
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chapter 22


A few days after Jasper announced that he was moving back to town – a fact which he told me before anyone else… which, frankly, came as a shock to me – Garrett came home.

I was definitely planning going to break off the engagement, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to break up with him totally or not, because I mean, how would it look? My Ex comes back to town and suddenly I dump my boyfriend?

I asked Garrett to come over to my place and I think we might've gotten our signals mixed up because the second he arrived he was all over me, kissing and touching me with meaning. I pulled away, trying to hint to him that we seriously needed to talk. He wasn't listening, instead he kept on kissing and nibbling on my neck while groping me. We'd been in this situation before, sometimes he just gets really horny being away from me and wants me so much that he can't help himself. But I was starting to get worried, I had definitely told him to stop, that I wanted to talk and even pushed against him a few times.

What the hell?

Before I could freak out too much, Garrett finally moved away from me. I felt relieved until I realized that he didn't willingly move of his own accord.

"Let the lady talk," Nerdy Boy said while shoving Garrett slightly. I gaped at him, then at the open door, had Garrett left that open?

"Why the fuck are you here?" He glared at Jasper.

"My sister asked me to drop something off for her. Someone left the door open and I heard Ali telling someone to stop. Would you want an attacker hurtin' her?" Jasper challenged.

Garrett just glared, "Um..." I cleared my throat, getting their attention. "Rhett, I don't think we should get married right now..."

Garrett gaped at me, "What? Why baby? Are you having second thoughts, everyone has those, it'll go away," he said, edging closer to me.

"No," I shook my head. Garrett stared, then narrowed his eyes before looking between me and Jasper.

"This is cause of him isn’t it? You're doin this because the asshole who left you while you were fucking pregnant came back?" I shook my head in protest, but he wasn’t listening. "Fuck you! Just so you know, I've been fucking Katie, my assistant for the past three months. I was hoping marriage would thaw that icy exterior of yours, but I guess not. Have a nice life." He spat, turning and walking out the front door while I tried to catch my breath.

He'd been cheating on me? For three months? Three whole months?!

OhmyGod, I was just trying to put off the engagement till I figured things out. Did he just break up with me?
My knees buckled and I suddenly felt the wood of my floor under them just as the hot tears rushed down my cheeks. "How could he?!" I wailed. I felt Jasper's presence as he wrapped me in his arms, pulling me to him as I cried.

I clung as he cradled me in his arms and carried me into my room and laid me on the bed before he rushed out of the room, but before I could wonder where he was going I heard the front door shut and lock. When he returned he laid down next to me and pulled me close.

"I'm sorry Ali Cat," he whispered into my hair as he gently rubbed my back.

"Three months?" I sounded as miserable as I felt.

"Want me to kick his ass?" he offered.

"Yes," I sobbed, "Actually no, but it felt good to say yes."

He chuckled softly. "Can I kick his ass and call it a science experiment?"

I couldn't help but laugh at that, N.B. and his science experiments.

*~*~* November 11th 2003 *~*~*

We laid on our sides on his standard issue, extra long twin bed. I was glad that Edward was off someplace with Bella and not here at the college, because I knew that if he were anywhere near campus Jasper would not be touching me the way he was. His palm rubbing circles into my stomach as his fingers ghosted along the waistband of the WU sweats I was wearing, completely distracting me from watching the hotness that was Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett on the TV screen.

It had been a while since I’d been anywhere near to being this close to him, but right now, I could feel the bulge in his jeans perfectly up against the crack my ass, which in and of itself was completely distracting.

With every stroke of his hand I felt myself getting incredibly turned on, especially when I noticed it getting lower and lower with each circle he made. I bit my lip hard to keep from moaning out when the tips of his fingers finally made their way inside the sweats, I felt my nipples stiffen completely of their own accord. I pushed back into him, rubbing my ass against his rigid dick. His hand stopped moving and he pressed his palm flat, his fingertips barely an inch from the top of my thong panties.

My eyes flickered back to the screen just as the infamous sex in the parachutes scene was happening. I realized I was still rubbing my ass against him when I heard him groan and felt him pressing into me with a roll of his hips. I almost smiled from how smug and sexy I suddenly felt.

“You like this scene I take it?” I said a little breathlessly, “I didn’t think it was that hot.”

“And why not?” he asked, sounding insulted.

“Cause, like, they aren't doing very much.”

“And you base this opinion on?” he asked, leaning over my shoulder a little.

“I guess it's like romantic…” I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about his hand down my pants. “But I've kissed hotter than that.”

“Have you now?” Was it just me or did he sound smug as he said that?

“I have.” I rubbed my ass against him again, just to let him know I did indeed mean with him.

“Perhaps for scientific purposes we need to have an um…” He cleared his throat. “Experiment. I mean it could be that maybe that Josh kid aint your type.” He gently ran his fingers across my lower abdominals. Josh Hartnett is everyone's type, but crap, with him touching me like this. Josh who?

“A scientific experiment huh? And who would you say is my type then?” I asked playfully as I leaned back into him.

I felt him shrug, “I don't know Ali.”

Seriously, he doesn't know? I rubbed my ass harder against him, “You don't know?”

“I uh... I don't know your type?” he sounded distracted.

“Well what's your type?”

“What does that have to do with the experiment? That’s an outside variable that has no relevance to your hypothesis.”

I sighed, “Okay so what did you want to prove with your scientific experiment?”

“Technically it's yours. But you're saying that because they aren't doing much in that scene that it's not hot. Romantic yes, hot no. Correct?” I nodded in response. “Well based on that hypothesis, if you will, you should experiment.” I turned my head to see him blushing slightly. “Maybe trying to just have one simple act with maybe me, only cause we're here now of course, and see if your hypothesis is correct.”

I rolled onto my back, “Wanna dumb that down for me Doogie?”

He shook his head and smiled at me, “You're not dumb Alice. I was just trying to say that maybe we could test your theory…” He bit his lip, he looked really cute when he did that.

“With you?” I asked with a small squeak and a blush.

“Well I mean, sure if you want. I just figured, you know since we're here you could use me if you want.” He gave me a rather sexy half smile.

“Okay,” I agreed a little breathless. Crap, I didn't mean to sound like that. “Um... we should like listen to music or something right?”

“Yes! Of course! Shit, I mean yeah, hold on.” He got up to get the stereo remote. “Uh, anything in particular?” he asked rubbing the back of his neck.

I chewed my lip as I considered it, he had much better musical taste than me. “Lifehouse is supposed to be all romantic sex music right?”

“Sex?” His voice broke and squeaked.

I sat up on my elbows, “You…” Are you a virgin? Wait, that's none of my business. I cleared my throat. “I mean um... like I'm a virgin of course, but like... I dunno…”

“I, uh, wouldn't know.” He shook his head and put the disk in. “No, Lifehouse is good.” He said with a nod and I flopped back onto the bed. My Nerdy Boy was still a virgin? This place was crawling with slutty girls and somehow he'd managed to bypass them all? I heard the soft melody float out from the speakers just before I felt the bed next to me shift and he laid down next to me. I turned to look at him and he looked into my eyes and brushed my hair behind her ears. “You sure about this?”

I chewed my lip out of nervousness. “If you want to, I mean it is my experiment after all.”

“Right.” He said with a smile, after he took his glasses off, he cupped my cheek and brushed his thumb across my lips. His eyes darted up from my lips after a minute and he stared intensely into my eyes. It was all too much, he leaned in then whispered, “Breathe Ali,” I didn't even know I had been holding my breath. He pressed his lips against mine and everything but him and his lips fell away.

The sensation was mind numbing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and laced my fingers through his hair as he deepened the kiss, his tongue massaging mine gently. Without removing his lips, he moved himself so that he was between my thighs, leaning his weight on his forearms. Our kiss went from sweet to frenzied very quickly, I arched my back so I could press myself against him, earning a groan and a grind of his hips into mine.

I felt him shift to lean his weight on one arm as his hand slid up the front of my tank and groped me through my bra. I moaned into his mouth. With that he rolled us so I was on top of him and took advantage of this to wiggle my hips into his very obvious erection while kissing him, both of us moaning into the other’s mouth at the feeling. He moved his hands behind my back and struggled a little with the clasp on my bra before getting it undone, I broke our kiss to pull the bra off and out from under my tank.

My eyes met his half-lidded grayish-blue ones. His breathing was labored, as I felt my chest heaving, I leaned back down to recapture his lips. The minute he palmed the flesh of my breasts in his hands and squeezed them gently I sat back up arching my back and grinding my now soaked center into his arousal. He took advantage of this opportunity to roll us again so I was on my back and my stomach was bared, locking eyes with me he lowered his head and left wet, open mouthed kisses on my skin as he continued to knead my left breast with his left hand, his right hand pushing my shirt higher as he kissed his way higher.

“Jasper!” I moaned out as he took one of my hardened nipples into his mouth and gently sucked. “Ohmygawdd.” I whined, fisting his hair in my fingers as he gently ran his teeth against it. He moved a little so that his erection was now against my hip and the thumb of his left hand was rubbing against my bottom lip as his mouth teased my left nipple distracting me from his right hand that was journeying south.

My head fell back and I moaned, my mind going blank as one of his long fingers slid in between my wet folds and he softly rubbed my clit, making my stomach knot. Shit, it feels so good to have him touch me. I fisted his flannel sheets as I tried desperately to regain conscious thought. He continued his soft grazing with his finger as I moved my hand so I could touch the lean muscles of his side under his shirt.

“Jasper, take off your clothes, please?” I begged, my voice barely above a whisper. He stopped what he was doing to sit on knees next to me and pulled off his shirt, his muscles rippling as he did so. Jasper might be a geek, but he is one sexy as fuck geek.

He looked at me, his eyes smoldering as I too pulled my shirt off. “Better?” he asked.

I pouted a little at him and hooked my fingers into the waist band of his jeans and tugged lightly. “I wanna touch you too.” I told him, pleading with my eyes. I wanted him to think of me as more than just Edward’s kid sister and his best chick friend. I wanted him to desire me, the way I desired him, to love me the way I loved him.

He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed as he chewed his lip. Well fuck, he isn’t saying no, he just looked unsure. I sat up on my knees and locked eyes with him while I popped the button and unzipped his jeans, pushing them down to his knees. I broke eye contact and watched him as he moved to pull the jeans off and toss them on the floor, noticing the head of his penis straining against the waistband of his boxers. I swallowed hard and met his eyes again as I slid his boxers down, his cock springing free and lightly smacking against my chest because of how close I was.

I heard his breathing hitch as I wrapped my hand around as much of him as I could and started to stroke his velvety soft skin. Not breaking eye contact I lowered my mouth and licked the underside of his dick, leaving a wet kiss on the plump head. His eyes grew wide and his breathing became shaky as I opened my mouth as wide as I could and wrapped my lips around the head, my hand still pumping him. I didn’t know shit about giving head, other than your supposed to suck, so suck I did.

“Oh fuck,” He groaned, his hips thrusting forward a little. His reaction was getting me even more worked up, I wanted him to keep on touching me, but I knew his sweatpants I was currently wearing were getting in the way. I stopped what I was doing, stripped them and my panties off, flinging then into the pile with his jeans.

I looked back up just as he cupped my face and kissed me gently, pushing me so my back was against the sheets again. My heart started to hammer in my chest as I realized we were both naked, together, and kissing, and if he tried to pop my cherry I wasn’t going to stop him. He broke the kiss and began kissing and licking his way down my neck while his hands ghosted my sides and grabbed my hips rather roughly when his lips met my navel, his tongue lightly flicking out and made me moan when I realized what he was planning on doing.

He spread my thighs and situated himself between my legs, looking up at me as he lowered his face and licked me gently, almost teasingly. I fisted the sheet and fell back onto the bed as I felt that knot in my stomach tighten up again. His tongue found my clit as he slid one of his long fingers into me, a slight stab of pain running through me as he pumped and sucked on my clit. I moaned from the pain and pleasure, and from how good he was with his mouth. I held on to the sheets hard to keep from pressing his face further into my crotch as he slid a second finger into me and picked up tempo, licking and sucking my nub like a pro.

My legs were shaking as I got closer, the pressure in my belly intense, but there seemed to be no relief in sight. “Jas-purr,” I panted, “Please, fuck me. Please.” I begged, knowing that from everything I heard, it would feel really, really good right about now.

He lifted his head and looked at me. “Okay... wait, shit... your brother… Ali, he'll kill me.”

“You planning on telling him? Cause I sure as fuck ain't.”

“Well no, I just mean,” He nodded his head in the direction of a jar of condoms on the desk. “He counts those before he leaves and when he returns.” Well shit, fucking Edward and his random OCD ways. I almost laid back and told him to do it without one, I was on the pill for my skin anyway, but then I remembered. Chewing my lip while looking at him I reached over the side of the bed and pulled out the condom they gave me at school yesterday during the safe sex assembly.

“They gave these out at school yesterday.” I told him quietly, holding up the yellow plastic wrapped condom. He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.

“And you thought you'd need it.” Shit, now he knows I was hoping, praying really, for something to happen.

“I didn't wanna leave it in my room at home.” I looked down because I couldn’t lie looking into his eyes like that.

“Hey,” I felt his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. He smiled at me gently, looking so damn cute, I almost forgot we were both naked. “Do you really want this? I mean this is a big step.”

“Were you not just fingering me like two minutes ago? Can you not tell how much I want it?” I asked him, giving him an eyebrow, he smiled at me.

“I'm just checking jeez.” He looked away and chewed on his lip. Wait what if he didn’t want me?

“You don't have to if you don't want me.” I told him softly, hoping I could hold back the tears if he did reject me. His eyes shot back over to me as he gave me an eyebrow.

“I want you, Alice.” That’s new. I thought, but decided to not over think and just go with it. I licked my lips and tried my best to give him an alluring look.

“Then take me Jazz.” I said in a husky voice. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine, taking the condom from my hand. He broke our kiss to unroll the condom over his member and position himself at my entrance, I could feel myself tense up a little in anticipation. He must have sensed it too because he leaned down and kissed me passionately, making me relax as he thrust himself into me, causing both of us moan in unison.

It was definitely a different experience, having him stretching me out. It didn’t hurt that badly though, I mean it was a little uncomfortable at first, but as he started to thrust in and out, and I moved my hips to meet his, that coil in my stomach wound tighter and tighter.

He rolled us so that we were both sitting, and I was in his lap with him still sheathed inside of me. I reached over his shoulders and grabbed the top of the headboard as his hands found purchase on my hips and helped me move on him, drawing me closer to the edge and I wanted it so badly. I bucked harder as his lips kissed and nipped anywhere he could reach.

“God Jazz… so good…” I managed to pant out, bucking even harder as his hips thrust up to meet mine, his mouth finding the soft spot behind my ear and sucked lightly on it, sending me crashing over the edge. I moaned his name in a voice I had never heard before and heard him groan my name against my chest as he came a few seconds after me, pulling my body close as he trembled from the power of his own orgasm.

When we came down, he pulled out and trashed the condom, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. I rested my chin on his chest and stared at the perfection that was his face, he looked back at me and gave me a little half smile before kissing me gently. “You’re beautiful you know that?”

He was so sweet, I had to fight the urge to blurt out that I was in love with him and doodled Mrs. Jasper Whitlock on most of my notebooks. “Not compared to you.” I told him, being as honest as I could.

He smiled, “Nah, I pale in comparison,” he said and bit his lip.

I rolled my eyes, but before I could argue I yawned. “Whatever.” I finally said.

He wrinkled his nose, “I ruined it huh?”

“Nah.” I hugged him. “That was…”

He kissed my shoulder. “Amazing?” he offered.

“Yeah." I sounded breathless again. "It wasn't what I expected.”

He nodded, “Yeah…”

“Are.. I mean, were you a virgin?” He didn't answer, he just blushed. “Jazz?” He diverted his eyes and nodded. “I'm sorry I didn't know, you…” Crap. I felt my face get hot and I couldn't look at him anymore. So I looked down at the sheet. “You were probably saving yourself huh? And then... I…” seduced you. Holy... am I that girl? I buried my face into his side. “Oh gawd.”

He laughed at that. “No, Alice it's okay.”

Is it really? Is he just saying that? Did he really like it? What does this make us now? Does he expect it again... “God I am just thinking about way too much right now, I need to, like, shut my head up.” He kissed me, softly but filled with passion, it definitely shut my head up. “So did you, uh, wanna do it again? Like sometime?” I asked, feeling stupid.

“How about this, we let things go naturally, like, no pressure?” He blushed before adding, “I mean if you want to do it again I'm not gonna complain.”

I kissed him again, another slow passionate kiss. “I could go again, right now.” He looked at me like I was crazy. Okay or not. “Just kidding.” I lied.

“We will again,” another kiss, “I promise.”

“Sooo um… you want me to buy the condoms and I'll hide them in my bag and bring them with me when I come up here?”

He blushed again. “Nah, I'll get them.” He looked down and smiled shyly, “You just make sure your here for me to use them, ‘kay?”

I nodded, trying my best not to explode with happiness. “How are you gonna hide them from E?”

“He stays out of my bio stuff.” He waggled his eyebrows like Emmett did when he was getting into trouble.

“I love the way your mind works!” I squealed and kissed him hard on the mouth.

“That's why it’s good to keep a nerd nearby,” he said with a smirk.

“You’re my sexy as fuck nerd.”

He kissed my forehead, “I think you need to sleep silly Ali.”

“You don't want me to get dressed first?”

“Shit, good point... Here,” he reached for his shirt that was crumpled up on the floor. Inside I was squealing with delight.

“And hand me just the sweatpants too... if Em randomly shows up again... Yeah.”

“Good point again.” He smiled and handed me the sweatpants I had been wearing earlier.

Well that takes care of me... “Um as much as I love your naked body, shouldn't you put something on too?”

He blushed, “I was going to.” He sounded defensive, I just smiled at him as he pulled a clean pair of sweatpants on. “Better?”

I looked down and could see the outline of his cock. I wiggled to ease the want a little and giggled. “You’re naked under the sweatpants.” Oh God now I sound like a kid.

He crawled next to me on the bed and smirked. “So are you Ali,” he said before tickling my sides softly. I giggled a little more before pushing his hands up to my breasts.

“Yep totally commando…” I winked at him. “In case you feel the urge to molest me during the night.”

His face went scarlet. “I'll keep that in mind.”

“Wanna join me in the shower tomorrow?” Since I already made myself sound like a wanton whore for him already.

“Well it is a co-ed shower.” He agreed, sounding a little confused.

Oh crap, he so didn't understand what I meant, my face got hot again as I said, “Like, be in me?”

“I... yeah... I mean... wow... but anyone could find us.” He stammered.

“We'll lock the door... and it's Sunday, we'll go in all early before anyone gets up.”

He bit his lip and nodded before burying his face in my hair. “You're a little minx aren’t you?”

Oh geez. My face got hotter. “Only around you, I really like you Jazz.”

“I really like you too Ali.” He pulled me closer to him.

That made me happy, really happy. I yawned again. “Did you wanna watch another movie?”

“If you want it'd just be background noise for me you know that.”

I guess he was tired too. I shook my head, “Just music.”

He kissed my temple. “Get some sleep baby, we got an early morning.” He said before pulling the chain on his table lamp and sending us into near darkness.

“’Kay.” I smiled huge, I was getting my Nerdy Boy. I looked over at him and watched as he closed his beautiful eyes. I love you.

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