
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chapter 20

Disclaimer: We are not nor have we ever claimed to be Stephenie Meyer or the owners of The Twilight Saga and its characters. We are merely two girls with an idea and words on a screen.



I was torn, very torn. Garrett was in Tokyo, playing the good fiancé, calling me every night to check in with me while I was trying to seduce my ex into staying.

There really is a spot in hell with my name on it.

I sighed as I put my groceries away, it had been a relatively easy day at work so I had gotten to go home early, but going home early also meant I had more time to think, and time to think for me right now was probably a bad thing.

Jasper, my Nerdy Boy – who grew into a really hot Forensic Investigator – was coming over for dinner tonight. Again. It was becoming a nightly occurrence. He'd come over and kiss me on the cheek, we'd eat and drink wine and then I'd make an ass of myself by trying to get him to sleep with me, only to have him actually sleep with me, in my bed, without doing anything.

Tonight I was making him steak. He used to really like them, hopefully he still did. I heard a knock at the door just as I putting the potatoes in the oven and rushed to answer it. It was Jasper who had a big smile and held a nice bottle of red wine.

"Hey NB." I grinned at him and received my peck on the cheek.

"Hi Ali Cat. How was work?" he asked as he followed me in.

"Slow, how was yours?"

"Surprising actually."

"Really? What happened?" I asked as I followed him through to the dining room.

"I got a job offer," He shrugged as if it was nothing.

I was confused, "A job offer?"

He nodded. "Apparently they need a certain kind of tech on graveyards and I happen to be a jack of all trades."

"Really?" I couldn't hide my excitement. "Are you gonna take it?"

He finally smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, I took it. I mean, the only reason why I was staying in Tennessee was because of my career and now, I don't have that excuse anymore."

"What about Kelly though?"

"I'm gonna end it with her. I'm not in love with her, or even happy..." he shrugged, "what's the point?"

"That's true," I nodded, if he breaks up with her... wait Alice, don't go down that road. That road leads to nothing but hurt. But he's not leaving this time! I argued with myself. "Um. I made you steak," I smiled, changing the subject.

"Yum," He smiled back. "Do you need help with anything?"

"No," I shook my head and smiled. I could always count on him to offer.

"Will you at least let me do the dishes this time?" he teased. "I feel like, I'm being ungrateful."

"Sure, you can do the dishes," I agreed, walking back into the kitchen to think about the things he had told me. Jasper was going to stay here, well, not here, here, but back in Washington. Holy crap.

*~*~* February 5th, 2005 *~*~*

I was packing my stuff, getting ready for another weekend with the love of my life. Oh Nerdy Boy... how I adore thee. I found myself smiling like an idiot as I perfected my makeup in the mirror. I heard the sound of a knock downstairs and was rather perplexed by it, my parents were out of town and the guys were at the apartment.

I ran downstairs and opened the door, expecting a salesperson, but that wasn't who it was.

"Hey... I was just getting ready to go over and see you." I told my Nerdy Boy, he looked sad about something.

"I came to say good bye Ali Cat," He looked down at his shoes. "I didn't want you to get there and expect to see me."

I looked at him confused, he's saying goodbye? "Where are you goin’?"

He shrugged. "Texas I think. I just need to get out of here."

"Can I go with you?" I asked, I didn't want to be left behind, I just wanted to be with him.

"Ali Cat... I'm not coming back," He looked up at me. "You've got Ed and your parents. I can't ask you to leave them behind."

"So you're just gonna leave me? After everything?" My voice cracked.

He sighed. "I don't want to Ali..."

"Then take me with you, I love you, I don't wanna live without you, they'll all understand I'm sure of it!" I pleaded, my eyes filling with tears.

"Baby don't cry," He pulled me to him, holding me close. "You really want to do this?"

"I just wanna be with you." I told him, looking up at him as I fisted his shirt in my hands.

He nodded. "Alright... but you have to listen to me okay? If I say no about something please don't fight it."

I sighed heavily, "Okay. Can I go get my stuff?"

He smiled slightly. "Yeah grab what you need."

"Okay," I jumped up and kissed him before running quickly back up the stairs. Grabbing my bags that I had already packed, plus a few extra items before writing a note to my parents explaining everything to them and running back down the stairs.

Nerdy Boy wasn't there. I tried to not think too much about it as I ran out the front door, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw him opening the hatch of the Santa Fe he drove. I turned around, shut and locked the front door before I walked over to him, all my luggage in hand.

"I was scared you left me," I admitted.

"Nah, just making room," He smiled taking my bags from me. "Don't you want your pillow? I think we might do some camping in the back of this thing... to save money."

"Oh yeah..." I turned and ran back into the house, taking the steps two at a time before I grabbed my pillow, my dance shoes and all the money from my piggy bank. I ran back downstairs and grabbed a loaf of bread and some other goodies before going out the front door again, making sure to lock up after myself. "How's this?" I asked, showing him the stuff I had piled into plastic grocery bags.

He laughed and shook his head. "Good thinking Ali Cat." He took the bag with food and put it next to a cooler. "If you want you can keep your pillow up front. Might need it along the way," He shrugged.

"Okay," I smiled happily and skipped over to the passenger side of the car, pushing my pillow into the seat next to me and buckling up as I waited for him to get into the car. "Where to first Nerdy Boy?"

He shook his head as he buckled in. "I don't know honestly..." He looked at me and smiled. "Where do you want to go?"

"Um... Yellowstone!" I giggled like mad and he smiled sweetly at me.

"Maps are in the glove box, captain." I saluted him and found the U.S. road-map, and happily began trying to pick out the best route. Nerdy Boy wasn't leaving without me, he was taking me with him, he wanted me with him. My heart soared.


That first night we stayed in a hotel, we ate McDonalds, played games, watched a movie, and fucked. It was amazing. I loved falling asleep with him, waking up with him and knowing it was just us and nothing else mattered.

The next day we made it to the eastern state line, and decided to camp, it seemed like fun. I watched from the small campfire Jasper made as he moved things to the front of the SUV and made a bed for us in the back. "What do you wanna eat tonight?" I asked, tilting my head a little as I watched his ass wiggle around in the back of the car.

"What do we got?" he asked looking over his shoulder at me.

"Um," I looked down from his ass to the cooler and bag of food at my feet. "We have stuff for soup... and chicken...we should make the chicken before it goes bad." I advised.

"Sounds good..." he backed up, put his hands on his hips looking inside the car. "This should be interesting..."

"What should?" I asked, grabbing the pan and putting the chicken inside before topping it with some BBQ sauce.

He closed the hatch before coming over towards me. "Sleeping in the car, I might need you to bust my knee caps," he joked.

"No way," I shook my head with a smile, "maybe you should just spoon me."

"Oh trust me baby, I was planning on it," He smiled at me as he sat down. "What kind of chicken are you making?"

"Barbeque... or tryin’ anyway... it's not quite the same without a grill, but I think it'll be good." I smiled at him. "Should we have some veggies to go with it?"

He nodded, "Might as well right?"

"Yeah... so what we havin'?" I asked, wiggling in my seat and pulling the coat around me more.

He looked in the bags, "We got corn and potatoes..."

"Corn!" I said happily.

He laughed and pulled the ears of corn out. "Here, get the stuff off that one, I'll get the foil ready."

I smiled at him and did as I was told, stroking the cob when I was done and making him laugh at me. "I got your cob ready, sir," I said with a wink.

He chuckled and wrapped it in the foil. "Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food?" He teased as he got the other ear wrapped and placed them both in a different pot on the fire.

"Yeah, but then I play and gobble up your cock all the time so it must've confused me," I responded in the most innocent voice I could manage.

He laughed and shook his head. "You cold?" he asked, noticing my jacket.

"A little," I admitted. It was the beginning of February after all.

"Come here," he held his arms open for me and I happily crawled into his lap.

"Hey Jazz?"

He wrapped his arms around me. "Hmm?"

"Were you hoping I'd want to come with you?"

"Yeah," he said softly. "But I didn't want you to give up everything for me."

"You should know better than that... you are everything to me." I turned slightly and cupped his cheek with my hand.

He gave me a small smile, moving his head to kiss my palm. "But I'm no one Ali..."

"You're everything to me..." I said again, smiling at him.

"And you're the only thing that matters to me," he said softly before pressing his lips to mine. I deepened the kiss almost instantly. Tugging and fisting his hair with one hand while the other ran under his shirt and along his abs.

He groaned, pulling himself from me. "Ali Cat... save some for desert."

I giggled, "I love you, Nerdy Boy."

"Love you too, Ali Cat."

The next day I found myself at work, thinking once again about Jasper and Garrett. I loved Jasper, my whole heart belonged to him, I always knew this, I gave it to him when I was six years old and he never gave it back. But I promised myself to Garrett, I loved Garrett, in a completely different way than I loved Jasper but still.

Garrett was dependable, loyal, affectionate... crap I'm describing a dog.

Is that what Garrett deserved? To be treated like a dog?

Could I really give up Jasper? I mean, every part of my body longed for him; for his touch, for him to fill me, for his embrace.

I couldn't give up Jasper, but I also didn't fully trust him not to up and leave me again, not when I still didn't understand why he even left in the first place.

So what do I do? Give up the sure thing that my head is telling me to stay with, or go with my heart and possibly get burned again?

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chapter 19

Disclaimer: We are not nor have we ever claimed to be Stephenie Meyer or the owners of The Twilight Saga and its characters. We are merely two girls with an idea and words on a screen.


We wound up spending the night in each other's arms. I slept better than I normally do, but not as good as I usually could with Alice. I guess I had too much on my mind.

I was a little perplexed about why she wanted to have sex earlier. I knew she was horny, and let's face it, I wanted nothing more than to fuck her senseless, but she was going to be married to another man. Had I broken her so much so that she was afraid to commit to him?

I had no room to talk though. I was barely able to sustain a relationship with any of the girls I had dated, to no one’s fault but my own. I just couldn't get everything I left behind out of my head and I compared everyone and everything to Alice.

As much as I wanted to bring Alice pleasure last night, I was thankful that we didn't do anything. I knew it would just hurt her more in the end and honestly, I didn't want her to think it was the only reason I came over.

I needed to show her that I'm here for her. That, despite my actions in the past, I'm not going to leave her. And fucking her every chance I got sure as hell wouldn't help the situation any.

I looked over at her sleeping figure only to see her looking at me. "Jesus," I laughed. "Trying to scare me?"

"No," she chuckled, "you just looked lost in thought... what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing much.” I shrugged. “You know how I get... my mind was just wandering." I smiled at her and pulled her closer. "Did I wake you?"

"No," She shook her head. "It's nice to wake up with someone again."

I nodded and glanced at the bedside clock. "What time do you need to start getting ready for work?"

"I usually get up at seven."

I shook my head and kissed her forehead. "Go back to sleep Ali Cat, you've still got two hours."

"I wanna hang with you," she said with a smile.

"Well I'm not going anywhere. I promise, I’ll be here when you wake up." I moved onto my side to face her.

She yawned and giggled. "Okay,” she said, before closing her eyes.

I smiled and watched her as she fell back to sleep. The fluttering under her eyes lids and slight parting of her lips told me she was fast asleep. I gently kissed her before attempting to go back to sleep myself.


I closed the centrifuge lid, waiting for the click and the whirring sound before taking my glasses off to rub my eyes. One draw-back to not sleeping is burning out really fast, especially when you're straining your eyes on computer screens, light tables and microscopes.

"Hey Whitlock, do you have the samples for the Murphy case?" I put my glasses back on to see one of the detectives standing in the doorway of the lab.

"Murphy? Oh yeah!" I rolled my chair over and pulled out the file. "Three samples were found. The victim’s, one that shares common traits, and an unknown," I informed him as I handed over the file.

"Thanks," he said gruffly as he left the lab.

"Dickhead," I muttered under my breath. Most of the staff didn't like me being here and I felt like I was in the middle of a damn turf war at times, but that's what happens when you get called in from another jurisdiction.

"Didn't you have somewhere to be at four?" I looked up again to see Grant looking at me.

This was technically his lab and while I was doing work for Charlie I also helped Grant out.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

He laughed and shook his head. "Man… it's a quarter after five."

Shit! "Fuck Ali is gonna kill me," I groaned trying to clean up as quickly as I could.

Grant laughed and shook his head. "Ali huh? Got yourself a girlfriend and didn't tell me?" He teased as he pulled the samples I started out of the centrifuge.

I scoffed. "I wish. I just promised her I'd meet with her and the caterer at four."

"Caterer? You getting married?" he asked.

I shook my head as I stood up. "No, she is. I'm just helping her out."

"Ah... you're in the ‘friends zone’. Good luck with that."

I just rolled my eyes and said my goodbyes before hurrying to get my coat and helmet.

I hit the number for Bella's cell and waited for her to pick up.

She giggled as she answered. "Still haven't learned to read a watch I see," she teased.

"Ha ha Bells. Is Ali Cat still there?"

"Yeah, we’re just talking and she's had some wine..." she trailed off.

"Please tell her I'm sorry and I'm on my way right now."

I could hear Bella pull the phone away and say something to Alice. "Alright, I told her. Just drive safe."

"Are you guys at your office or the house?" I asked to make sure.

"The office," Bella said, giving me the directions before hanging up the phone.

When I arrived at the address Bella gave me, I looked at it skeptically. I knew she had a private catering business, and after she did some gig for a movie shoot she’d made enough to buy a place that was all kitchen and office. This building looked more like a warehouse.

I walked into the building and could hear the girls talking and the smells of whatever Bella was cooking filled the air, making me realize I hadn’t eaten yet today.

I approached Ali Cat from behind, kissing her on the cheek. "Sorry I'm late beautiful," I whispered before sitting down next to her.

She smiled, blushed and took a long sip from her drink. "It's okay."

Bella smiled at us, a knowing look in her eyes before she left us to stir something.

"No, I told you I was going to be here. I just lost track of time. So what did I miss?"

"Nothin' really, we just talked about the cake."

"Since when could Bells bake?" I teased, earning a resounding 'hey' from her.

Alice laughed, "Bells ain't makin' it, her partner Jake is."

"Oh good," I laughed as Bella sat back down. "I'm pretty sure you want your guests to be able to eat the cake."

"Ohmygod! I make brownies wrong one time," Bella said, shaking her head at me as she slid a Mountain Dew towards me.

"They were bricks and Emmett was so pissed that you used his ‘special butter’ for them," I snorted.

"They were groovy," Alice winked at Bella.

Bella laughed and shook her head. "What the hell was he thinking putting 'weed butter' in the fridge? Our dad is a cop for fucks sake!"

"Oh I don't know... We are all guilty of thinking we could get away with things when were younger." I laughed.

"Like the 'tutoring'," Alice used finger quotes, "sessions, alone in your dorm room, all weekend?"

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Or someone purposely failing their classes so they would need it."

~*~*~October 18th, 2002~*~*~

I had just finished organizing my desk so that two people could work at it, when there was a soft knock at the door. "Come in," I called out knowing who it was.

Last weekend Esme had asked for me to help Ali Cat out. Apparently she was failing her history and science classes and Esme thought I would be the best candidate to tutor her. The plan was for Esme to pay me twenty dollars a week until Alice's grades went back up.

I tried to tell her that there was no charge for it, after all I'd do anything to help Ali Cat, but Esme wouldn’t hear of it.

I heard the door click shut and I looked over to see Alice with her overnight bag and book bag. I smiled at her. "Well, make yourself at home silly."

She smiled shyly and put the bags over by Edward's bed. "So, mom said you're gonna tutor me?"

I nodded. "That's the plan. So tell me something, do you find history and science boring or are you too busy drooling over some guy?" I teased.

She gaped at me for a minute, "I might find it a bit boring."

I laughed at her expression. "You can tell me if there's someone that's got your eye Ali," I shook my head. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Yes please," She smiled at me and sat on my bed.

I went over to the fridge that Ed and I had in our dorm room and grabbed two bottles of water. "So, I was thinking… we could get some pizza or Chinese then tackle whichever one you want to tonight," I suggested as I handed her a bottle.

"Okay... um can we get Chinese? It's something Ed hates, so I don't get it too often you know?"

I nodded. "Of course."

"I've missed you," she chirped as I grabbed my phone.

"I missed you too," I admitted. College life was definitely hectic and made it damn near impossible to spend time with anyone but my books.

"So... you... uh... have a girlfriend or whatever?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Nope. Nerds, contrary to someone's personal opinion, are not considered hot," I teased as I dialed the number for the Chinese takeout place.

"Not all nerds are hot, just you," she countered.

I smiled and shook my head at her as I ordered our food. "Apparently you're the only one who thinks so," I told her after I hung up the phone.

"Why do you say that?" she asked, tilting her head to study me.

"Nothing," I told her with a small smile while sitting on my bed. "So... how's high school life?"

"Boring," she sighed. "I got asked to homecoming by this guy named Chuck."

"Oh..." I looked down at my phone trying to seem like I wasn't that interested. "You gonna go with him?"

"I dunno, he's not really my type..." She looked at me expectantly.

"Oh well, if he's not your type then there's nothing to worry about huh? I mean not that I was worried, I just mean... Shit, so you want to work on history or science tonight?" Yeah that was smooth.

She gave a small laugh, "I guess science."

Shortly after we started working on her physics homework the food arrived, giving us what she called a 'study break'.

We got situated on the floor where we ate while we watched TV. It was nice just having her here to hang out with, even if we were supposed to be studying. I missed being able to hang out with her every day.

But it also made me acutely aware of her. Periodically my eyes would wander along her toned legs, watch her pert breasts bounce as she laughed at the show. Even the faint smell of her shampoo seemed to call to me, more so than usual.

I wanted to be respectful of her and her personal space, even if other parts of my anatomy wanted me to pin her down and hump her senseless. And it's not like our friendship was strictly platonic. It was anything but platonic. Or at least it had been.

Since I moved into the dorm, I hardly had time to go back to Forks anymore. Sure I had a standing invitation to the Cullen's family dinners on Sunday with Edward, but I was working my ass off to keep my scholarship. And the lack of seeing Alice made me wonder if she even had any interest in me still.

"Hey Ali..." I started, poking my dumpling with a chopstick. "Besides this Chuck guy not being your type... is there another reason why you don't want to go to homecoming with him?"

She blushed a little, "Isn't it obvious?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I mean people change, feelings change, right?"

"Sure," she said sounding doubtful, her eyes cast down on her food.

I sighed. "I always hurt you, you know? I don't mean to, but I can feel it."

"You don't," she argued, staring at me wide eyed.

"Ali Cat..." I gave her a sad smile. "You don't have to admit it, just know that I don't mean to hurt you. I just never know the right things to say sometimes."

"I know..." She smiled.

I leaned closer to her. "So you still like me? Even though I'm a huge nerd and can't stop staring at your legs in those shorts?" I felt my ears warm up, the tell tale sign that I was blushing for admitting that to her, but I wanted a genuine smile from her.

She squeezed her thighs together and smiled, "Yes, so much that I failed my classes ‘cause I knew they'd ask you to tutor me."

I laughed at that. "Why you little faker... I knew something was up because you were excited about being in AP Physics and then your mom tells me your failing." I rolled my eyes at her. "And to think, I was going to kiss you," I teased.

Her head snapped up, "You aren't now?"

I shook my head, "Nope, ‘cause you've been bad."

"Come on Nerdy Boy..." She pouted.

I sighed, "I don't know Ali Cat..." I bit my cheek to keep from smiling.

"I'll be really good," She bit back a grin.

I quirked my eyebrow up at her. "How good?"

"As good as you want me to be?"

I laughed and put the white take out box next to me before pulling her into my lap. "But what if I want you to be bad?"

"How bad do you want me, Mr. Whitlock?" She damn-near purred.

I cupped her face with my hands. "We'll see," I said with a smirk before pressing my lips to hers.


The soft clink of porcelain and the smell of chicken brought me out of my memory. "Chicken Cordon Bleu," Bella said with a wink at me.

I smiled back at her and listened as she explained to Ali Cat that the idea behind it was to be the guilty pleasure dish, since it was more than chicken.

Alice looked at me and smiled. I wondered what that look was for but decided not to ask.

After Ali's meeting with Bella, I took the very tipsy bride-to-be back to her house. She was giggling about something the whole ride back and again I decided not to ask and ruin her fun.

"You know, you're a cute drunk," I teased as I set her on the couch and started to pull her shoes off for her.

"You think so?" she asked, still giggling.

"I do," I told her, placing the shoes by the couch before sitting next to her. "What's so funny buddy?" I finally asked in reference to her giggling.

"You looked funny driving my car, I think you're too big for it." She set off on another round of giggles.

I just shook my head and smiled. "Do you want me to start a bath for you or will you just worry about in the morning?"

"You can start a bath for me," She winked at me.

I nodded, pretending I didn't notice her flirting. "Tylenol in the medicine cabinet?"

"Yes," She leaned close to me.

"Baby, you're drunk," I warned her. I didn't want her to do something she'd regret later.

"I want you..." She tilted her head and wrapped her arms loosely around my neck.

I brushed the hair off the side of her face and smiled tenderly at her. "I want you too Ali Cat, but you know we shouldn't."

She pouted, "I know."

I kissed her softly on the forehead. "Come on, let me get you a nice hot bath ready with some pain pills and you'll be fine in the morning."

"Okay..." she agreed, letting me pick her up.


Over the next few days, I spent more time sleeping in Alice’s bed, with her, than I ever dreamed possible.

Besides trying to be respectful of her relationship with him, it was difficult to keep my hands to myself. Add in the fact that the case I was here for was near a close, my mind was constantly overwhelmed with thoughts.

I was almost done with the case Charlie wanted me to help out with and while I told Alice I wasn't leaving, I knew Chief Star, back in Knoxville, was expecting me back.

I was stuck. Do I finish up what I had to do here and leave Alice or do I quit my job and stay?

Alice would be pissed if I quit to stay here... but yet it would hurt her if I left.

I'm screwed.

I was just getting ready to head out the door when Paul, the department chief called me into his office.

Paul was a middle aged divorcé, balding with red hair and quite honestly, reminded me somewhat of a leprechaun. Though he was a pretty nice guy and seemed to genuinely care for his staff.

I sat down across from him and wondered what this impromptu meeting was all about.

"First let me say thank you. You've done an excellent job helping out Chief Swan as well as my department," he said in his thick New York accent. Brooklyn, I think.

"No problem at all, sir. I'm just grateful that y'all let me take up some space in your lab."

He smiled and nodded tossing a stack of paper work at me. "It turns out we need another tech on graves, and your Department Chief had nothing but high praises, emphasizing your skills in technical analyzing." I nodded my head, silently letting him know he could continue.

"We don't have anyone on our team with your knowledge and after speaking with Chief Star, both Chief Swan and I were hoping to convince her of possibly letting you stay here permanently, if you choose to do so."

"Are you offering me a job?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

Paul laughed. "Yes sir, I believe I am."

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chapter 18

Disclaimer: We are not nor have we ever claimed to be Stephenie Meyer or the owners of The Twilight Saga and its characters. We are merely two girls with an idea and words on a screen.



After the dinner party where Garrett announced our engagement he took me to a nice hotel to celebrate our engagement, and to presumably have sex. He kept trying, and being sweet about it, telling me how beautiful I was and how much he loved and desired me, but I couldn't do it, I couldn't get Jasper out of my head.

I think Garrett was getting annoyed with it all because even though he said he had the hotel room till Monday we checked out Sunday afternoon and he left on his business trip a day early. I was confused about everything, I couldn't bring myself to be intimate in that way with Garrett, but I’d let Jasper throw me against the wall and take me like a savage beast any day?

But Jasper was gone, he found out I was getting married, congratulated me and left.

I sighed heavily as I walked into my office. I was torn, I knew Garrett was upset and I was fairly sure he knew why I couldn't be intimate with him. I wanted to make him happy, but the other half of me wanted to say fuck him and jump on the first plane heading to Tennessee to get Jasper back.

But first I had to work on some displays, take some pictures and figure out which underwear would look best for the ad that was going to be printed.

About half-way through my work day a man in a uniform showed up, carrying a vase filled with bright pink tulips and purple orchids, and they were for me. I looked at him, then at the flowers oddly as I signed for them. Garrett only ever sent me roses, so I knew these couldn't possibly be from him.

I saw a small paper crane amongst the flowers attached to a note. I knew who it was from before I even opened the little card; Jasper.

A little something to make you smile. Call me when you get time. I have a surprise for you.
~Your Nerdy Boy
P.S. I would like the record to show that I am no longer a boy :P

I laughed as I read the part about him no longer being a boy, I had to agree, he was definitely a man. I looked at the phone number scrawled out in his handwriting. I had just a few more things to do and then I could call him.

About twenty minutes later – it's amazing how much work you can get done when properly motivated – I picked up my office phone and dialed his number, it rang a few times before he picked up.

"Whitlock?" he answered, followed by a quiet curse and the sounds of stuff clattering around him.

"Hey," I chirped. "I got the flowers."

"Hey yourself," I could hear the smile in his voice. "Good, I'm glad you liked them. Bella told me where you got her flowers and I thought the lady at the shop was gonna skin me alive when I asked her to make sure they got there... damn it I'm rambling." he laughed softly. "How are you?"

"I'm good, well, confused, but good. How are you? Does that mean you're still in town?"

"I may have had too much caffeine," he admitted sheepishly. "And yes. I'm still in town. I was actually gonna tell you the other night but well... yeah..." he trailed off.

"So... what is this surprise?" I asked. I could hear the impatience in my voice.

"I'm not leaving... Turns out Charlie needs some help, since there's a case that is over lapping jurisdictions and he wanted me to help out. So if you're not busy, I thought perhaps I could take ya to lunch sometime. You know as friends."

My heart began thudding in my chest, he was staying? Forever? He was asking me to lunch? Wait, as friends? "Are you staying forever?" I asked softly.

"As of right now, no." Even he seemed down by this fact. "I've got the okay from my Chief to stay as long as Charlie needs me."

"That's good," I smiled, unsure of what to say. "So... Garrett went on a business trip again, he's gonna be gone for the next eight days..." I didn't know why I was telling him this.

He laughed and I could hear something slam shut. "Is he skipping out on wedding planning?" he teased.

"Probably," I chuckled. "Are you busy? Is this a bad time?"

He laughed. "No not really. Just trying to get some DNA off something for the case. I'm just back-up ‘cause apparently Charlie doesn't trust them ‘big city kids’."

"Oh." I laughed, "Okay. So you wanna come over for dinner tonight?"

"Sure. Just tell me what time and what to bring and I'll be there."

The smile on my face grew even bigger, "Um, is six okay? And just bring yourself... maybe your camera?"

"My camera?" he asked. "Well now... what kind of dinner you planning there Ali Cat?" he teased again.

I felt myself grow red, "Um... Well I was thinking after dinner maybe you could take some pictures of me? So maybe I'll feel better about the way I look and maybe give them to Garrett?"

He was silent for a minute before clearing his throat. "Yeah, I could help you with that. So six?"

"Yep," I chirped. "See yah then."

"Bye Ali," he said before hanging up.


I was nervous by the time five forty-five rolled around. I had cleaned the house, repeatedly and now was making what used to be his favorite dish; shrimp and pasta Alfredo. I had the garlic bread warming in the oven and the salad fixed and ready to go, I just needed him here.

At exactly six, I heard a knock at the door. Geez, was he waiting right outside 'til the minute hand hit the twelve or what? I thought as I pulled open the door. Jasper looked nice in his jeans, button down blue shirt, chucks and glasses. I missed seeing him in his glasses.

"Come on in," I stepped back and gestured for him to cross the threshold.

He stepped through, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Something smells good..."

"I made Shrimp Alfredo for you," I said with a smile as I closed and locked the door.

"No way, I haven't had it since," he stopped talking and shook his head. "Thank you, but you didn't have to go out of your way Ali."

I tilted my head at him, how long had it been since he'd had it? "It wasn't a problem; I always have shrimp on hand."

"Good to know," he smiled as he set his camera bag down. My eyes focused briefly on the bag before I looked back up at him and smiled. If anyone could take beautiful pictures of me it would be Nerdy Boy.


After dinner and wine, we went into my office that was more like a walk-in-closet. Actually it was a second bedroom I converted so it could house all my shoes, accessories, plus the various samples I get from work, and of course, my computer.

I dressed in a sexy little number I had recently bought; it was crocheted black lace with pretty blue trim. The bottoms were more of a skirt that showed the very bottom of your butt-cheeks. The blue garters held up my black lace stockings and I put on a pair of sexy black pumps to finish off the look. After mussing my hair, I walked out of the connecting bathroom, feeling a little nervous.

What would Garrett think of me like this?

What would Jasper think?

I looked over at him and he was ogling me with a mixture of shock and pleasure all over his face. I knew I looked way different than when we were younger, I had filled out more, that was for sure. After giving him a nervous smile I walked over to my powder blue settee and casually sat down.

"So... how would you like me to pose?" I asked.

He licked his bottom lip as he thought it over. "Just relax like you would naturally."

I leaned over to the side and propped myself up on my elbow and bringing one foot up on the seat. "How's this?" I asked. It was as natural as I could get.

"Perfect," he said as he started to snap some pictures.

I leaned my head back, watching him as he took pictures of me. I was beginning to feel the effects of the wine. "Should I move?" I asked.

He pulled the camera down and looked at me. "Yeah... try leaning back..." He tilted his head as if picturing me in that position. I leaned back on the seat, my legs spreading a little. He continued taking the pictures and I could see him bite his lip as he concentrated.

"Hey Ali?" he asked from behind the camera.

"Yeah?" I responded. Adjusting my position so that I was kneeling.

"How erotic do you want these?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I dunno...why?"

He moved the camera down and shrugged. "Not sure. I was just thinking when you were laying back earlier... The way you had your legs spread slightly, if you were to place your hand on your stomach it would imply that you were thinking of the recipient." He gave me a small smile. "I sure as hell would want to see if you were taking care of things in the next picture..."

I lay back on the settee again, putting one hand on my lower abdomen and the other on my breast, just for good measure. "Like this?" I asked.

He nodded. "Perfect."

I bit my lip and watched him take a few more pictures, sliding the hand that was resting on my abdomen lower and lower. I don't know if it was the wine or the fact I found it hot that Nerdy Boy was once again taking pictures of me, but when my fingers found my clit I arched my back and moaned. Damn, I shoulda worn panties under this thing.

"Beautiful..." he said softly from behind the camera.

I gave him a lusty look before reaching up with my other hand and untying the top. I moved so that I was looking towards the back of the settee and pulled it off, tossing it at him before pushing my hips back slightly so he got a good look at the fact that the skirt didn't have anything under it.

"Tease," he responded huskily.

I slid my hand back down between my thighs and stroked my wetness. "I never tease."

"Uh huh..." he paused. ”And does that feel good Ali?"

"Yes," I didn't mean for it to come out as a purr.

"How good?" he asked.

"Really good," I moaned as I slipped a finger inside of myself.

I heard Jasper groan. "Baby... please..." he said in a pained whisper.

Please what? I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. "Do you want me Nerdy Boy?" My voice was so husky and wanton I barely recognized it.

"I do..." he responded, his voice heavy with desire.

I felt the smallest pang of guilt, only this once, I promised. "Fuck me Nerdy Boy..."
I heard the soft thud of the camera being set on the desk. "Lay back Ali," he instructed softly. I turned around and leaned back on the settee, resting one foot on the floor and the other on the cushion. He smirked at me as he made himself comfortable by my feet. "I want to taste you," he explained.

I bit my lip, "Then taste me."

He licked his lip as he grabbed my thighs, pulling me closer to him. His eyes held mine as his tongue darted out and slowly licked me. "Oh!" I moaned, dear lord that felt good! I clutched the sides of the settee for dear life. He continued lapping at me, making that spot in my stomach coil and my pussy throb, he was teasing me with his tongue and it was driving me crazy.

He thrust his tongue inside me, curling and twisting it as his thumb rubbed circles into my clit. Oh shit, my eyes rolled back as I arched up off the cushion. "Fuck..." I muttered. He switched his tongue and finger, pumping into me slowly as his tongue licked me quickly. I reached my hand down and tugged on his hair, forcing him to look up at me. "Do you want to fuck?"

He nodded in response. "Drop your pants," I ordered. His eyebrow quirked up and a smile started to spread across his face, but he did as he was told. I reached up and grabbed hold of him; he was hard, thick and ready to go. Very ready to go. He kneeled down between my legs and I positioned him, anxious to have him inside of me.

"Uh... baby?" he asked suddenly.

"Yeah?" Crap. It's never good when he interrupts right at this moment.


Fuck! "Um..." I chewed my lip. I was on birth control, but it would be good to have protection. "Oh! My desk drawer! It's probably expired, but better than nothing right?"

"Uh... I don't know..." he got up and went to the desk. "Which drawer Ali Cat?"

"The right side, top drawer, in a little blue box." I blushed, it was a small memento box that Jasper never knew I had.

He opened the drawer and rooted around for a moment before pulling out the box. He pulled the condom out and looked at the back. "Uh... yeah that's not happening," he flipped it back over and I saw his brow furrow together.

"What?" I asked, suddenly feeling very disappointed.

"Expired in oh-seven..." he responded still looking at the package. ”Where'd you get this?"

I sat up a little, "From you, remember?"


*~*~* April 19th, 2002 *~*~*

I watched as my brothers left with their respective prom dates; Emmett with Rosalie and Edward with Sara. I was happy that they were going to have fun, but I was also happy because Nerdy Boy was staying here, with me, rather than going to prom with Maria.

Maria, she had started to show interest in Jasper a couple of months ago, and honestly I was fairly sure Jasper noticed she was beautiful with nice tits and long shapely legs and a nice ass with a thin waist. Every time I thought about her I wanted to gag, I couldn't compete with that. I had small boobs, no ass and knobby knees. I mean... I could see why Jasper would like her, or at least like looking at her.

Maria asked him to prom and he, to everyone's shock and amazement, turned her down, insisting that he had other plans. His other plans seemed to involve me and movies and I was completely okay with this.

I set up the basement with pillows, blankets, popcorn, junk food and soda. The parents trusted us, or rather, trusted him, not to do anything and they left as well, going to some function or other at the hospital. I plopped myself down on the couch in the basement as he put the first movie in; Scream, it's a classic.

Once the movie was in the player and started up, he climbed onto the couch with me and put his head in my lap. Not gonna lie, I never have good or pure thoughts when he does this, especially after the concert we went to with the tickets I got for my birthday, but he seemed to like it when I ran my fingers through his hair.

After a few minutes of watching Sidney and the gang thwart a killer I finally spoke, "Are you sad you aren't going to prom N.B.?"

"Nope, I'd rather hang out with you," he turned so I could see the genuine smile on his face.

I could feel my ears get hot, "Really? Why?"

"Because you don't expect me to be this perfect guy. You don't judge and you actually listen when I’m talking to you." He shrugged and looked back at the screen. "Who needs all the over-priced bullshit of prom, when you can just stay at home with the person you care most about?"

My heart thudded loudly in my chest. "You care about me?"

"Of course I do Alice." He rolled over onto his back and looked up at me. "Why would you think I didn't?"

I looked away from him for a moment, "The stuff that happened last winter..." I said quietly.

"No... Even that couldn't make me stop caring about you Ali Cat."

"Would you have gone to prom if I wanted to go?"

"Yeah, of course," he smiled at me.

"Hey... Have you ever had sex before?" I asked, slightly curious.

He blushed and looked at the TV. "No," he said softly.

"Why not? I mean, I am fairly sure you could... with Maria or something." I tried my hardest to push away the jealousy I felt when I said that.

He shrugged. "I don't find her all that attractive. I mean, sure she's pretty until she opens her mouth to speak," he chuckled. "Why are you so interested in my sex life all of a sudden?"

I shrugged, my ears getting red all over again, "The stuff you whispered in my ear during the concert." I got all hot just from the memory.

He moved again to look at me. "What about it?"

"It was really...sexual." Not to mention hot.

"And it surprises you that I said it?" he asked.

"Yeah, actually it does... I mean..." I stopped myself from rambling.

He reached up and brushed his hand along my cheek. "Tell me what you're thinking Ali Cat."

"You said you dreamed of... doin' me." I chewed my lip, "It's just strange to hear from you, after everything that happened, you know?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean it's not true."

"So you're attracted to me, but we can't be together... just friends right?"

"Yeah... hold on..." he got up and reached into his back pocket, "I know you're not supposed to keep these in your pocket but..." he shrugged and handed me a condom, "I'll tell you what. That right there is a promise. If by the time your prom rolls around and you still want me and I still want you. That's our free pass. Lame I know," he laughed and gave me a small smile.

I bit back a grin, "You'd take my virginity?"

"If you haven't moved on to more appealing boys by then," he said as he sat back down, then laughed. "Who knows, at this rate, you might be taking mine," he teased, bumping me lightly with his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, "You have no idea how hot you are do you?"

He scoffed. "Yeah cause Sci-fi nerds are the next Johnny Depp."

I straddled him and removed his glasses, setting them carefully on the side table. "You have gorgeous hair," I made a point of dragging my nails across his scalp. He seemed to enjoy that. "Amazing eyes, a nice nose, a nicer smile, really kissable lips," I moved my hands down and up under his shirt, feeling the slight muscles he had under there. "And you are starting to get a pretty killer body."

He bit his lip and smiled. "Just keep stroking my ego there Ali," he teased with a wink.

"Is that what we're callin’ it?" I asked, wiggling in his lap.

He laughed and put his hands on my hips to get me to stop moving. "I suppose, yes."

"But I'm fairly sure you're gonna lose it before then... and probably forget all about lil' ol' me... so yeah." I gave him my best smile.

"Hey come on, it's my prom night. We're supposed to be having fun."

"What do you wanna do then?"

He shrugged. "Not talk about things that make you sad."

"It doesn't make me sad," I lied.

He sighed. "You mouth and lips might say you're not, but I can see it in your eyes Ali. I don't need my glasses to see when the spark you usually have isn't there." I leaned forward and kissed him gently, just a peck wouldn't hurt. Right?

"What was that for?" he asked with a smile.

"Cause of how much you pay attention," I swallowed hard. "Whoever winds up with you is a lucky lady."

He cupped my cheek in his hand. "Nah, whoever gets you is lucky," he said with a smile before pressing his lips to mine.

I pulled away and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I really hope it's you."

He smiled and pulled me closer, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "I hope so too," he whispered. I felt my heart flutter in my chest as I clutched the condom in my hand.


I smiled as he realized what I was talking about. "Do you remember now?" I asked.

"You kept this?" he asked with an amused expression on his face.

"It was your promise to me," I said with a laugh, shaking my head at my own stupidity.

He nodded. "It was, too bad you didn't have this with you the day we..." he rubbed the back of his neck and gave me his old shy smile.

"The day we... what?" I asked, not hiding my confusion.

"In the dorm... scientific research?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Oh!" I giggled. "Well, we had a condom, it was okay."

"True... it makes me wonder what else you've kept without me knowing," he teased with a mischievous smile. My eyes went wide, I had no idea what was in that box anymore. He sat down in my office chair and smirked. "Let's see..." he said, slowly opening the lid to the blue box.

He looked in and started chuckling. "Why is there a broken pair of glasses in here?"

"Those are the ones I accidentally stepped on that one time," I blushed.

He smiled and shook his head. He picked up the piece of heart shaped seaglass and held it up for me to see. "You had your own box of memories, huh?"

I smiled a little and nodded, "Yeah... I started it before we did stuff, you know?"

He nodded. "Oh Jesus..." He held up the lock of hair. "Please tell me this is not from that hair cut," he laughed.

I snickered, remembering how my mom had to give him a crew cut after that. "Yeah... it is."

He shook his head. "I still think you did that intentionally."

I pouted at him, "Why would I do it intentionally huh?"

"'Cause you were jealous of my beautiful wavy locks," he teased, even pretending to push his hair off his shoulders. I laughed and shook my head. "You seemed to enjoy touching it as it grew back," he said as he put the things back in the box.

"How about you just put the box back?" I asked, giving him a pout.

He lifted his eyebrow at me. "Or you'll do what there, Ms. Cullen?"

"Finger myself... and not let you help me out." Okay, that was actually a pretty lame punishment, but it used to work back in the day.

"Tease," he shot back, closing the lid of the box.

"I think I have some condoms in my nightstand... wanna go to my bedroom?" I asked, feeling rather stupid.

He looked over at me as he decided something. "Come here."

I walked over to him, "Yes, sir?" I smirked a little.

He pulled my hand making me sit in his lap. "I wanna tell you something... in case things go in the direction they were headed."

I smiled a little at him, "Yes?"

"I'm here for you. In whatever capacity you need me. I just don't want to hurt you anymore," he said looking into my eyes.

I could see it, the way he felt, and I felt guilty because I knew the Garrett thing was hurting him, but I didn't quite trust Jasper not to run away again, not to freak out about his feelings. I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. "Thank you," I whispered.

I felt him press his lips into my hair. "Always Ali Cat," he murmured.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chapter 17

Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.


"We're engaged," his words echoed in my ears.

I couldn't look at her. I couldn't let her see how much it hurt to hear that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with someone else. But I couldn't look at my friends either. They had to have known. Surely she would have told Rose or Edward.

I could hear everyone talking, congratulating them, asking them about details and I suddenly felt claustrophobic. I needed to get out of here.

I stood up and made my way to the happy couple, willing myself not to do something stupid like deck him and drag her out by her hair and claim her as mine. After all, she made her choice. What was I expecting after all I had done to her.

The minute I saw the tear escape from her beautiful eyes, I felt like I was back in that damned gym, breaking her heart again.

"You deserve to be happy," I told her before kissing her goodbye. I couldn't be here for her. I didn't want this to happen and for once I wasn't about to be the one to keep her from being happy.

It was for the best.

I had almost made it out the door of the restaurant when I was shoved up against the wall. "The fuck?" I asked looking to see my two best friends glaring at me.

"You are not thinking about leaving without saying goodbye again are you?" Edward's voice was like ice.

"We know you too well man," Emmett shook his head, his hand keeping me firmly against the wall.

"I said goodbye to her. It's over." I said trying to shake Emmett off.

"No, it's not," Edward shook his head. "We won't allow you to pussy out of everything this time."

"She's getting married Edward! She made her choice! Damn it Emmett, let go!"

"No!" Emmett shouted back, "I may not be the brightest fucking crayon, but I saw the chemistry between you and Ali, that shit, you can't deny it... come on bro, you really think that you can't get her to change her mind?"

"What if she only said yes because he's safe, because she knows he won't leave her? You gonna prove her right by doin' exactly what she expects you to do?" Edward asked, crossing his arms and giving me a pointed glare.

"Chemistry or not Emmett, it ain't gonna happen. She's got him and I got Kelly," I addressed Emmett first. "And fuck you Cullen! What do you expect me to do? Drop my career and move back? Follow her like a damned love sick fool again? Because that got me where last time?"

"Yep, and we all know how happy you are with Kelly..." Emmett murmured shaking his head.

"Let go of him, Em." Emmett did as he was instructed and before I could say anything I was shoved up against the wall, this time a very angry looking Edward was in my face. "You are the stupid motherfucker who left, do not blame any of that shit on my baby sister. You got me?"

"Yeah," I breathed. I wasn't blaming her.

"I do not want that shit-for-brains-piece-of-shit to be my brother-in-law," Edward's voice was so quiet I could barely hear him. "But if I have to watch this shit happen, then you best believe I expect your skinny white ass to watch this fucking ship sink with me."

"You think I want her to marry him?!" God why do I sound like I'm seventeen again?! "I don't! I want it to be me, Ed! I just don't want to step in on her happiness," I said defeated.

"Do you still love my sister?" he asked, his eyes shiny and sad.

"I never stopped loving her Ed..."

"Then I'll let you in on a little secret," He loosened his grip on my shirt. "The first time I have seen her genuinely smile in five years was the day I brought you to her office. She ain't happy, she wants to be and she's trying, but she's not really happy without you." With that Edward let go and took a step back.

I sighed and leaned my head against the wall. "So what are you saying? Stay here and what? Watch her get married to some money flaunting prick? Break up her engagement? Jesus Edward, you know I can't do that."

Edward regarded me quietly, "Why not?"

"Because what if it doesn't work? What if it turns out he's better for her than I am?"

Edward scoffed and shook his head, "You plan on fucking a stripper at your bachelor party Jazz? Have you made Alice feel insecure about herself?"

I felt my eyebrow raise at the mention of the stripper. "I'm sure I've done a lot more damage." Why am I fighting this?

"You really want her to marry someone else Jay? Someone she doesn't love?" Edward looked confused while Emmett's brow furrowed.

"How do you know she doesn't love him?!" I all but shouted at them. "Honestly about fifteen minutes ago, I would have agreed with you two, but she chose him. Not me. If anything me coming back here has made things worse for her. Christ, I helped her cheat on her fiancé!"

Oh fuck...

Edward's jaw fell open while Emmett looked merely surprised. "You two did the horizontal mambo?" Emmett asked, sounding completely amused. I rubbed the back of my neck while nodding, waiting for Edward to punch me.

Edward and Emmett burst out laughing. "If she really loved him, she wouldn't have cheated on him, you know how Ali is," Edward explained once he calmed down.

"Care to explain what the fuck is so funny?" I knew Edward had a point, but Jesus, she even said she hadn't been with someone in that way since me.

"Only back a couple of weeks and already you guys are going at it like a couple of rabbits." Edward just smiled and shook his head. "I think it's safe to say the spark is still there."

I groaned. "I'm not denying the damn spark. I know it's there. But that still doesn't change things."

"Okay, so we know that you got offered a job here... does Alice? What makes you think she picked him?" Edward asked, getting serious once more.

"No she doesn't, besides it's a temporary thing. I'm leaving as soon as the case is closed."

"Not from what I heard, I heard he was gonna offer you a permanent position." Edward argued.

"I'm just tellin' ya what Charlie and I discussed." Of course Ed would know more, he's family now.

"Yeah, well," Edward shrugged. "Why do you wanna leave so bad? Think about it..."

"Do you really want someone else knockin' boots with your Ali Cat for the rest of who knows how long?" Emmett asked, Edward giving him a furtive look.

"Honestly... I don't know why I wanna leave so bad," I decided to answer Edward and just ignore Emmett's question.

"What do you have in the south? What's keepin' you there? I mean, up here at least you have friends... a family of sorts," Edward shrugged a little, "Us."

"My job..." That's the only thing keeping me there honestly. "I have some where to stay. Jesus, the only reason I have a roof over my head now is cause Bella still had time on her lease." I pointed out.

"We'll figure somethin' out when the time comes Jay, I mean it really ain't that hard to find a place to live."

I sighed. I knew they were right. "Fine, I'll stay. I have some vacation time," I shrugged. "I'll use that until I know what the hell is going on."

"Good," Edward smiled and Emmett nodded in agreement. "So, seriously Jay, what makes you think you lost out to the Armani prick?" Edward asked.

I groaned and pushed myself off the wall to walk outside. "You were there Ed..." I knew they were right behind me.

"I saw the kiss on the dance floor." Edward said to my back.

"Kiss doesn't mean shit, Ed. She's still marrying him." Sparks or not, she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. I spun around to face my two best friends. "How long has this been going? How long have they been engaged? And why of all the self-centered, money hungry pricks in Washington did she have to pick him?!"

Edward looked at me wide eyed, "He proposed the day you came back..."

I gaped at him. "So this whole time... This whole time she's been his fiancé and neither one of you thought it was pertinent to tell me?" I turned my attention on Emmett. "You're right, I don't want someone else with my Ali Cat, but how do I even know that, that," I said waving my hand in the direction of the building, "is my Ali Cat? My Ali Cat isn't impressed with high priced suits and expensive things. Yet here she is gonna marry the first dick that walks by in Armani! Does he even know what Levis are!?" I was so frustrated I wanted to hit my head against the wall, maybe then I make sense of what the fuck was going on.

"I have to break up with Kelly..."

"Dude... she wasn't impressed by his possessions, he charmed her, he worked his ass off to get with her after Rosie and I hosted a Christmas party, apparently he liked what he saw when she was dressed as Mrs. Claus, and yes, you have to break up with Kelly." Emmett said, his usual jovial face was completely somber.

"And just so you know, ‘cause I doubt she's told you, he's the first relationship she has had since you." Edward added.

"I kind of figured that one out on my own Ed and for the love of God tell me Rose didn't pick out the Mrs. Claus costume," I groaned imagining Ali Cat in a skimpy costume.

Emmett pursed his lips, "Well... um... Rosie kinda wanted Ali to find a one night stand or something..." he shrugged.

I'm going to kill my sister.

"It was very short. It's pretty obvious why he wanted her." Edward stated matter of factly.

"Would you guys help me cover up a murder?" I asked only half teasing.

"Depends on who we're killing," Emmett said with a smile.

I laughed and shook my head. "Seriously though, y'all think I can change her mind still?"

Emmett nodded quickly. "She's wanted to marry you since she was six, you really think that's just gonna stop?" Edward asked with a bemused expression on his face.

"But that's before I did some pretty shitty things to her," I pointed out.
Edward shrugged, "From what I hear she only gave in and started dating him 'cause she knew you had some other chick or whatever down in Tennessee. She broke up with him for a week at one point, but I dunno why."

I felt my eyebrows furrow at what he said. "Alright, if I do this... and it doesn't work, then what? You gonna blame me for the rest of our lives?"

Edward seemed to consider it for a moment, "No, if you put good effort into showing Ali you ain't gonna leave and you want her... I won't blame you."

I nodded. "Fair enough. Am I alone on this or can I count on y'all to help me if needed?"

Emmett and Edward smiled, "Count us in."

"Well, as long as you don't do something really stupid like tell her you hate her again." Emmett added with a smile.

~*~*~November 16th, 2001~*~*~

I took my usual spot against her locker after the bell rang. For the past month she had been doing everything in her power to ignore me.

I never meant to hurt her when I told her we couldn’t be together. Truth be told, I wanted to be with her. The timing just wasn’t right.

I was floored when she admitted that she was in love with me. How could she even know that what she felt was love? She was still young.

She pushed me off her locker, not saying a word, just like every other day. I just wanted her to say something, anything really. It wasn’t normal for her to be so quiet, so sad.

When she turned to leave her locker I jumped in front of her, blocking her path. She glared at me, everything in her body language telling me to get the fuck out of the way, but she never said it verbally. That’s all I wanted.

We continued the dance of me blocking her exit, grabbing the attention of several class mates. I chuckled a little when she blew her hair out of her face in frustration. It was working, she was starting to crack.

“It’s too bad your mother is dead Jasper, maybe she could’ve taught you some manners,” she snarled at me.

It was my turn to crack, pressing her tiny body between me and the wall. Her of all people, throwing the death of my mother at me; it enraged me more so than when Felix taunted about it earlier. He’s a dick it’s expected, but from Alice, it disgusted me that she went that far.

“I would never love an insolent little child like you,” I growled in her ear. I pulled away slightly, watching as my words registered within her. Her face dropped as she sealed her eyes shut and turned her head away from me.

She shoved me hard with her book and ran into the ladies room. I just stood there staring at the bathroom, waiting for her to come back.

"Whoa... dude... what did you say to her?" Emmett finally asked from my right.

I turned to see the two very shocked faces of Emmett and Edward staring at me. "I... I'm not sure," I shook my head.

Edward just shook his head, "I gotta go to class." He opened his mouth to say something else, but then closed it with a little shake of his head and walked away.

"I thought you were gonna kiss her for a second there," Emmett laughed, clapping me on the shoulder.

I looked up at him and frowned. "I told her I'd never love her Emmett..." I knew he'd understand what I meant.

His mouth went into a hard line, "Dude..." He looked over his shoulder, "Rosie! Com'ere!"

I pulled my hands through my hair in frustration. "Jesus Em, what have I done?"

"What? I can't be late for class again Em!" Rose said as she jogged over to us. "You look like hell," she said looking me over.

"He just told Ali that he would never love her and now she's in the bathroom." Em stated, giving Rosalie a very serious look.

"Fuck," she growled. "Deal with him would you babe?" She asked giving him a kiss before heading into the direction Alice was.

Emmett shook his head at me, "Way to get her to talk to you again there, sport." Sarcasm, Emmett was good at it.

"I'm sorry but no where in my thoughts while making her paper cranes did I think to myself, 'wonder if Alice is gonna throw the death of my mother at me'," I spat at him, moving to get the hell out of this school. "Had I known she was going to say that I would have avoided her."

"You know she didn't mean that shit, it's Ali baby, she would never do something to hurt you!" Emmett argued, following me.

"Well she fucking did Em!" I glared at some kid that was gaping at us as we made our way out the door. Really? Six foot two nerd glares and you piss yourself?

"Look at it from her side, Jazz!" I could hear Emmett pant a little to keep up. "You tell her you don't love her when she admits it to you, while you two were damn near making yourselves into a live porno, then when she tells you to leave her alone you practically stalk her so she'll talk to you, don't you think you're fucking with her head a little? Don't you think that she has the right to lash out a little towards you?"

I turned to face Emmett. "I understand she's pissed Emmett, but that was low... even for her!"

"Honestly man, she thinks nothing she does would hurt you, except that one thing..." Emmett shrugged. "So she used it, because she thinks... no she knows you are playing games with her and it hurts her, so she wants to hurt you back."

"I'm not playing games! I want to be with her, but right now isn't the time. I want her to fucking talk to me because I miss my friend! I miss her laugh, I miss her smile, I miss her..."

Emmett sighed, "I was just giving you her point of view on things okay? I know you miss her, I know you love her... but dude, you have to understand she put herself on the line and you... You rejected her."

Love? I didn't say anything about love...

"No, I said we couldn't date. She cut me out."

"Yeah, you can't date but you can feel her up," he nodded his head while raising an eyebrow at me.

"No! Christ, no that's not what I meant." Okay, I see his point. "I fucked up man..."

"Continue..." Emmett said with a smile, leading me towards his jeep.

"I fucked up big time?"

Emmett nodded, "What are you gonna do about it?"

"I don't know... Is there anything I can do now? I mean..." I paused to throw my bag into the back of the jeep. "Even if I had a chance, odds are I just killed it."

Emmett climbed into the drivers side, leaning back in his seat as he waited for me to get it. I hopped into the passenger side and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well?" I asked.

"Ali baby has loved you since she was six years old, I think you may have killed her a little bit, but you didn't kill your chance," Emmett advised.

"I called her an insolent child for fucks sake Em," I admitted.

"Wow. Dude, harsh." Emmett grabbed something out of his glove box and lit one end. "Want some?" he asked with held breath.

I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. "Just hot box Em, you know you want too," I laughed.

"And so I shall," he said blowing smoke out. "Okay, so I suggest, if you can handle it, go today and apologize, then give her a week to cool off."

"You really think she's gonna want to see me again, let alone today, after this?" I asked skeptically.

Emmett shrugged, "What's the worst that could happen?"

"She'd get a restraining order? Or I know, have Edward kick my ass..." I leaned my head back against the head rest.

Em scoffed, "I don't think she'd do either."

It was my turn to scoff. "Yeah... All I know is he wouldn't hesitate to do it. She is his baby sister after all."

"You don't think she's worth a little roughing up?" Em asked, his eyes pink and half-lidded.

"No... she is."


He was right, what did I have to lose?

Later I did as Emmett suggested, going over to the Cullen house with the hope of being able to apologize. But I struck out. Esme told me that Ali wasn’t up for company and that she would have her call me when she’s feeling better.

I went back to my house and locked myself in my room. I knew I had fucked up royally and I knew that I had to apologize. But how do you apologize when that person doesn’t want to see you again?

I was silent at dinner, not that it was anything new for me but even Rose was quiet. I knew she was pissed at me. I hurt her best friend. Hell, I’d be just as angry at her if it were Emmett. The only difference is that she wouldn’t be a stupid as I was.

I couldn’t sleep that night, thoughts of what Alice and Emmett said filtered through my subconscious and I knew there was no peace to be had. So I did the only think I could think of. I went to Alice.

One thing is for certain, Hollywood lies. There is no easy way to climb up a drain pipe, but I did it.

I carefully opened her window and started to step in when she sat up in bed.

“Ali?” I whispered, mainly so she wouldn’t scream.

“Jasper, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean what I said-“ she started crying and apologizing to me.

“Shh… Ali, it’s okay,” I told her as I kneeled beside her. I cupped her face in my hand, gently wiping the tears from her eyes with my thumbs as I tried to think of an apology.

But I never got it out. She pulled herself up, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck as her lips crashed to mine. I knew I should have pulled away. That anything further would just confuse her more, but I couldn’t. My hand moved to her hair, fisting it as I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth.

Her hands tangled in my hair, her tongue greedily licked the part of my lips, demanding entrance as my other hand moved to her side, guiding her to lay back. Our tongues danced together, massaging the other, her taste consuming me.

My desire for her began to take control as I pulled her leg higher on my hip so I could grind myself into her, making her moan and grind back. “Oh God,” I moaned as continued my movements, moving to kiss along her jaw.

My hand went up her shirt, cupping her breast and making her mew beneath me as I kneaded it, taking the nipple between my fingers to pinch and tease her. I sucked and nipped at her skin as we rolled our hips into each other, both desperate for friction.

The sound of her headboard thumping lightly against the wall broke us out of trance long enough for me to remove my sweatshirt and place it between it and the wall. Once that was done I continued kissing her, loving the taste of her sweet lips as my hand returned to her soft, pert breasts.

My mouth worked its way lower, kissing and sucking on her collarbones as her hands went under my remaining shirt. Her touch sending chills down my spine. She pushed against me, rolling us so she was on top, rubbing her crotch against my hardened cock. My hands traveled down to her ass, squeezing and pulling her harder against me as our lips moved together again.

She moved her lips from mine, kissing along my jaw as she continued to rock against me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the way it felt to have her like this, the way my body responded to hers. I hissed when I felt her lips on my chest. I opened my eyes watching her as she left hot wet kisses every where she could, while moaning at the movements of our hips.

She kissed her way back up my neck stopping below my ear. “Jasper, touch me,” she whispered huskily.

I quickly rolled us and pulled myself away. I couldn’t do this to her. We shouldn’t have been doing this.

She looked at me with wide and confused eyes, her chest heaving as she gasped for air.

“Oh God, Ali…” I panted. “I want to, but we can’t. I can’t… God, I’m so sorry Ali.” I apologized as I backed up towards the window and climbed my way out, shutting it closed behind me.

I just keep hurting her…
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chatper 16

Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.


Jasper kissed me, and Garrett caught us. I felt guilty that Garrett caught us, but I was also confused. That kiss told me I still loved Jasper, there was still that chemistry between us even without the sexual tension, I mean, I guess the tension was still there but we'd definitely resolved it the other night.

That kiss was just different, it told me that not only did I still love Jasper and it was definitely more than the sex. But now I was sure he still loved me too.

And by that I mean not the first love you haven't gotten over kind of love. Yep, it's safe to say right now I am sitting between a rock and a hard place, well no actually I was sitting between Nerdy Boy and Rhett, but you get what I mean.

I held Garrett's hand with my right hand; it was safe, comfortable, reliable, trustworthy. I held Jasper's hand with my left; passionate, sexy, unpredictable, protective. Jasper's thumb grazed the skin on the back of my hand which made me look over at him and smile, he smiled right back, his eyes saying things his lips dared not repeat. I felt a twinge of hope and decided I should talk to Garrett, put off the engagement... figure all of this out.

I looked over just as Garrett smiled brightly at me, and announced happily to the table that we had an announcement to make. He pulled me up out of my chair to stand beside him, I quickly let go of Jasper's hand so that no one would see that we had been holding hands.

I was confused, what was Garrett talking about? "What are you doin'?" I asked as quietly as I possibly could, Garrett smiled at me, but something was a little off in his eyes.

"We're getting married!" He blurted out as I smiled at everyone, trying to hide the confusion I felt at this moment. Dear Lord why did he have to announce it now of all times? I just decided to postpone things, now I couldn't, I didn't want people to think badly of me for having second thoughts about someone who loved me as much as Garrett did over a guy who left with without a second thought five years ago.

Someone who moved on so quickly when I was still nursing my broken heart.

*~*~* July 4th 2007 *~*~*

I combed my hair into a ponytail, high on the back of my head and looked at myself in the mirror.

Disgusting. Yeah, he'll really want you lookin' like this.

I sighed and began putting on a little make-up before pulling on the nice wrap dress I had purchased just for this occasion. Unfortunately, I still had forty pounds to lose since having Ryan. I hated the way it made me look, mainly because it was in all the worst places.

I chewed my lip as I regarded myself in the mirror. Today was the day I was going to get some answers, I pulled the slip of paper from my purse that Rosalie had written down Jasper’s new address on, clutching it in my hand as I walked out of the hotel room and into the humid Tennessee air.

It was one of those days where the younger, more energetic me would've walked or skipped happily to his new place, but now I was talking a cab, I didn't have the energy or the motivation to walk.

Jasper now lived in a three story brick building, if the numbers were correct he lived in a second floor unit. I studied the address for a moment before climbing up the worn wooden stairs, grasping the iron handrail and slowly walking towards his apartment. The door I was headed for opened and I stopped all forward movement when I saw a dark haired woman walk out just ahead of Jasper... my Nerdy Boy... and their hands were linked. He wasn't looking in my direction at all, if he even so much as moved his head to see ahead of him he would've seen me, but the lady he was with distracted him.

It felt like someone gripped my heart in their fist and was holding tightly as I saw him look at her and they began to laugh, I could see the happy twinkle in his eye even from where I was standing. I ducked into a darkened corner, not wanting either of them to see me while I watched them.

I am such a masochist.

After locking the front door the lady said something to him and he pinned her up against the wall, giving her the sexy look that I always thought was just for me before kissing her savagely. I took a shaky breath and tried to look away, not wanting to see anymore.


Later, I found myself sitting at a booth inside of Applebees, torturing myself some more. They sat awfully close to each other and he was letting her feed him fries.

Why am I doing this? I thought idly as I slurped a little of my milkshake.

Because you have to talk to him.

I watched as he reached into his pocket, put a phone up to his ear, listened for a bit and after a few nods of his head he kissed his companion and left quickly. Walking right by me as if I didn't even exist. His scent, however, clung to me. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, enjoying the little bit of him that was left as I let the memories we had created wash over me.

I heard the bench across me creak and opened my eyes to see Jasper's companion settling in the booth across from me. She was beautiful, clearly Mexican in descent with large dark eyes, thick black hair and skin several shades darker than mine.

"Hi," I said, sounding as startled as I felt.

"Hi," she said with a kind smile. "What kind of shake did ya get?"

"Um... strawberry." I looked at her curiously.

"Good choice, but I prefer the vanilla," she laughed. "Sorry, I hate eating in places like this alone and well, I saw you were alone too. I'm Kayla," She reached her hand out for me to shake.

I took it, "Alice..." I said with a small smile. And she was nice. Damn N.B. for dating chicks I can't bring myself to hate.

"Nice to meet you. So what brings ya to Tennessee, Alice?"

I laughed a little and looked at my shake. Of course she could tell I wasn't from around here. "It's a long story..." I shook my bowed head.

"A boy?" she asked.

I nodded, "He left one day... didn't tell me why... I really needed him at the time, but I was too stubborn to come down here right away..." I swallowed hard, trying to clear the lump that had crept up my throat.

"That sucks... How long since he left?"

"Um... two years," I chewed my lip. I knew it had been a long time, but I never stopped loving him.

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, by the looks of it he hurt ya bad," She gave me a sad smile.

I nodded my head a little, I wasn't sure if I should tell her, but something inside me told me to give it a try. "It was Jasper," I stated, meeting her eyes.

"My Jasper?" she asked quietly.

That vice squeezed again on my heart when I heard her say 'my', I rubbed my chest absentmindedly and nodded my head, "The guy you were here with, yeah."

"Oh wow..." she breathed. "I had a feeling you were her, but I never thought..." She shook her head.

"What?" I asked, confused by pretty much everything she just said.

"When you said your name, I had a feeling you were his Alice," she gave me a small smile. "I've heard a lot about you and your brother."

"So he talks about us?" My voice cracked despite my best efforts. She nodded. "What does he say?" Glutton. For. Punishment.

"He talks about growing up with y'all. How your brother and his best friend were always up to no good and how his sister and you were really tight."

"Oh. So... nothing else?" I chewed my lip.

She looked down at the table and shook her head. "No... sorry," she said softly.

I nodded, feeling tired and sad. "It's not your fault..." I sighed. "I hope you're happy with him... and that you make him smile, okay?" I was being earnest, I meant what I said. I pulled a twenty out of my purse, all I had gotten was the shake so I was fairly certain it would be more than enough to cover it, and placed it on the table.

She looked up and nodded. "I know I don't have tell you this but, he's a really great guy. Looks out for people ya know?"

I nodded and chewed my lip, blinking back tears, "That was the problem I think..." I tried to force a smile.

"Yeah..." She reached in her pocket to look at her phone and sighed. "I gotta go... it was nice meeting you Alice."

"Nice to meet you too," I said as I walked out of the restaurant behind her.

It was time to go home, I didn't need to torture myself anymore, I already had the answers I needed.


Everyone flittered around Garrett and I, congratulating us and asking about wedding details, wanting to know the date, wanting to see the ring, wanting to know who was going to be involved. The entire time I wouldn't look at Jasper, I didn't want to see his face, I knew that if I did I might do something really stupid.

I saw Jasper move out of the corner of my eye, heading for Garrett. He shook his hand and congratulated him, before making his way to me.

"Congratulations Ali Cat..." He said softly.

I blinked back a tear, it was over, he was leaving, I could see it in his eyes. "Thanks Nerdy Boy," I whispered back.

He cupped my cheek, wiping the tear from under my eye with his thumb. "You deserve to be happy Ali..." He gave me a sad smile before kissing me on the cheek and turning to leave.

I rubbed the center of my chest, it was a habit I had picked up when he left, trying to ease the pain that grasped my heart as I watched him go. "Alice?" I turned to see Garrett's perfect smile and couldn't help but smile in return. "You okay?" he asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to his chest. He smelled like sandalwood, it was a nice, comforting smell, I nodded my head as he placed a kiss on the crown of my head. "I love you," he murmured.

"I love you..." Just not as much as him.


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Chapter 15

Disclaimer: Honestly K is too tired to come up with something witty or professional for this, but you know the drill. We aren’t SM. We’re just two girls that love Alice.


I was completely consumed by guilt. Guilt over what I had done to Alice five years ago, the guilt of taking her as if she was mine again the other night, and most of all for what I had done to Rose.

Emmett warned me to keep my cool. Just let her have her peace and be done with it.

Honestly, I had every intention of doing just that. Until she accused me of ruining everything Alice had built, all the progress she had made, and for making things worse on her.

I should have listened to Emmett. Rose was just hormonal and doing what she did best. Standing up for Alice. I just pushed too far.

Rose says that it wasn't my fault Payton was early. But let's face it, if I didn't cause the undue stress, Payton would still happily be in her mother's womb right now. Not in the hospital. Not away from her mommy.

My niece was beautiful. She was tiny, but a fighter like her parents. You could she seemed to fill whatever Emmett and Rose thought they had missing in their relationship.

And tonight we were celebrating. What exactly? I don't even know. All I know is Edward called me, insisting that I shower and shave, then meet him and the rest of the gang at our favorite restaurant.

Of course he was here. Mr. Armani suit himself. Bella hissed in my ear to be nice as she went to sit with Edward. I was going to be a perfect gentleman damn it.

Naturally the only two chairs left for them to occupy once they got here, were the ones next to me. I mentally fist pumped when Alice took the seat directly to my right, leaving Gary -Damn Garrett - on the other side of her.

I smiled politely as she sat down, even gave him a handshake and was cordial. I could see the unspoken questions in Alice's eyes but now wasn't the time for explanations.

The conversations floated around, jumping from various topics, everyone talking at once.

It almost felt like old times.

Some time into the gathering, while everyone was involved in discussions, Alice took it upon herself to be flirty. Not in the sense that everyone at the table would know what she was doing. Oh no, Ali Cat was far too good for that. I felt something brush against my hand and glanced over to see Alice smiling coyly at me before turning back to Edward who was talking about some guy he busted. Her fingertips ran along my wrist to my palm, then down to the tips of my fingers before she moved her hand to just brush the back of my hand against the back of hers.

I smiled back at her, moving my hand so it laid flat, palm up, just as she repeated her actions. She shifted slightly in her seat, giving the appearance of crossing her legs, but moving her body closer to mine. Now instead of brushing her fingertips along my wrist, hand and fingers, she centered her attention on my palm; dragging slow circles into it with her nails.

She couldn't possibly mean that... I thought, knowing how when we were younger, that was code for 'alone time, now'.

Deciding that I was going to follow her silent instructions - more like my wishful thinking, probably - I decided to do something daring.

"Hey Garrett, do you mind if I steal your beautiful girlfriend for a dance? I promise to return her," I smiled politely.

"Uh..." Garrett looked at Alice who nodded like it was ok, "Sure..." he said finally looking up at me.

"Thanks buddy." I could hear Emmett and Edward snicker as I pushed back from the table and helped Alice from her seat.

She scoffed when we got onto the dance floor and wrapped her arms around my neck, "This song is pretty fitting, don'tcha think?"

I wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled. "You think so?" I asked.

She nodded, looking up at me as we danced, "Yeah, you don't?"

"No, I could see it," I agreed. Although I was certain her brothers wouldn't buy the just friends story if they knew what had happened.

She smiled a little and rested her head against my chest, swaying to the beat of the music.

"You really think everyone there thinks we'd be the perfect pair?" I asked after listening to the song as we moved.

"They used to," she murmured.

"Hey," I said gently to get her attention. She looked up at me her big jade colored eyes meeting mine. "You're happy right?"

"Is anyone ever truly happy? I thought when you grew up, your heart died?" she half-joked, giving me a sad smile.

I shook my head and smiled at her. "Nah, don't'cha know? Your heart goes dormant until the one you want is around. Then it feels like you've ingested a bunch of methamphetamines."

She blushed a little averting her eyes away.

"Hey," I laughed moving my face near hers so she couldn't look away. "Don't hide Ali Cat, it's just me."

"It's always you..." she mused with a sad smile.

I don't know what came over me, maybe it was hearing her say that or the look in her eyes, but I pressed my lips to hers. I expected her to push me away, after all her boyfriend was on the other side of the restaurant. But she didn't. Her hands slid off my shoulders, one fisting the fabric of my tie as the other held on to my bicep, holding me closer.

My tongue traced her bottom lip, making her sigh against my mouth, giving me access.

~*~*~*March 20th 2004~*~*~

She moaned against my lips and I pulled away slightly, "Fuck NB, harder, I'm so close..." she panted, her nails digging into my sides.

I grunted in response, lifting her leg high on my side as I pounded into her. "Fuck Alice..." I panted, moving my lips down her throat.

"Oh shit..." she repeated over and over again, her voice was so husky, I wanted to hear more of it, I nibbled on her neck, making her arch her back.

I reached down to where our bodies joined, rubbing her clit fast as I moved deeper into her. She gasped and brought her hand above her to place it on the wall and pushed herself closer to me.

"You like that don't you baby?"

"Oh my God," she moaned, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

Just then I heard the door open. "Fuck," I said slightly panicked and in one movement grabbed the blanket to cover us and tried to hide Ali Cat with my body.

Emmett came walking in and sniffed the air, "Whoa it smells like sex in here!" He gave a deep booming laugh. "Holy crap Jay, who the fuck is that? Where the fuck is Ali baby?! Did you hurt her? Cause I swear to-"

"Emmett," I hissed. How the fuck do I explain this. "Alice is fine... trust me."

"Uh... hi Em," Ali Cat squeaked.

Emmett looked at us wide eyed, finally clueing in to what was going on. "Holy... uh..." His mouth opened and closed a few times like a fish on dry land. "Um. Imma wait out there," he hooked his thumb towards the door. "When you're uh... done... Jay... come out and talk to me...okay?" He left and shut the door behind him.

"I'll make this up to you," I whispered to Ali Cat, she nodded giving me a rather large pout.
Yep, best friend walking in on you ready to kick your ass, definite mood killer.

"Sorry," I kissed her quickly before getting off of her.

After making myself presentable, I went into the dorm hallway where Emmett stood waiting. "Don't give me that look," I warned him shaking my head.

"What look?" he asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

"That stupid ass look you get when you want to give me shit about something."

"I can't believe you were balls deep in Ali baby!" He kept his voice at an amused whisper.

"Fuck, I guess I can't call her Ali baby anymore huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why does that surprise you so much?" I hissed, keeping an eye out for any signs of Edward.

He shrugged, "I just never expected you to have enough balls to go for it."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah... uh... can you do me a favor and not tell anyone... including Rose or Edward?"

"Why?" he asked, looking confused.

"Because honestly... I don't want a repeat of what happened to Felix." Not saying that Edward is a violent person by nature. He would just do anything to protect his little sister, and lets face it, blood is thicker than water.

"I don't think he'd really hurt you dude, you're his boy...you know?" Emmett explained, still looking confused.

"Yeah, but Ali is his sister... I just don't want to hurt her and put her in a situation where she'd have to choose between us."

Emmett shrugged, "Okay I won't tell anyone, but I mean... you really think you two can keep it a secret forever?"

I shrugged. "We've managed to keep it under wraps this long. Then again, most people knock before walking through a closed door..." I teased punching him in the arm.

"Sorry, I thought at worst you two would be watching porn," Emmett snickered. "Apparently you've moved on from that."

I rolled my eyes at him. "What did you want anyway?"

"Rosalie wanted me to see if you two wanted to go out to dinner with us... but I can see you are otherwise..." he smirked, "occupied."

I shook my head and laughed. "I owe Ali Cat something... rain check?"

"For sure man," He gave a nod of his head. "Oh, and lock the door."

I laughed and nodded my head. "Will do," I said as I walked into the room. After I made sure to lock it, I turned to face Alice.

She was leaning against the headboard with the sheet tucked in around her. I walked to the foot of the bed, getting ready to continue our earlier activity when I noticed the smile on Ali Cat's face. I tilted my head to the side wondering what she was up to when she suddenly pulled the sheet down to flash me.

"How was your talk?" she asked, wiggling before she pulled the sheet back up.

I laughed and pulled the sheet away from her. "Might as well let me see all of you," I teased.

"And it was educational I suppose."

"Oh really? How so?" she asked, spreading her legs and smirking at me.

I crawled onto the bed, running my nose along her knee. She knew how distracted I got when it comes to her legs. "What was the question?" I asked, placing kisses along her inner thigh.

"How was it educational?" she asked, giggling.

"Apparently no one thought I had the balls to make a move on you," I smirked and nipped at her thigh.

"Mmmm, if only they knew," she giggled again, spreading her thighs a little wider.

I nodded, running my tongue along her skin. "Beautiful... tasty... thighs..." I looked up to see her biting her lip.


The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped me back to reality. Alice gasped and jumped back, bumping into a very angry looking Garrett.

Shit, how long were we kissing?

"Are you two done... dancing?" he asked in a firm tone.

"I'm sorry Rhett," Alice whispered.

"Yeah... sorry man. Got lost in the moment I guess." I tried to give him an apologetic smile but judging from the way his jaw muscles flexed, it didn't work.

"Let's go eat dinner now..." Garrett spoke to only Alice, throwing the occasional glare in my direction. Alice nodded and walked with him, not even looking back at me over her shoulder.

I walked behind them, ignoring the amused looks from my best friends. A part of me felt like a scolded puppy, while another part of me felt oddly smug.

I just shook my head at myself. Of course I was smug... Somewhere deep down Alice still loved me. After they passed him, Edward held up his fist to congratulate me. I smirked and pounded his fist with mine before attempting to look remorseful again.

Of course, I could be wrong. If she still loved me, why would she choose him?

Because you're leaving again...

I took my seat between Alice and Esme. Esme doing her best to hide her amused smirk with her napkin. Once Alice sat down, she ignored me for a bit. Which was fine truthfully. I've done so much to hurt her that the last thing I wanted to do was ruin her chance at happiness.

Rose started talking about some of the crazy things we had done as kids, easing the tension at the table. I was grateful when she started talking about the time we turned the Cullen's staircase into our own little theme park, that she left out the bit of information about Ali Cat riding down on the mattress with me. It was during the talk about riding our bikes into the river when I felt Alice slide her hand into mine, our fingers intertwining.

I smiled and squeezed her hand slightly, enough to let her know that I would be here. I don't know when the decision came to my head, but in that moment, there was a inkling of hope that maybe, just maybe I could fix things and we could get back to us.

Garrett stood and smiled politely at everyone sitting at the table. "We have an announcement to make," he said, grabbing Alice's hand and pulling her up to stand next to him just as she let go of my hand.

I quickly glanced at Edward to see he looked just as confused as I felt. Rose just shrugged. The fuck?

"What are you doin’?" Alice asked in a whisper, Garrett simply smiled in response.

"We're gettin' married!" he announced and Alice flashed her pearly whites at everyone... everyone, but me.

I felt as if a vice grip had captured my heart and squeezed as hard as it possibly could without killing me. She was getting married... to him... I'm too late...

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