... yeah... I mean... wow... but anyone could find us.” He stammered.

“We'll lock the door... and it's Sunday, we'll go in all early before anyone gets up.”

He bit his lip and nodded before burying his face in my hair. “You're a little minx aren’t you?”

Oh geez. My face got hotter. “Only around you, I really like you Jazz.”

“I really like you too Ali.” He pulled me closer to him.

That made me happy, really happy. I yawned again. “Did you wanna watch another movie?”

“If you want it'd just be background noise for me you know that.”

I guess he was tired too. I shook my head, “Just music.”

He kissed my temple. “Get some sleep baby, we got an early morning.” He said before pulling the chain on his table lamp and sending us into near darkness.

“’Kay.” I smiled huge, I was getting my Nerdy Boy. I looked over at him and watched as he closed his beautiful eyes. I love you.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Serious Buisness time with K

Hi guys,

So take a seat, y'all know how I get when there's something important or whatever that needs to be said. Don't worry, I can wait. *sits patiently*

Ready? Okay... here goes.

As some of you may or may not know. Robs and I are getting our asses handed to us once again with real life. But that's to be expected when your full time job is either wife/mother or college student. Life is gonna get hectic and the muse will be quiet, so to speak.

But it's not just affecting us. It's affecting an integral part of the Alsper team. Our beta Amber.

Anyone who has met this lady, knows of her pervy mind and ability to make the sun shine in anyone's darkest day. She has been a complete supporter of our works and a true blessing to us as not only our beta but our friend sister as well.

Right now, Amber needs the help of her friends and this fandom. She needs your prayers and positive thoughts as she faces something that is becoming a devastating blow to her. I won't go into detail as to what is going on, but please know that Robs and I aren't the kind to just say "hey she can't deal with her oldest dating, pray for her" (God, I hope her oldest isn't dating yet o.O).

Why does this affect our muse? Because for the Pisces that Robs and I are, family comes first. Amber is our family, only better, because we got to choose her, and for some reason she loves our brand of crazy.

This is why there is no More Than Friends update this week. While yes, we have it written, it's not ready for the public.

Please don't mistake this as a cop-out on our half. It's not. While we may seem like we aren't working on More Thank Friends or even Dangerous Beauty, we are. As well as a few other ones that you've all had glimpses of through our witfits.

As soon as Chapter 23 and Chapter 4 of MTF and DB, respectively, are ready, we will post it. Until then, we hope you enjoy the outtakes and one shot's you're receiving.

Thank you

K & Robs

And of course obligatory Jackson gif Just to make Amber giggle :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chapter 21

We are not nor have we ever claimed to be Stephanie Meyer. All Twilight Characters belong to her, she makes the money off of the movies/book/music/shirts ect. We own the plot bunnies that infect our brain and use them to raise money for charity. Therefore, no money is in our bank from this.


The past couple of days had been hectic. Between getting things ready so I could get permanently situated here in Forks and helping Ali Cat with wedding details, I honestly didn’t know what day of the week it even was.

I was also starting to doubt that my plan was working. It almost seemed as if my being her friend and helping her out as needed was putting more of a strain on things. I could tell something was bothering her, not hard to figure out when you saw the little crease in her forehead as she chewed on her lip; but when I asked her what was wrong; she would just smile and say it was wedding stuff.

I told Ed and Emmett one night that I thought I was making it worse. If anything Alice had seemed more conflicted about us than I had intended. They both told me to stop making excuses.

I wasn’t making excuses, well at least not for that. The only time I ever made excuses was when things started to go too far. I could see the hurt that flashed through Ali Cat’s eyes when I put a stop to things or pushed her away, even though each time I really just wanted to say ‘screw it’ and give in. But I didn’t want to make things harder on her. I know my Alice, it would hurt her more for her to be unfaithful to the man she promised to marry.

That’s another thing. Aren’t most girls excited to be planning their wedding? I know I’m not her fiancĂ©, so my opinion is pretty much null in the matter, but if anything, she seemed to be dreading this.

Maybe I’m reading too much into things. I’m sure planning this extravagant event in such a short amount of time, without her fiancĂ© has to be getting to her. Hell, I would be stressed too. Then again, I’m never getting married. Armani prick made sure of that by sweeping her up first.

Stop it Whitlock…

I had my own shit to worry about as well. The biggest one being Kelly. I know I didn’t love her. But I didn’t want to hurt her either. That was part of the reason I wasn’t taking her calls. I knew if I talked to her I would tell her what happened with Alice. Yes, I’m an asshole for sleeping with Alice while having a girlfriend, but I’m not about to break up with her over the phone either.

Relocating back to Washington is being a bigger pain than I thought. My lease on my place in Tennessee isn’t up until December and I don’t want to pay two land lords, or piss my current one off. I had to figure out how I was going to move my things cross country without having to use the aid of a moving company.

Never should have left in the first place.

I fell back onto the couch with a heavy sigh. Maybe I can just take over the lease for Bella’s apartment at the end of the month. I’m already here and know the place.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was twenty minutes to eleven. Alice was meeting with someone at one for a possible wedding location. Maybe I should surprise her and take her to lunch.

When I arrived at her office, the receptionist Kim greeted me with a warm and friendly smile. "Hi Jasper."

"Afternoon Ms. Kim. Is Alice available?" I asked.

Kim looked down at her desk before nodding. "Appears so, I'll let her know you're here."

I held my hand up. "No, it's okay. I wanted to surprise her."

Kim laughed and shook her head. "Alright then, to the left, third door down... Good luck."

I walked down to the office Kim indicated to see Alice with her head down the desk. Her door was open but I didn't want to intrude on her conversation.

I leaned against the door frame, barely able to hear her conversation until I heard his name.

"No ‘Rhett, it's fine..." she said quietly. There was a long pause before she spoke again, "Ditto... see yah in a few days then. Bye." She sighed and hung up the phone.

I gently tapped the door frame making her look up at me. "Hey," I said with a smile.

"Hey!" she chirped, a wide smile crossing her face.

I stepped inside her office, "So I was thinking I would surprise you and take you to lunch before your meeting."

"Okay," She nodded, grabbing her purse. "Where are we going?"

I shrugged. "Depends on what you're in the mood for since I didn't think that far ahead."

She laughed, "Um a salad..."

"Salad it is," I laughed and walked with her out of the office. Once outside I held her car door open for her before getting into the passenger seat. "So are you excited about meeting with Logan today?"

She nodded a little distractedly.

"You excited to see Garrett soon?" Honestly, I didn't want to know the answer but I figured it was appropriate considering she was just on the phone with him.

She gave me a odd look, "Sure... I've gained some weight though." She chewed her lip.

I felt my eyebrow jump at that. "Is that why you want salad? Ali what's going on?"

"I need to lose weight," she sighed. "I've gained a few pounds, I know Garrett will notice..." She shook her head. "I know I look horrible, but look at how I've been eating..."

"You're insane you know that? And I'm sorry, but I think you’re sexy as hell and if he's too much of a prick to appreciate you now..." I stopped myself and looked out at the city as we passed through. She was quiet all the way to the restaurant, waiting for me to start up a conversation again I assumed.

"Do you really think I'm sexy?" she asked quietly after she ordered her Caesar salad.

"Yeah, I do."

She tilted her head to study my face, "Why?"

That made me choke on my drink. "What do you mean?" I coughed out.

"Why do you find me sexy...what about me is so sexy to you?"

"Everything," God that sounded like a cop out. "You know I've always had a weakness for your legs, so those still get me every time. But you've changed so much. You've gone from this beautiful young woman to..." I waved my hand in her direction. "Trust me, you're not fat or anything remotely close. You've got amazing curves and any man who is lucky enough to touch and kiss every inch of your body, well... let's just say, I'm envious."

She smiled and blushed a little, "Thanks, it means a lot to me."

"Always..." I smiled at her, before slouching more in the booth. "So how’s work?"

"Good, what about you?"

"Can't complain," I smiled at the waitress as she set our food down. "After all, I'm cleaning up the town, one DNA sample at a time," I joked.

She gave a small laugh as she picked at her food. I watched her as she seemed lost in thought.

"You know," I started, finally breaking the silence. "You can tell me what’s bothering you. I remember someone once telling me that I was good sounding board..."

"I don't think I want to marry Garrett," she said quietly.

I gave her a small smile despite all the mental fist pumping I was doing. "Why? If you don't mind me being nosey."

"I love him but I'm not in love with him." She admitted, her eyes filled with sorrow as she looked at me. "I thought I could, but I know I can't. It's just not possible."

"I'm sorry." I suddenly felt as if it was my fault that she was sad.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I think I may have been going about this friendship thing the wrong way. My intention wasn't to hurt you."

"I'm glad you showed me that I didn't really love him, but I'm sad because I am going to hurt him." She sighed and picked at her salad, "I'm sorry to burden you with my troubles."

"It's no burden Ali Cat. I know it's asking a lot, but I want you to trust me enough to talk to me when somethings bothering you."

"Thanks," She smiled and took a bite.

"No problem at all," I smiled back and bit into a fry. "Considering your recent confession, did you still want to meet with Logan?"

She shrugged, "I hate making appointments and not keeping them, you know?"

I nodded. "Understandable. Honestly, I was a little shocked when you told me you were going to look at this hall. I always thought you wanted your wedding to be by the ocean.”

"I did," she stated, "but that was for my wedding to you..." She blushed a little and looked back down at her plate.

"Oh... well now I feel like an ass," I laughed.

"Why?" she asked, looking back up at me.

"Because I should have known that?" I really didn't mean for it to come out as a question.

She rolled her eyes, "How were you supposed to know?"

"Because the beach was always our thing," I reached over and stole a crouton from her plate.

"Well, now you know," She smiled and took another bite, pretending to threaten me with her fork.


After lunch we went over to the hall that Alice has been considering for her wedding with Garrett. It was strange to think of all the things she had done over the past week, only to know that she was going to cancel it all.

A part of me was elated that she didn't love him enough to marry him, while the other part wondered why.

Logan, the coordinator for the venue, was very kind to Alice. I could tell that she was embarrassed to tell Logan that she was unsure if the wedding was going to continue, but the minute Logan smiled and said she understood, Alice relaxed.

I followed behind the girls as they talked. We were first shown the garden area where the ceremony would be held. It was nice, but not right for my Ali Cat. Then we were led into the ballroom. I let a low whistle out, not entirely surprised that it echoed through out the room. Logan went on to explain how the tables would be situated to maximize the dance floor. A good thing, if you're into that sort of thing.

I took Ali's hand just as Logan excused herself to take a call, pulling her to the center of the dance floor. Once there I spun her around few times, earning a genuine smile and a laugh.

"Had to see if the dance was good enough," I informed her when she raised her eyebrow at me.

"Sure Nerdy Boy... was that all?"

I laughed and pulled her closer to me. "Okay I may have wanted to hug my best friend, is that wrong?"

She shook her head, "No it's not."

I laughed and kissed the crown of her head.

"See, now I knew the minute you walked in that you two were the perfect couple!" Logan gushed making us both jump.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Logan smiled. "I love seeing the Bride and Groom happy and in love," she explained.

"We're not engaged..." We said simultaneously.

~*~*~ February 25th, 2005~*~*~*

We arrived at this camp almost a week ago after spending a few days in Yellowstone for Ali's eighteenth birthday.

Just on the border of Northwest Texas and New Mexico was where we found them, modern day gypsies who had welcomed us with open arms. Ali and I suspected that they were more like hippies that integrated various parts of the gypsy style into their own way of living. Either way it was freeing. The only worry I had was whether Alice was truly happy or not.

And judging by her smile as she danced around with some of the local girls, she was just that. Happy.

A few nights ago, Shawn, the king of all this, held a ceremony welcoming us as a part of their family. We were given new names. Ali was now Flutura, which I thought was appropriate for her. It meant butterfly and over the years I’d watched her transform into a beautiful woman, much like a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.

"She's very pretty Endrit, young but pretty." I looked up at the voice talking to see Shawn's wife, Maria, smiling in the direction of the girls dancing in the twilight. Alice already loved her new ‘sister’ Nettie. The two of them instantly bonded and became inseparable, or so it seemed.

"She's an adult," I defended. "And please, call me Jasper." I was given the name Endrit at the naming ceremony, which evidently meant light. I didn’t quite understand Maria or Shawn’s reasoning behind the name, besides I was just more comfortable with the name my mom gave me.

Maria sat down at the table next to me. "You care for her a great deal."

I nodded, wondering where she was going with this.

"It seems Flutura has other admirers in our midst." I looked at Maria just as she nodded her head in the direction of one of her other 'daughters'.

"Lucy?" I asked.

"Yes," She sighed as we both watched Lucy stare at Alice with longing, biting her lip the whole time. "I try to tell her that she shouldn't think such things, but she likes girls." Maria shrugged.

I smiled and shook my head. "Well, Ali Cat's a looker. I don't blame her one bit."

Maria laughed. "So, you plan on marrying her, yeah?"


I stared at Maria before looking back at Alice. "Yeah, if she'd have me. I tend to mess things up pretty easily," I admitted.

"What do you mean by that? Of course you do, you are a man, men always screw ever'thin' up."

I laughed and shook my head. "With Ali and me, it's complicated."

"I have time, explain away young man," She smiled at me and made herself comfortable, clinking a bit as she moved because of all the jewelry she wore.

"Well..." Where the hell do I start? "I've hurt her before... twice actually. I'm honestly surprised she still wants me after what I've done."

"How have you hurt her?" She seemed to be studying me.

I scoffed and shook my head. "She told me she loved me and I panicked, told her that we could only be friends, then when she stuck to her guns I pushed her too far." I folded my arms on the table and rested my chin on them, watching as Alice played a game with the younger kids.

"You always hurt the ones you love..." She grew quiet for a moment. "Your loves are different."

"They are?" I looked up at her seeing a far off look in her rich brown eyes.

"Yes, your love is a bit more mature, a bit more rough, more primal; where as hers is pure, innocent... very much like your souls." She nodded thoughtfully.

"How do you figure?" I asked curiously. I get where she would see Ali as being pure and innocent... but me?

"I can see it in your eyes, the way you look at each other. You've lived through much more than her, you want her in ways she doesn't fully comprehend." She looked towards Alice again.

"You can tell all that from my eyes?"

"You can tell a lot for someones eyes."

Huh... "What do hers say? I mean besides being pure and innocent?"

"She's deeply in love with you, she'd do absolutely anything for you, but she's still very young and has much living to do. She's energetic, happy and very confident, most of the time anyway." Maria gave me a wry smile. "She is a good person."

I nodded, that was Ali to a 'T'. "Why did you ask about marriage?" I asked without thinking about it.

"Because you act like her husband." She responded simply.

"I do?" I thought I acted like the teenage boy that was in love with her.

"You try to provide for her, you take care of her, she cooks for you..." she smiled and shrugged.

"Oh!" I laughed and shook my head. "I would burn the house down if I cooked, she's far better at it." I shrugged. "I just want her happy, you know?"

"There's that too, and she would like you happy as well."

I sighed and looked back at Ali. "I'm happy as long as I have her and her love."


I packed up the last of our things into the back of the Santa Fe as Ali said good bye to the girls in Maria and Shawn's Caravan.

"Endrit, hold on there buddy," I turned to see Maria and Shawn coming toward me.

"Sorry, I was getting things ready to go, I wasn't leaving without a good bye," I explained, taking Shawn's extended hand and shaking it.

"We know," he said with a kind smile. "Maria and I wanted to give you two something. A gift to help you along your travels."

I raised my eyebrow at him as Maria smiled and held her arms out to me. I went to her and hugged her in return.

"You do know that you didn't have get us anything right?" I asked just as Alice joined us.

Shawn laughed. "We're fully aware of that Endrit. We just figured you and Flutura would appreciate a home to take with you on your travels."

I looked down at Ali as she wrapped her arms around my middle, hugging herself to my side. She looked up and shrugged, clearly just as confused as I was.

"A home away from home, if you will," Maria said with a smile, pointing to the small ninteen-sixties Airstream trailer two of the other guys were pulling in our direction.

"I noticed your SUV has a hitch and well, Maria and I have found our home," Shawn said, wrapping his arms around his wife.

"I... this... Thank you. Seriously. Thank you." I was stunned at the kindness these two, let alone the whole community, had shown us.

"Even a nomad needs a place to rest his head," Shawn said with a wink.

"We will miss you," Maria said with a sad little nod looking at us both seriously.

"Our paths will cross again," I smiled at her, remembering a reading she had done with her Tarot Cards.

With a rush of blonde hair and tanned skin, Lucy was on Alice, kissing her, hard and passionately for a minute before she pulled away, Alice looked shocked while Lucy looked really... happy.

"I will miss you Flutura." Lucy chirped, before turning and running back from where she came.

I bit as hard as I could on my cheek to keep from laughing at Alice's stunned look, but lost it when Shawn started laughing. Maria sighed and shook her head, "She likes the pretty girls..." Alice turned to me, gaping in disbelief.

"I was wondering how long it would take Lucy to do that," Shawn laughed. "Come here Flutura and give me hug before you two run off."

She walked over and hugged both Maria and Shawn, whispering something in Maria's ear before pulling back and saying, "Thank you so much for all your help."

I laced my fingers with hers when she came back over and we started for the car. "Do you want to investigate our new home now or later?" I asked her as we approached the sliver camper now attached to the hitch.

"Now," she said excitedly.

I laughed as I let go of her hand, watching her run to the door and swinging it open. "Well?" I asked once I joined her.

"I love it! We need to decorate... and move our stuff in here... but I love it," She bounced a little.

I smiled at her excitement. "Okay, first Target we see, we'll get some things and decorate a little. That sound good?"

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me hungrily. "Yes! And then," she waggled her eyebrows suggestively, "We'll break her in?"

I nodded putting my arms around her waist and sliding my hands lower. "Remind me to also get condoms, we're out."

She chuckled as she kissed me on the neck, "Okay... but, we already did it a few times without, you're not gonna miss the feel?"

I cupped her ass in my hands giving it a squeeze and making her squeal. "Yes, but we ain't ready for a family yet. We don’t want you getting pregnant."

"I know," she smiled serenely. "I just love the sounds you make," she giggled and bit her lip.

I smirked, "Well, it does feel petty great... Damn! Com'on, the sooner we find a Target the sooner we can get to breaking the bed in." She giggled as she trailed behind me, stopping me so that she could shut and lock the door.


"What ever happened to the old Airstream?" I asked the room, making the conversation come to a stand still.

"Um... I put it in storage a few months back...why?" Emmett asked, looking highly confused.

I shook my head. "No reason, I was just curious as to where it was. I might need it soon, once the lease is up on Bella's apartment." Rose's eyes went wide in shock at my words. "Oh yeah, I'm moving back." Oops.

Alice's eyes went wide in surprise, but she kept her mouth shut. "Wow, man, you're really gonna move back?" Emmett sounded pretty excited for a guy who had so little sleep lately, between all the trips to the hospital to visit Payton and going to work, he hardly had any time for sleep.

"Yeah... The only reason I was staying there was my job," I shrugged and tried to figure out what was up with Ali.

"About time you realized where you belong," Rose snapped. "And she better not be coming with you. Trash belongs on the side of the road and that's where she'll stay. I'll be damned if she thinks she can get anywhere near Ali's trailer."

Bella laughed at Rose's outburst. "Tell us how you really feel there Rose." Rose snorted in response and shook her head. I expected Edward to say something, but he didn't, he just smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "No Rose, she's not coming with me."

"Did you break up with her?" She asked with a hopeful look.

I shook my head and looked at my drink. "Not yet."

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More Than Friends Time Line

November 27th 1984- Jasper Alexander Whitlock was born in Forks, WA. Gets moved to TX

February 14th 1987- Mary Alice Cullen [the second] is born in Biloxi MS.

June 16th 1993- Ali falls off her bike, skins knee, Jasper helps her. Meets Ed and Em. Ali tell Jazz she’s going to marry him, he says “sure kid.” Discussed in Chapter 2 in Alice’s Pov

February 19th 2000- Ali’s 13th birthday party, spin the bottle lands on Jasper. Discussed in Chapter 3 in Jasper’s POV

February 17th 2001- Ali’s 14th birthday party. Seven minutes in heaven turn into ten. Discussed in Chapter 7 in Jasper’s POV

March 4th- 5th 2001- a party thrown by Edward for Emmett’s birthday. Ali and Jazz can’t sleep. Jazz falls asleep in Ali’s room. They become best friends. Discussed in Chapter 13 in Jasper’s POV

October 12th 2001- homecoming bonfire, Ali tells Jazz she’s in love with him, he tells her he doesn‘t see her that way. She stops talking to him. Discussed in Chapter 4 in Alice’s POV

November 16th 2001 - Ali provokes Jasper; Jasper tells Ali he would never love her. Jasper enters Ali's bedroom at night has make out session. Discussed in chapter 17 in Jasper’s POV

December 29th 2001- Jasper juggles vases while high and on a trampoline, ends up needed 20 stitches. Discussed in Chapter 5 in Jasper’s POV

January 20th 2002- Jasper helps Ali relieve some tension. Discussed in chapter 9 in Jasper’s POV

***February 23rd 2002- Cox Arena, San Diego, CA. Jasper get's to second base. Discussed in chapter 27 in Jasper’s POV

April 19th 2002- Ed and Em go to prom. Jasper stays at the Cullen’s and watches movies with Ali. Discussed in chapter 18 Alice’s POV

October 18th 2002- Jasper becomes Ali’s tutor and she starts staying the weekends at college with him. Discussed in Chapter 19 in Jasper’s POV

November 11th 2003- Jasper and Ali have sex for the first time. Become FWB. Discussed in chapter 22 in Alice’s POV

February 14th 2004- Ali’s birthday, watch movies with crew Jasper gets to second while her to be quiet then takes her to the beach where they end up falling asleep naked in a sleeping bag. Discussed in Chapter 8 in Alice’s POV

March 5th 2004- Un-official anniversary of when they became best friends. They go to a waterside hotel in Seattle. Discussed in chapter 11 in Jasper’s POV

March 20th 2004- Em catches them in the act. Agrees not to tell Edward. Discussed in chapter 15 in Jasper’s POV

***January 1st 2005- Ali gets drunk at a party, convinced Jazz isn’t into her when she sees him talking to a pretty blond. Discussed in chapter 26 in Alice’s POV

February 5th- April 2nd 2005 - Ali and Jasper “Run away” together; farthest they go is Jasper, Texas. Discussed in chapter 20 in Alice’s Pov and chapter 21 in Jasper’s POV.

February 14th 2005- Ali’s 18th birthday. Discussed in Chapter 10 in Alice’s POV

April 22nd 2005- Ali’s Prom night, Jazz leaves. Discussed in Chapter 1 in Jasper’s POV & Chapter 6 in Alice’s POV

May 5th 2005- Ali finds out she’s pregnant. Discussed in Chapter 12 in Alice’s POV

October 22nd 2005- Ryan Emmett Cullen- Denali is born 7 weeks early. 4 lbs 11 oz and 18 inches long. Discussed in chapter 14 in Alice’s POV

July 4th 2007- Ali goes to TN; Jasper starts a thing up with Kayla. Discussed in chapter 16 in Alice’s POV

February 14th 2008- Alice’s 21st birthday, she gets a letter and a watch from Jazz. Alice breaks up with Garrett to clear her head for a week. Discussed in chapter 24 in Alice’s POV

April 16th 2008- Jasper starts seeing Kelly. Discussed in chapter 23 in Jasper’s POV

December 20th 2008- Kelly and Jasper get into a fight about a video he made with Ali. Discussed in chapter 25 in Jasper’s POV

December 25th 2008- Em and Rose go to visit Jasper in TN. Discussed in chapter 25 in Jasper’s POV

December 28th 2008- Kelly has changed to the trailer trash version of AC and Jasper is pissed. Discussed in chapter 25 in Jasper’s POV