
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chapter 21

We are not nor have we ever claimed to be Stephanie Meyer. All Twilight Characters belong to her, she makes the money off of the movies/book/music/shirts ect. We own the plot bunnies that infect our brain and use them to raise money for charity. Therefore, no money is in our bank from this.


The past couple of days had been hectic. Between getting things ready so I could get permanently situated here in Forks and helping Ali Cat with wedding details, I honestly didn’t know what day of the week it even was.

I was also starting to doubt that my plan was working. It almost seemed as if my being her friend and helping her out as needed was putting more of a strain on things. I could tell something was bothering her, not hard to figure out when you saw the little crease in her forehead as she chewed on her lip; but when I asked her what was wrong; she would just smile and say it was wedding stuff.

I told Ed and Emmett one night that I thought I was making it worse. If anything Alice had seemed more conflicted about us than I had intended. They both told me to stop making excuses.

I wasn’t making excuses, well at least not for that. The only time I ever made excuses was when things started to go too far. I could see the hurt that flashed through Ali Cat’s eyes when I put a stop to things or pushed her away, even though each time I really just wanted to say ‘screw it’ and give in. But I didn’t want to make things harder on her. I know my Alice, it would hurt her more for her to be unfaithful to the man she promised to marry.

That’s another thing. Aren’t most girls excited to be planning their wedding? I know I’m not her fiancĂ©, so my opinion is pretty much null in the matter, but if anything, she seemed to be dreading this.

Maybe I’m reading too much into things. I’m sure planning this extravagant event in such a short amount of time, without her fiancĂ© has to be getting to her. Hell, I would be stressed too. Then again, I’m never getting married. Armani prick made sure of that by sweeping her up first.

Stop it Whitlock…

I had my own shit to worry about as well. The biggest one being Kelly. I know I didn’t love her. But I didn’t want to hurt her either. That was part of the reason I wasn’t taking her calls. I knew if I talked to her I would tell her what happened with Alice. Yes, I’m an asshole for sleeping with Alice while having a girlfriend, but I’m not about to break up with her over the phone either.

Relocating back to Washington is being a bigger pain than I thought. My lease on my place in Tennessee isn’t up until December and I don’t want to pay two land lords, or piss my current one off. I had to figure out how I was going to move my things cross country without having to use the aid of a moving company.

Never should have left in the first place.

I fell back onto the couch with a heavy sigh. Maybe I can just take over the lease for Bella’s apartment at the end of the month. I’m already here and know the place.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was twenty minutes to eleven. Alice was meeting with someone at one for a possible wedding location. Maybe I should surprise her and take her to lunch.

When I arrived at her office, the receptionist Kim greeted me with a warm and friendly smile. "Hi Jasper."

"Afternoon Ms. Kim. Is Alice available?" I asked.

Kim looked down at her desk before nodding. "Appears so, I'll let her know you're here."

I held my hand up. "No, it's okay. I wanted to surprise her."

Kim laughed and shook her head. "Alright then, to the left, third door down... Good luck."

I walked down to the office Kim indicated to see Alice with her head down the desk. Her door was open but I didn't want to intrude on her conversation.

I leaned against the door frame, barely able to hear her conversation until I heard his name.

"No ‘Rhett, it's fine..." she said quietly. There was a long pause before she spoke again, "Ditto... see yah in a few days then. Bye." She sighed and hung up the phone.

I gently tapped the door frame making her look up at me. "Hey," I said with a smile.

"Hey!" she chirped, a wide smile crossing her face.

I stepped inside her office, "So I was thinking I would surprise you and take you to lunch before your meeting."

"Okay," She nodded, grabbing her purse. "Where are we going?"

I shrugged. "Depends on what you're in the mood for since I didn't think that far ahead."

She laughed, "Um a salad..."

"Salad it is," I laughed and walked with her out of the office. Once outside I held her car door open for her before getting into the passenger seat. "So are you excited about meeting with Logan today?"

She nodded a little distractedly.

"You excited to see Garrett soon?" Honestly, I didn't want to know the answer but I figured it was appropriate considering she was just on the phone with him.

She gave me a odd look, "Sure... I've gained some weight though." She chewed her lip.

I felt my eyebrow jump at that. "Is that why you want salad? Ali what's going on?"

"I need to lose weight," she sighed. "I've gained a few pounds, I know Garrett will notice..." She shook her head. "I know I look horrible, but look at how I've been eating..."

"You're insane you know that? And I'm sorry, but I think you’re sexy as hell and if he's too much of a prick to appreciate you now..." I stopped myself and looked out at the city as we passed through. She was quiet all the way to the restaurant, waiting for me to start up a conversation again I assumed.

"Do you really think I'm sexy?" she asked quietly after she ordered her Caesar salad.

"Yeah, I do."

She tilted her head to study my face, "Why?"

That made me choke on my drink. "What do you mean?" I coughed out.

"Why do you find me sexy...what about me is so sexy to you?"

"Everything," God that sounded like a cop out. "You know I've always had a weakness for your legs, so those still get me every time. But you've changed so much. You've gone from this beautiful young woman to..." I waved my hand in her direction. "Trust me, you're not fat or anything remotely close. You've got amazing curves and any man who is lucky enough to touch and kiss every inch of your body, well... let's just say, I'm envious."

She smiled and blushed a little, "Thanks, it means a lot to me."

"Always..." I smiled at her, before slouching more in the booth. "So how’s work?"

"Good, what about you?"

"Can't complain," I smiled at the waitress as she set our food down. "After all, I'm cleaning up the town, one DNA sample at a time," I joked.

She gave a small laugh as she picked at her food. I watched her as she seemed lost in thought.

"You know," I started, finally breaking the silence. "You can tell me what’s bothering you. I remember someone once telling me that I was good sounding board..."

"I don't think I want to marry Garrett," she said quietly.

I gave her a small smile despite all the mental fist pumping I was doing. "Why? If you don't mind me being nosey."

"I love him but I'm not in love with him." She admitted, her eyes filled with sorrow as she looked at me. "I thought I could, but I know I can't. It's just not possible."

"I'm sorry." I suddenly felt as if it was my fault that she was sad.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I think I may have been going about this friendship thing the wrong way. My intention wasn't to hurt you."

"I'm glad you showed me that I didn't really love him, but I'm sad because I am going to hurt him." She sighed and picked at her salad, "I'm sorry to burden you with my troubles."

"It's no burden Ali Cat. I know it's asking a lot, but I want you to trust me enough to talk to me when somethings bothering you."

"Thanks," She smiled and took a bite.

"No problem at all," I smiled back and bit into a fry. "Considering your recent confession, did you still want to meet with Logan?"

She shrugged, "I hate making appointments and not keeping them, you know?"

I nodded. "Understandable. Honestly, I was a little shocked when you told me you were going to look at this hall. I always thought you wanted your wedding to be by the ocean.”

"I did," she stated, "but that was for my wedding to you..." She blushed a little and looked back down at her plate.

"Oh... well now I feel like an ass," I laughed.

"Why?" she asked, looking back up at me.

"Because I should have known that?" I really didn't mean for it to come out as a question.

She rolled her eyes, "How were you supposed to know?"

"Because the beach was always our thing," I reached over and stole a crouton from her plate.

"Well, now you know," She smiled and took another bite, pretending to threaten me with her fork.


After lunch we went over to the hall that Alice has been considering for her wedding with Garrett. It was strange to think of all the things she had done over the past week, only to know that she was going to cancel it all.

A part of me was elated that she didn't love him enough to marry him, while the other part wondered why.

Logan, the coordinator for the venue, was very kind to Alice. I could tell that she was embarrassed to tell Logan that she was unsure if the wedding was going to continue, but the minute Logan smiled and said she understood, Alice relaxed.

I followed behind the girls as they talked. We were first shown the garden area where the ceremony would be held. It was nice, but not right for my Ali Cat. Then we were led into the ballroom. I let a low whistle out, not entirely surprised that it echoed through out the room. Logan went on to explain how the tables would be situated to maximize the dance floor. A good thing, if you're into that sort of thing.

I took Ali's hand just as Logan excused herself to take a call, pulling her to the center of the dance floor. Once there I spun her around few times, earning a genuine smile and a laugh.

"Had to see if the dance was good enough," I informed her when she raised her eyebrow at me.

"Sure Nerdy Boy... was that all?"

I laughed and pulled her closer to me. "Okay I may have wanted to hug my best friend, is that wrong?"

She shook her head, "No it's not."

I laughed and kissed the crown of her head.

"See, now I knew the minute you walked in that you two were the perfect couple!" Logan gushed making us both jump.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Logan smiled. "I love seeing the Bride and Groom happy and in love," she explained.

"We're not engaged..." We said simultaneously.

~*~*~ February 25th, 2005~*~*~*

We arrived at this camp almost a week ago after spending a few days in Yellowstone for Ali's eighteenth birthday.

Just on the border of Northwest Texas and New Mexico was where we found them, modern day gypsies who had welcomed us with open arms. Ali and I suspected that they were more like hippies that integrated various parts of the gypsy style into their own way of living. Either way it was freeing. The only worry I had was whether Alice was truly happy or not.

And judging by her smile as she danced around with some of the local girls, she was just that. Happy.

A few nights ago, Shawn, the king of all this, held a ceremony welcoming us as a part of their family. We were given new names. Ali was now Flutura, which I thought was appropriate for her. It meant butterfly and over the years I’d watched her transform into a beautiful woman, much like a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.

"She's very pretty Endrit, young but pretty." I looked up at the voice talking to see Shawn's wife, Maria, smiling in the direction of the girls dancing in the twilight. Alice already loved her new ‘sister’ Nettie. The two of them instantly bonded and became inseparable, or so it seemed.

"She's an adult," I defended. "And please, call me Jasper." I was given the name Endrit at the naming ceremony, which evidently meant light. I didn’t quite understand Maria or Shawn’s reasoning behind the name, besides I was just more comfortable with the name my mom gave me.

Maria sat down at the table next to me. "You care for her a great deal."

I nodded, wondering where she was going with this.

"It seems Flutura has other admirers in our midst." I looked at Maria just as she nodded her head in the direction of one of her other 'daughters'.

"Lucy?" I asked.

"Yes," She sighed as we both watched Lucy stare at Alice with longing, biting her lip the whole time. "I try to tell her that she shouldn't think such things, but she likes girls." Maria shrugged.

I smiled and shook my head. "Well, Ali Cat's a looker. I don't blame her one bit."

Maria laughed. "So, you plan on marrying her, yeah?"


I stared at Maria before looking back at Alice. "Yeah, if she'd have me. I tend to mess things up pretty easily," I admitted.

"What do you mean by that? Of course you do, you are a man, men always screw ever'thin' up."

I laughed and shook my head. "With Ali and me, it's complicated."

"I have time, explain away young man," She smiled at me and made herself comfortable, clinking a bit as she moved because of all the jewelry she wore.

"Well..." Where the hell do I start? "I've hurt her before... twice actually. I'm honestly surprised she still wants me after what I've done."

"How have you hurt her?" She seemed to be studying me.

I scoffed and shook my head. "She told me she loved me and I panicked, told her that we could only be friends, then when she stuck to her guns I pushed her too far." I folded my arms on the table and rested my chin on them, watching as Alice played a game with the younger kids.

"You always hurt the ones you love..." She grew quiet for a moment. "Your loves are different."

"They are?" I looked up at her seeing a far off look in her rich brown eyes.

"Yes, your love is a bit more mature, a bit more rough, more primal; where as hers is pure, innocent... very much like your souls." She nodded thoughtfully.

"How do you figure?" I asked curiously. I get where she would see Ali as being pure and innocent... but me?

"I can see it in your eyes, the way you look at each other. You've lived through much more than her, you want her in ways she doesn't fully comprehend." She looked towards Alice again.

"You can tell all that from my eyes?"

"You can tell a lot for someones eyes."

Huh... "What do hers say? I mean besides being pure and innocent?"

"She's deeply in love with you, she'd do absolutely anything for you, but she's still very young and has much living to do. She's energetic, happy and very confident, most of the time anyway." Maria gave me a wry smile. "She is a good person."

I nodded, that was Ali to a 'T'. "Why did you ask about marriage?" I asked without thinking about it.

"Because you act like her husband." She responded simply.

"I do?" I thought I acted like the teenage boy that was in love with her.

"You try to provide for her, you take care of her, she cooks for you..." she smiled and shrugged.

"Oh!" I laughed and shook my head. "I would burn the house down if I cooked, she's far better at it." I shrugged. "I just want her happy, you know?"

"There's that too, and she would like you happy as well."

I sighed and looked back at Ali. "I'm happy as long as I have her and her love."


I packed up the last of our things into the back of the Santa Fe as Ali said good bye to the girls in Maria and Shawn's Caravan.

"Endrit, hold on there buddy," I turned to see Maria and Shawn coming toward me.

"Sorry, I was getting things ready to go, I wasn't leaving without a good bye," I explained, taking Shawn's extended hand and shaking it.

"We know," he said with a kind smile. "Maria and I wanted to give you two something. A gift to help you along your travels."

I raised my eyebrow at him as Maria smiled and held her arms out to me. I went to her and hugged her in return.

"You do know that you didn't have get us anything right?" I asked just as Alice joined us.

Shawn laughed. "We're fully aware of that Endrit. We just figured you and Flutura would appreciate a home to take with you on your travels."

I looked down at Ali as she wrapped her arms around my middle, hugging herself to my side. She looked up and shrugged, clearly just as confused as I was.

"A home away from home, if you will," Maria said with a smile, pointing to the small ninteen-sixties Airstream trailer two of the other guys were pulling in our direction.

"I noticed your SUV has a hitch and well, Maria and I have found our home," Shawn said, wrapping his arms around his wife.

"I... this... Thank you. Seriously. Thank you." I was stunned at the kindness these two, let alone the whole community, had shown us.

"Even a nomad needs a place to rest his head," Shawn said with a wink.

"We will miss you," Maria said with a sad little nod looking at us both seriously.

"Our paths will cross again," I smiled at her, remembering a reading she had done with her Tarot Cards.

With a rush of blonde hair and tanned skin, Lucy was on Alice, kissing her, hard and passionately for a minute before she pulled away, Alice looked shocked while Lucy looked really... happy.

"I will miss you Flutura." Lucy chirped, before turning and running back from where she came.

I bit as hard as I could on my cheek to keep from laughing at Alice's stunned look, but lost it when Shawn started laughing. Maria sighed and shook her head, "She likes the pretty girls..." Alice turned to me, gaping in disbelief.

"I was wondering how long it would take Lucy to do that," Shawn laughed. "Come here Flutura and give me hug before you two run off."

She walked over and hugged both Maria and Shawn, whispering something in Maria's ear before pulling back and saying, "Thank you so much for all your help."

I laced my fingers with hers when she came back over and we started for the car. "Do you want to investigate our new home now or later?" I asked her as we approached the sliver camper now attached to the hitch.

"Now," she said excitedly.

I laughed as I let go of her hand, watching her run to the door and swinging it open. "Well?" I asked once I joined her.

"I love it! We need to decorate... and move our stuff in here... but I love it," She bounced a little.

I smiled at her excitement. "Okay, first Target we see, we'll get some things and decorate a little. That sound good?"

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me hungrily. "Yes! And then," she waggled her eyebrows suggestively, "We'll break her in?"

I nodded putting my arms around her waist and sliding my hands lower. "Remind me to also get condoms, we're out."

She chuckled as she kissed me on the neck, "Okay... but, we already did it a few times without, you're not gonna miss the feel?"

I cupped her ass in my hands giving it a squeeze and making her squeal. "Yes, but we ain't ready for a family yet. We don’t want you getting pregnant."

"I know," she smiled serenely. "I just love the sounds you make," she giggled and bit her lip.

I smirked, "Well, it does feel petty great... Damn! Com'on, the sooner we find a Target the sooner we can get to breaking the bed in." She giggled as she trailed behind me, stopping me so that she could shut and lock the door.


"What ever happened to the old Airstream?" I asked the room, making the conversation come to a stand still.

"Um... I put it in storage a few months back...why?" Emmett asked, looking highly confused.

I shook my head. "No reason, I was just curious as to where it was. I might need it soon, once the lease is up on Bella's apartment." Rose's eyes went wide in shock at my words. "Oh yeah, I'm moving back." Oops.

Alice's eyes went wide in surprise, but she kept her mouth shut. "Wow, man, you're really gonna move back?" Emmett sounded pretty excited for a guy who had so little sleep lately, between all the trips to the hospital to visit Payton and going to work, he hardly had any time for sleep.

"Yeah... The only reason I was staying there was my job," I shrugged and tried to figure out what was up with Ali.

"About time you realized where you belong," Rose snapped. "And she better not be coming with you. Trash belongs on the side of the road and that's where she'll stay. I'll be damned if she thinks she can get anywhere near Ali's trailer."

Bella laughed at Rose's outburst. "Tell us how you really feel there Rose." Rose snorted in response and shook her head. I expected Edward to say something, but he didn't, he just smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "No Rose, she's not coming with me."

"Did you break up with her?" She asked with a hopeful look.

I shook my head and looked at my drink. "Not yet."

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