
Chapter 28 Teaser

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chapter 18

Disclaimer: We are not nor have we ever claimed to be Stephenie Meyer or the owners of The Twilight Saga and its characters. We are merely two girls with an idea and words on a screen.



After the dinner party where Garrett announced our engagement he took me to a nice hotel to celebrate our engagement, and to presumably have sex. He kept trying, and being sweet about it, telling me how beautiful I was and how much he loved and desired me, but I couldn't do it, I couldn't get Jasper out of my head.

I think Garrett was getting annoyed with it all because even though he said he had the hotel room till Monday we checked out Sunday afternoon and he left on his business trip a day early. I was confused about everything, I couldn't bring myself to be intimate in that way with Garrett, but I’d let Jasper throw me against the wall and take me like a savage beast any day?

But Jasper was gone, he found out I was getting married, congratulated me and left.

I sighed heavily as I walked into my office. I was torn, I knew Garrett was upset and I was fairly sure he knew why I couldn't be intimate with him. I wanted to make him happy, but the other half of me wanted to say fuck him and jump on the first plane heading to Tennessee to get Jasper back.

But first I had to work on some displays, take some pictures and figure out which underwear would look best for the ad that was going to be printed.

About half-way through my work day a man in a uniform showed up, carrying a vase filled with bright pink tulips and purple orchids, and they were for me. I looked at him, then at the flowers oddly as I signed for them. Garrett only ever sent me roses, so I knew these couldn't possibly be from him.

I saw a small paper crane amongst the flowers attached to a note. I knew who it was from before I even opened the little card; Jasper.

A little something to make you smile. Call me when you get time. I have a surprise for you.
~Your Nerdy Boy
P.S. I would like the record to show that I am no longer a boy :P

I laughed as I read the part about him no longer being a boy, I had to agree, he was definitely a man. I looked at the phone number scrawled out in his handwriting. I had just a few more things to do and then I could call him.

About twenty minutes later – it's amazing how much work you can get done when properly motivated – I picked up my office phone and dialed his number, it rang a few times before he picked up.

"Whitlock?" he answered, followed by a quiet curse and the sounds of stuff clattering around him.

"Hey," I chirped. "I got the flowers."

"Hey yourself," I could hear the smile in his voice. "Good, I'm glad you liked them. Bella told me where you got her flowers and I thought the lady at the shop was gonna skin me alive when I asked her to make sure they got there... damn it I'm rambling." he laughed softly. "How are you?"

"I'm good, well, confused, but good. How are you? Does that mean you're still in town?"

"I may have had too much caffeine," he admitted sheepishly. "And yes. I'm still in town. I was actually gonna tell you the other night but well... yeah..." he trailed off.

"So... what is this surprise?" I asked. I could hear the impatience in my voice.

"I'm not leaving... Turns out Charlie needs some help, since there's a case that is over lapping jurisdictions and he wanted me to help out. So if you're not busy, I thought perhaps I could take ya to lunch sometime. You know as friends."

My heart began thudding in my chest, he was staying? Forever? He was asking me to lunch? Wait, as friends? "Are you staying forever?" I asked softly.

"As of right now, no." Even he seemed down by this fact. "I've got the okay from my Chief to stay as long as Charlie needs me."

"That's good," I smiled, unsure of what to say. "So... Garrett went on a business trip again, he's gonna be gone for the next eight days..." I didn't know why I was telling him this.

He laughed and I could hear something slam shut. "Is he skipping out on wedding planning?" he teased.

"Probably," I chuckled. "Are you busy? Is this a bad time?"

He laughed. "No not really. Just trying to get some DNA off something for the case. I'm just back-up ‘cause apparently Charlie doesn't trust them ‘big city kids’."

"Oh." I laughed, "Okay. So you wanna come over for dinner tonight?"

"Sure. Just tell me what time and what to bring and I'll be there."

The smile on my face grew even bigger, "Um, is six okay? And just bring yourself... maybe your camera?"

"My camera?" he asked. "Well now... what kind of dinner you planning there Ali Cat?" he teased again.

I felt myself grow red, "Um... Well I was thinking after dinner maybe you could take some pictures of me? So maybe I'll feel better about the way I look and maybe give them to Garrett?"

He was silent for a minute before clearing his throat. "Yeah, I could help you with that. So six?"

"Yep," I chirped. "See yah then."

"Bye Ali," he said before hanging up.


I was nervous by the time five forty-five rolled around. I had cleaned the house, repeatedly and now was making what used to be his favorite dish; shrimp and pasta Alfredo. I had the garlic bread warming in the oven and the salad fixed and ready to go, I just needed him here.

At exactly six, I heard a knock at the door. Geez, was he waiting right outside 'til the minute hand hit the twelve or what? I thought as I pulled open the door. Jasper looked nice in his jeans, button down blue shirt, chucks and glasses. I missed seeing him in his glasses.

"Come on in," I stepped back and gestured for him to cross the threshold.

He stepped through, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Something smells good..."

"I made Shrimp Alfredo for you," I said with a smile as I closed and locked the door.

"No way, I haven't had it since," he stopped talking and shook his head. "Thank you, but you didn't have to go out of your way Ali."

I tilted my head at him, how long had it been since he'd had it? "It wasn't a problem; I always have shrimp on hand."

"Good to know," he smiled as he set his camera bag down. My eyes focused briefly on the bag before I looked back up at him and smiled. If anyone could take beautiful pictures of me it would be Nerdy Boy.


After dinner and wine, we went into my office that was more like a walk-in-closet. Actually it was a second bedroom I converted so it could house all my shoes, accessories, plus the various samples I get from work, and of course, my computer.

I dressed in a sexy little number I had recently bought; it was crocheted black lace with pretty blue trim. The bottoms were more of a skirt that showed the very bottom of your butt-cheeks. The blue garters held up my black lace stockings and I put on a pair of sexy black pumps to finish off the look. After mussing my hair, I walked out of the connecting bathroom, feeling a little nervous.

What would Garrett think of me like this?

What would Jasper think?

I looked over at him and he was ogling me with a mixture of shock and pleasure all over his face. I knew I looked way different than when we were younger, I had filled out more, that was for sure. After giving him a nervous smile I walked over to my powder blue settee and casually sat down.

"So... how would you like me to pose?" I asked.

He licked his bottom lip as he thought it over. "Just relax like you would naturally."

I leaned over to the side and propped myself up on my elbow and bringing one foot up on the seat. "How's this?" I asked. It was as natural as I could get.

"Perfect," he said as he started to snap some pictures.

I leaned my head back, watching him as he took pictures of me. I was beginning to feel the effects of the wine. "Should I move?" I asked.

He pulled the camera down and looked at me. "Yeah... try leaning back..." He tilted his head as if picturing me in that position. I leaned back on the seat, my legs spreading a little. He continued taking the pictures and I could see him bite his lip as he concentrated.

"Hey Ali?" he asked from behind the camera.

"Yeah?" I responded. Adjusting my position so that I was kneeling.

"How erotic do you want these?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I dunno...why?"

He moved the camera down and shrugged. "Not sure. I was just thinking when you were laying back earlier... The way you had your legs spread slightly, if you were to place your hand on your stomach it would imply that you were thinking of the recipient." He gave me a small smile. "I sure as hell would want to see if you were taking care of things in the next picture..."

I lay back on the settee again, putting one hand on my lower abdomen and the other on my breast, just for good measure. "Like this?" I asked.

He nodded. "Perfect."

I bit my lip and watched him take a few more pictures, sliding the hand that was resting on my abdomen lower and lower. I don't know if it was the wine or the fact I found it hot that Nerdy Boy was once again taking pictures of me, but when my fingers found my clit I arched my back and moaned. Damn, I shoulda worn panties under this thing.

"Beautiful..." he said softly from behind the camera.

I gave him a lusty look before reaching up with my other hand and untying the top. I moved so that I was looking towards the back of the settee and pulled it off, tossing it at him before pushing my hips back slightly so he got a good look at the fact that the skirt didn't have anything under it.

"Tease," he responded huskily.

I slid my hand back down between my thighs and stroked my wetness. "I never tease."

"Uh huh..." he paused. ”And does that feel good Ali?"

"Yes," I didn't mean for it to come out as a purr.

"How good?" he asked.

"Really good," I moaned as I slipped a finger inside of myself.

I heard Jasper groan. "Baby... please..." he said in a pained whisper.

Please what? I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. "Do you want me Nerdy Boy?" My voice was so husky and wanton I barely recognized it.

"I do..." he responded, his voice heavy with desire.

I felt the smallest pang of guilt, only this once, I promised. "Fuck me Nerdy Boy..."
I heard the soft thud of the camera being set on the desk. "Lay back Ali," he instructed softly. I turned around and leaned back on the settee, resting one foot on the floor and the other on the cushion. He smirked at me as he made himself comfortable by my feet. "I want to taste you," he explained.

I bit my lip, "Then taste me."

He licked his lip as he grabbed my thighs, pulling me closer to him. His eyes held mine as his tongue darted out and slowly licked me. "Oh!" I moaned, dear lord that felt good! I clutched the sides of the settee for dear life. He continued lapping at me, making that spot in my stomach coil and my pussy throb, he was teasing me with his tongue and it was driving me crazy.

He thrust his tongue inside me, curling and twisting it as his thumb rubbed circles into my clit. Oh shit, my eyes rolled back as I arched up off the cushion. "Fuck..." I muttered. He switched his tongue and finger, pumping into me slowly as his tongue licked me quickly. I reached my hand down and tugged on his hair, forcing him to look up at me. "Do you want to fuck?"

He nodded in response. "Drop your pants," I ordered. His eyebrow quirked up and a smile started to spread across his face, but he did as he was told. I reached up and grabbed hold of him; he was hard, thick and ready to go. Very ready to go. He kneeled down between my legs and I positioned him, anxious to have him inside of me.

"Uh... baby?" he asked suddenly.

"Yeah?" Crap. It's never good when he interrupts right at this moment.


Fuck! "Um..." I chewed my lip. I was on birth control, but it would be good to have protection. "Oh! My desk drawer! It's probably expired, but better than nothing right?"

"Uh... I don't know..." he got up and went to the desk. "Which drawer Ali Cat?"

"The right side, top drawer, in a little blue box." I blushed, it was a small memento box that Jasper never knew I had.

He opened the drawer and rooted around for a moment before pulling out the box. He pulled the condom out and looked at the back. "Uh... yeah that's not happening," he flipped it back over and I saw his brow furrow together.

"What?" I asked, suddenly feeling very disappointed.

"Expired in oh-seven..." he responded still looking at the package. ”Where'd you get this?"

I sat up a little, "From you, remember?"


*~*~* April 19th, 2002 *~*~*

I watched as my brothers left with their respective prom dates; Emmett with Rosalie and Edward with Sara. I was happy that they were going to have fun, but I was also happy because Nerdy Boy was staying here, with me, rather than going to prom with Maria.

Maria, she had started to show interest in Jasper a couple of months ago, and honestly I was fairly sure Jasper noticed she was beautiful with nice tits and long shapely legs and a nice ass with a thin waist. Every time I thought about her I wanted to gag, I couldn't compete with that. I had small boobs, no ass and knobby knees. I mean... I could see why Jasper would like her, or at least like looking at her.

Maria asked him to prom and he, to everyone's shock and amazement, turned her down, insisting that he had other plans. His other plans seemed to involve me and movies and I was completely okay with this.

I set up the basement with pillows, blankets, popcorn, junk food and soda. The parents trusted us, or rather, trusted him, not to do anything and they left as well, going to some function or other at the hospital. I plopped myself down on the couch in the basement as he put the first movie in; Scream, it's a classic.

Once the movie was in the player and started up, he climbed onto the couch with me and put his head in my lap. Not gonna lie, I never have good or pure thoughts when he does this, especially after the concert we went to with the tickets I got for my birthday, but he seemed to like it when I ran my fingers through his hair.

After a few minutes of watching Sidney and the gang thwart a killer I finally spoke, "Are you sad you aren't going to prom N.B.?"

"Nope, I'd rather hang out with you," he turned so I could see the genuine smile on his face.

I could feel my ears get hot, "Really? Why?"

"Because you don't expect me to be this perfect guy. You don't judge and you actually listen when I’m talking to you." He shrugged and looked back at the screen. "Who needs all the over-priced bullshit of prom, when you can just stay at home with the person you care most about?"

My heart thudded loudly in my chest. "You care about me?"

"Of course I do Alice." He rolled over onto his back and looked up at me. "Why would you think I didn't?"

I looked away from him for a moment, "The stuff that happened last winter..." I said quietly.

"No... Even that couldn't make me stop caring about you Ali Cat."

"Would you have gone to prom if I wanted to go?"

"Yeah, of course," he smiled at me.

"Hey... Have you ever had sex before?" I asked, slightly curious.

He blushed and looked at the TV. "No," he said softly.

"Why not? I mean, I am fairly sure you could... with Maria or something." I tried my hardest to push away the jealousy I felt when I said that.

He shrugged. "I don't find her all that attractive. I mean, sure she's pretty until she opens her mouth to speak," he chuckled. "Why are you so interested in my sex life all of a sudden?"

I shrugged, my ears getting red all over again, "The stuff you whispered in my ear during the concert." I got all hot just from the memory.

He moved again to look at me. "What about it?"

"It was really...sexual." Not to mention hot.

"And it surprises you that I said it?" he asked.

"Yeah, actually it does... I mean..." I stopped myself from rambling.

He reached up and brushed his hand along my cheek. "Tell me what you're thinking Ali Cat."

"You said you dreamed of... doin' me." I chewed my lip, "It's just strange to hear from you, after everything that happened, you know?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean it's not true."

"So you're attracted to me, but we can't be together... just friends right?"

"Yeah... hold on..." he got up and reached into his back pocket, "I know you're not supposed to keep these in your pocket but..." he shrugged and handed me a condom, "I'll tell you what. That right there is a promise. If by the time your prom rolls around and you still want me and I still want you. That's our free pass. Lame I know," he laughed and gave me a small smile.

I bit back a grin, "You'd take my virginity?"

"If you haven't moved on to more appealing boys by then," he said as he sat back down, then laughed. "Who knows, at this rate, you might be taking mine," he teased, bumping me lightly with his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, "You have no idea how hot you are do you?"

He scoffed. "Yeah cause Sci-fi nerds are the next Johnny Depp."

I straddled him and removed his glasses, setting them carefully on the side table. "You have gorgeous hair," I made a point of dragging my nails across his scalp. He seemed to enjoy that. "Amazing eyes, a nice nose, a nicer smile, really kissable lips," I moved my hands down and up under his shirt, feeling the slight muscles he had under there. "And you are starting to get a pretty killer body."

He bit his lip and smiled. "Just keep stroking my ego there Ali," he teased with a wink.

"Is that what we're callin’ it?" I asked, wiggling in his lap.

He laughed and put his hands on my hips to get me to stop moving. "I suppose, yes."

"But I'm fairly sure you're gonna lose it before then... and probably forget all about lil' ol' me... so yeah." I gave him my best smile.

"Hey come on, it's my prom night. We're supposed to be having fun."

"What do you wanna do then?"

He shrugged. "Not talk about things that make you sad."

"It doesn't make me sad," I lied.

He sighed. "You mouth and lips might say you're not, but I can see it in your eyes Ali. I don't need my glasses to see when the spark you usually have isn't there." I leaned forward and kissed him gently, just a peck wouldn't hurt. Right?

"What was that for?" he asked with a smile.

"Cause of how much you pay attention," I swallowed hard. "Whoever winds up with you is a lucky lady."

He cupped my cheek in his hand. "Nah, whoever gets you is lucky," he said with a smile before pressing his lips to mine.

I pulled away and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I really hope it's you."

He smiled and pulled me closer, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "I hope so too," he whispered. I felt my heart flutter in my chest as I clutched the condom in my hand.


I smiled as he realized what I was talking about. "Do you remember now?" I asked.

"You kept this?" he asked with an amused expression on his face.

"It was your promise to me," I said with a laugh, shaking my head at my own stupidity.

He nodded. "It was, too bad you didn't have this with you the day we..." he rubbed the back of his neck and gave me his old shy smile.

"The day we... what?" I asked, not hiding my confusion.

"In the dorm... scientific research?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Oh!" I giggled. "Well, we had a condom, it was okay."

"True... it makes me wonder what else you've kept without me knowing," he teased with a mischievous smile. My eyes went wide, I had no idea what was in that box anymore. He sat down in my office chair and smirked. "Let's see..." he said, slowly opening the lid to the blue box.

He looked in and started chuckling. "Why is there a broken pair of glasses in here?"

"Those are the ones I accidentally stepped on that one time," I blushed.

He smiled and shook his head. He picked up the piece of heart shaped seaglass and held it up for me to see. "You had your own box of memories, huh?"

I smiled a little and nodded, "Yeah... I started it before we did stuff, you know?"

He nodded. "Oh Jesus..." He held up the lock of hair. "Please tell me this is not from that hair cut," he laughed.

I snickered, remembering how my mom had to give him a crew cut after that. "Yeah... it is."

He shook his head. "I still think you did that intentionally."

I pouted at him, "Why would I do it intentionally huh?"

"'Cause you were jealous of my beautiful wavy locks," he teased, even pretending to push his hair off his shoulders. I laughed and shook my head. "You seemed to enjoy touching it as it grew back," he said as he put the things back in the box.

"How about you just put the box back?" I asked, giving him a pout.

He lifted his eyebrow at me. "Or you'll do what there, Ms. Cullen?"

"Finger myself... and not let you help me out." Okay, that was actually a pretty lame punishment, but it used to work back in the day.

"Tease," he shot back, closing the lid of the box.

"I think I have some condoms in my nightstand... wanna go to my bedroom?" I asked, feeling rather stupid.

He looked over at me as he decided something. "Come here."

I walked over to him, "Yes, sir?" I smirked a little.

He pulled my hand making me sit in his lap. "I wanna tell you something... in case things go in the direction they were headed."

I smiled a little at him, "Yes?"

"I'm here for you. In whatever capacity you need me. I just don't want to hurt you anymore," he said looking into my eyes.

I could see it, the way he felt, and I felt guilty because I knew the Garrett thing was hurting him, but I didn't quite trust Jasper not to run away again, not to freak out about his feelings. I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. "Thank you," I whispered.

I felt him press his lips into my hair. "Always Ali Cat," he murmured.

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